Wrap the Year in Gratitude

Be Grateful www.midweststoryteller.com

I’m always seeking out ways to thrive, not just survive. I have to confess that it’s been a weird struggle lately. Just weird. Life this year has felt much like it might be to find yourself gripped to a pendulum that swings first one way and then the other.

This year seems to have had a few themes and some of them weren’t much fun. We called it the year of the breakdown. Things just kept quitting on us. At one point we had both our daily drivers, the work van and the classic Buick Super all undriveable and once. Then, we dealt with clogged sewer lines and a toilet that actually broke. I wish now that I’d kept track of all the small appliances, gadgets and the like that I had to drop into the trash can. The clothes dryer tried it’s best to leave us, but Smuffy got it fixed. This only angered the washer, which threw an apoplectic fit and never recovered. Smuffy needed a few repairs also. That wasn’t fun, but he’s recovered just fine.

But what did it all matter? We got our second grandbaby! Fruity Pebbles is a joyful handful. Lil’ Snookie has been a joy and he’s now just turned five years old. Things are going well with “Morgan’s Landing”, my novel series, and Book 1 is due to come out in early 2025. To top it all off, award-winning Hollywood screenwriter, Alan Roth, offered to write a screenplay for a series based on “Morgan’s Landing”! It’s now finished and on the market. Seven well-known producers are taking a look at it and as of right now, five have asked to review the entire book as well. The pendulum does swing, doesn’t it?

This also seemed to be the year of the funeral. We saw close friends lose parents. We lost cousins. We lost multiple folks that we’d shared community and church life with. Some of them seemed to mark the end of an era. You know what I mean – those rock solid old folks whom, despite their years, you half expected them to live forever. Smuffy lost one of his brothers who had suffered a lingering illness and we experienced the pain of losing our 27-year-old niece following an auto accident. We just hung on while the pendulum swung.

Yet, we laughed, we celebrated birthdays and holidays and gave thanks for every treasured face that remained. We prayed. We worked. We did all the mundane things that take up so much of life.

As I felt the pendulum swinging, I would pause at times and tell God how grateful I felt for everything I had been given – been allowed to keep – been blessed with unexpectedly. Still, I struggled. I felt my stress level rising. I felt there weren’t enough hours in the day and not enough of me to to around. I had multiple melt-downs and some of them weren’t pretty.

I do my best each week to listen or watch The Poddy (the podcast featuring Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison of Trim Healthy Mama). It has solid, balanced health information, but topics can vary. Last week, as I listened, they discussed how practicing gratitude can boost your physical and mental health. One particular thing Pearl shared was that, while listening to another podcast, she’d been stuck by the lady’s testimony that though she’d often stopped and made note of things she was grateful for, she felt the Lord asking her when she was going to start to walk in gratitude. There is a difference! I encourage you to watch this podcast. (You’ll have a few minutes of info on their new book and banter at the beginning amongst the two sisters and their announcer, Danny, before they get to the meat of the thing.)

I had been feeling for a week or so that God was giving me peace and lightening my stress load even though I still had just as much on my to-do list as ever. As I watched this Poddy, however, I really stepped into a new place of calm. Rather than nudging myself from time to time to stop and thank God for what I do have or reprimand myself with a “look at your life – you don’t have anything to complain about” or an “it could be a whole lot worse”, I felt a whole new sense of connecting with the Giver and walking through life as though I’m weaving my way through and around all the gifts – simply wading in them.

I suppose this includes this mess on my desk and this book edit I need to finalize. Yes!

If this year has been “one of those years”, I encourage you to round it out with gratitude before starting the new one. I saw a great idea on social media. Take a big jar and keep a stack of little notes nearby. Each day or each week, every family member makes a note with the date and writes down the most fabulous thing that happened that day or week. At the end of next year, dump them all out on the table and have a Gratitude Fest while you read them all. Is there a better way to party on New Year’s Eve?

I’m grateful for you, Dear Readers!

