The Big News!

Sorry to seem absent lately, but I’ve been a bit pre-occupied lately due to this –

First in Novel Series coming soon!

I’ve written for years and years. You know how it is – a little bit of this and whole lot of that. I really enjoy writing the humor non-fiction stories here on the blog because they are about my favorite things in life – Smuffy, Lil’ Snookie, Phoebe June and the family stories that shouldn’t be forgotten. And you know I love sharing what I’ve learned about healthy eating and lifestyle with you.

I don’t know if you’ve ever sat down to write a novel. It’s a whole different critter than any of the above and it’s not kid-stuff. It begins as a joy at having a story that you think people will love to read and then it is work, work, work to get it to the place where it can be read.

Several years ago a I had a dream. I don’t say that figuratively. I had a dream one night and when I woke I realized that the entire story was still there in my memory like a downloaded file. I grabbed a spiral book and wrote down every detail.

Little did I know it would be a three-novel series! Little did I know how much historical research, editing, and time it would take to complete. What I found that I knew the least about was the publishing world! Filled with agents, editors, publishers, conferences and my pleas for guidance from more experienced authors, it frustrated me at times to a degree that made me want to pick things up off my desk and throw them against the wall. However, wisdom prevailed. My desk is already messy enough and I didn’t need to make it any worse.

I had confidence in these stories. So, evidently, does the publisher! The first in the series is on the way and I’ll keep you posted here on the blog so that you’ll have plenty of hints along the way and be amongst the first to know the minute it’s available. I have a feeling you’re going to enjoy it!

I believe everyone has a story to tell. If you were going to write a book, would it be fiction or non-fiction? What would it be about? Would it be a mystery, a love story, a true story? Leave a comment and let me know.

15 thoughts on “The Big News!

  1. Barb I am so very excited for you & very proud of you. May the LORD continue to bless you and your writing.

  2. Congratulations! Good things come to those who wait. It was just a matter of time. I’m so happy for you. You are very talented and I’m sure the books will be wonderful.

    1. Yes, He did make me wait and now we wait a little longer, but I think you’ll think the books were worth the wait.

  3. Congratulations! So excited for you!
    I have worked off and on at a children’s book based on a story I made up for my son when he was young. I recently also had a dream, and as I was telling my daughter about it, she said, “That sounds like a children’s book, Mom.” We’ll see if I get anything done with them.

    1. Start writing from your dream, Denise! I promised myself that since I believed the dream to be a download that I wouldn’t take away or change anything in it. That made writing the story a real challenge, but I started each writing session with a prayer that He and I would do it together.

  4. I write in my head all the time. Years ago I had a thought that I would like to write a devotional, another time a humorous little book about my experiences with mice, another time a little book about a baby rabbit who played hide and seek in my house for 2 weeks! I also would like to do a cook book-nothing fancy, just fun because I love to cook. Well, that’s enough about me for a while! LOL I am excited to get my hands on your books. And I am so exited for you!

    1. Hey, Jan, we all have a story to tell! You may as well start getting it written today!

    1. You’ve been the wind beneath my wings. Love you and appreciate you, Diane!

  5. Yay! You’ve been working toward this for quite some time now.
    Re: If you were going to write a book, would it be fiction or non-fiction? What would it be about?
    Even though I’m not writing with a directed goal to be published there is a story.
    It was inspired way back in 8th or 9th grade while reading in the school library; turned out they had a book of Star Trek short stories and in one Kirk and Enterprise came across an unknown alien ship, comment was made “the ship was beautiful” … hmm … if I were to design a ‘beautiful’ starship out of my own being, what would it look like? A couple weeks later there was a style of ship settled on.
    Okay, there is now a ship, it needs people, the people need a story … hmm … if I were to write a story that told me what I want to know, what would it look like?
    So began a cycle of work on it for a few months, put it away for five years; build some models of things in it, draw some pictures, pull it out to write again …
    Story has turned out to be how a people cope with a great tragedy.
    Can’t say I was expecting the story to become that, but that is where it has went; who are these people and what is their experience?

    1. Don’t forget, Scott, that Margaret Mitchell had “Gone With the Wind” under her bed all loose leaf in a cardboard box…until the day…

      1. Hmm … While the manuscript is not under my bed it is on loose leaf paper, some old enough to have yellowed a decade ago. And although it is not a cardboard box, there is a plastic sweater container under my bed which has drawings, notes, references, and other associated material for my story. Several years ago started copying it on the computer in non-yellowing electrons. Discovered I really like writing on the computer; and, as a practical matter, increasing health troubles with my hands have made it necessary to not write freehand any more.

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