Elaine’s Story

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

Here’s another story from one of the members of my weekly group coaching sessions. It’s so gratifying to see them learn about health, put their knowledge into practice and experience not only victories on the scale with weight loss, but NSV’s (non-scale victories) as well. This can end up being much more exciting than mere numbers. How you fuel your body affects all aspects of your life. How would you feel if you received a disheartening diagnosis from your doctor and then saw a total reversal in that condition after putting one foot in front of the other as you treat your body the way it was intended to be treated? Elaine didn’t have a whole lot to lose on the scale, but she lost it! She did have much to gain with getting her metabolism operating the way it should and she gained that!

Feel free to contact me about private coaching or if you are local, join us in person. We meet weekly.

Elaine's Story of Metabolic Syndrome

Please be sure to share this post on Facebook, X, Instagram or wherever you connect with people on social media. You may get to be the one who connects your friend or loved one to the answers they’ve been waiting for.

Shirley’s Story

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

I’ve been so exited lately to see the members of my weekly group coaching sessions experience not only victories on the scale with weight loss, but NSV’s as well (non-scale victories), which can mean much more than mere numbers. How you fuel your body affects all aspects of your life. How would you feel if your pain levels were greatly reduced without the help of drugs, but rather by your own wise choices. Check out Shirley’s non-scale victories and you might be wanting to contact me about private coaching or if you are local, join us in person. We meet weekly.

Shirley's Story www.midweststoryteller.com

I’ll be sharing more stories like Shirley’s soon. If you need support or know someone who does, please reach out in the comments or by emailing me. Share this post on your social media as well. You never know – you might be giving someone the help they’ve been waiting for.

Oh, The Wonders of this Cake!

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

I had some excitement today and I couldn’t wait to share it with you!

For the back story, I had a birthday several days ago and Pookie asked me what kind of cake or other dessert I’d like to have, but stipulated that since the restaurant they were taking me to for my birthday dinner wouldn’t allow us to bring in our own dessert, we would have to have a separate little birthday celebration just for that.  Well, I’m all for celebrating twice so that was fine with me. Then, as is the way with things, stuff happened and then more stuff happened and Birthday 2.0 seemed to get bumped and bumped and bumped some more and I finally received my delicious treat today.

THM Cake of Wonders www.midweststoryteller.com

What did I request, you ask?  As you may know, I don’t eat the SAD (standard American diet) stuff.  I know, I know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I ate something hideously bad for me on my birthday, but I’ve learned that it’s not worth it.  It makes me feel rotten (now that I know what it’s like to feel good all the time) and then there are additional portions of it in the house for days.  After flipping through various Trim Healthy recipes, I suddenly remembered exactly what I wanted and told Pookie to make me the Cake of Wonders.

This recipe, from page 37 of the Trim Healthy Indulgence cookbook seemed to be the talk of social media, the podcast and all over the Trim Healthy community ever since the cookbook came out but I just hadn’t gotten around to making it.

I’m giving it an absolute 5-Star review.  Even though Pookie didn’t give it a topping of chocolate drizzle and an arrangement of fresh berries on top as shown in the photo in the cookbook, I don’t see how the taste and texture could be any better.  Esther Allison hit the ball out of the park with this recipe. This is fit to serve at any wedding.  It is that good!

Yes, I am a Trim Healthy Certified Coach, but no, I am not a retailer of their products.  When I recommend this cookbook and this recipe, I am not gaining anything from it but your smiles and happy tummies. 

Also, the pie crust recipe in that book is out of this world.  I think I’m going to bake one sometime and just eat it by itself!  That’s how good it smells while it’s baking. Right now, Esther’s Peanut Butter Cup Cake is featured as a free recipe on the website, so be sure to print that out.

If you do need support in your journey to better health and weight loss, blood sugar control, hormonal balance, etc., head to the Contact page or my Food Freedom pages on Facebook and Mewe and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person as well as details on private coaching in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and certainly to lose weight safely and sustainably if you need to do that.  I know that many people want to steer away from the standard American diet because they know it’s taking a toll on their health, but they just don’t know how to be happy doing it.  That’s what I teach. 

If you’ve tried Esther’s Cake of Wonders, leave a comment and let me know how you liked it.  I’m curious – what is your favorite dessert that you’d miss most if you decided to adopt a healthy eating lifestyle?

And (sigh), as is the way of things, I didn’t get to share my cake with Lil’ Snookie today. More stuff happened. But you know what that means? It means I’ll freeze slabs of it between slips of waxed paper and then we’ll have Birthday 3.0 in a few days. I know how to manage this birthday thing.

The Underused Four-Letter Word

And so it goes on – winter.  The cold and snow can keep you homebound. Gray skies, when they don’t get the memo that enough is enough, can make you gloomy.  Christmas is over and sparkly decorations are put away.  Every other week it seems some new strain of crud is going around and doing its best to cancel events or make you wish they were canceled.

Then, those post-holiday bills arrive to remind us once again that next year the spending limit ought to be reduced.  Boosted by this bit of cheer, you hop online and print out your tax forms. Since you haven’t filled them out yet, you try to bask in a little ray of sunshine with the optimistic thought that perhaps, this time, Uncle Sam may have caught on to the idea that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Around here, Smuffy has always been the one to see the glass as half empty while I typically view it as half-full.  I have to admit, though, that gray days spent with tax forms can take their toll on me.  Sometimes, you just need a reminder or a little jolt to alter your outlook.  I got one last week.

As is my habit, I watched the Trim Healthy Podcast (affectionately referred to by us THMers as “The Poddy”) on YouTube.  Sometimes it’s full of rock-solid science to boost your health and well-being.  Sometimes, it’s full of rabbit trails that provide the silliness that you may be lacking in your life and sometimes it provides a level of encouragement that will rock your world.

This one, Change Everything In Your Life With A Four Letter Word! [Podcast] Ep. 365 , was just what I needed and I think you’ll benefit by watching it as well!

I love it when there’s science behind encouraging things!  Near the beginning of the podcast, Serene shared that studies have shown that in order to create a synapse in the brain where you know a thing – really know it and you’re not going to forget it – it takes 400 repetitions of the information.  However, if you are laughing and playing while learning it, the process only requires 12 repetitions!  P-L-A-Y is the four-letter word that can change everything.  They went on to share many ways their mom incorporated play and ways they feel like they’ve lost their sense of play and want to get it back again.

Just think of it – how many times did you labor over those multiplication tables until they finally got in your head, but then heard some silly TV theme song around that same age only a handful of times, yet you can still sing it word-for-word today?  Are you maybe just a bit too grown up for your own good?

Why do you consider cleaning house or preparing meals for your family some type of drudgery when, as a child, you had hours and hours of fun with a toy cooking set and thought it was great when you got your own little broom and dustpan for Christmas or birthday.  I think of our Lil’ Snookie and his love affair with all things lawn care.  His excitement over toy mowers, leaf blowers and weed eaters knows no bounds and his mommy and daddy will be delighted if this attitude continues for many more years!

Smuffy and I discussed the podcast and agreed that we needed to tackle all the everyday stuff with an attitude of fun and play.  It takes a little effort at times.  He’s been having his share of issues lately that all seem to revolve around vehicles needing repair and I am in the middle of edits on the first novel in my upcoming series.  We’re trying to remind each other that we’re having fun.

Some days you succeed.  Some days you don’t.  After a mad search through a cupboard the other day that resulted in what sounded like three quarters of the contents landing on the floor, he finally found what he’d been looking for, but looked a bit out of sorts when he came into the room where I sat.  I tried to remind him that not only did he find it, but he had fun looking for it.  He promptly informed me that he did not have fun looking for it.  But we did laugh. 

Famous industrial engineer and efficiency expert, Frank Bunker Gilbreath, always thought of innovative ways to help his twelve children learn.  The family always rented the same big, old lighthouse for summer vacations and no one really cared whether it was kept pristine.  He would write all over the walls in Morse code and tell his children to figure out what the messages said.  He would likely have been a frustrated teacher if he had not written such things as, “The candy bar is in the top left desk drawer.”  In no time at all his children were challenging themselves to learn the code because they never knew what fun or prize might be in store.

Cooking, Lizard Holes and Watering Cans www.midweststoryteller.com

Lil’ Snookie’s presence is a great reminder for us to P-L-A-Y!  You can see in the top photo that he’s excited about putting on the apron over his jammies and fixing food for everybody!  Give him a watering can and he’ll do his best, even if in reality he’s about a thousand cans short.  The middle photo was more of a safari (apologies for quality as I snapped it through the porch screen).  He asked if he could go out in the yard because he wanted to find a big stick and look for a lizard hole, after which he would insert the stick and then bend down over the hole and shout, “Hallooooo!”  Someday, he may consider that to be frustrating or fruitless, especially if the lizard doesn’t answer, but right now, it’s P-L-A-Y!

I’ve learned to approach cooking healthy meals for my family with a sense of learning, adventure and play.  It has made all the difference!  Now, I just need to find out how to play with these tax forms.

If it’s snowy, make snow angels or at least watch someone else doing it.  Put out some cute decorations for winter or Valentine’s Day, or start making homemade Valentines now.  If the day is gloomy, try new soup recipes, play games with the kiddos or watch a funny movie.  Call a friend who’s recovering from the crud and spread some cheer.  Challenge yourself to cranking out those tax forms with some fun reward when it’s all over.

Struggling? Catch that podcast! Change Everything In Your Life With A Four Letter Word! [Podcast] Ep. 365

How do you find fun and play in the ordinary or the necessary?  Leave a comment and share.  It might bless someone’s day.  Go ahead – make us laugh.

Laughter plays a huge part in this, so don’t forget to visit my “Life With Smuffy” page and my “Laugh!” page.  They’re full of adventure and fun.

Introducing…Lime Sillies!

I probably should have passed this one on to you at the beginning of summer so you could enjoy it in the summer months, but since we enjoy it year-round I decided to go ahead and share it now that it has a name.

Lime Sillies www.midweststoryteller.com

I’m quite a lot like Anne of Green Gables when it comes to names. I like a little romance or beauty in a name rather than something ordinary. I, like Anne, would never have called it Barry’s Pond when I could’ve re-named it The Lake of Shining Waters and what is a better name for a blooming orchard than The White Way of Delight? It’s like she’s in my head.

I gave up soda a long time ago – decades in fact. After a while, I actually grew to detest the stuff and the way it made me feel.  However, I do somehow miss the bubbles and had to content myself with the occasional bottle of sparkling water because I’m way too frugal to drink it all the time.

Then I did some bartering one day with a friend who was doing a rummage sale with me.  I traded her some tea tree oil I’d over-bought for a Soda-Stream.  We had lots of fun with successes and fails as we tried various additives and blends to flavor the sparkling water we could now just fizz up in our own machine. (There is a cartridge that you trade in when it’s empty so after your initial purchase you pay only half price when you make the swap.)

We found it to be economical.  We started our first cartridge around July 4th and didn’t run out of bubbles till the middle of September!

Flavorings seemed to be the sticking point.  Smuffy is super picky on taste.  I am super picky on healthy add-ins.  Some of the ones you buy turn your carbonated water right back into soda! 

After a while, I just threw something together one day as a “lime thing” and ended up loving it.  Then I started serving it to guests and they liked it, which is good because when they come to my house I don’t stock “junk” drinks.

I knew this was ready to pass on to you when Lil’ Snookie gave it a name.  All on his own, when he was still two years old, he began to say that anything with carbonation in it had “sillies” and would ask Pookie, his mama, if he could have sillies in his drink.

Now he’s grown to love my invention and almost every day asks me if he can have “Lime Sillies”.

And there you have it!  It needed the perfect name and now it’s ready to share.  No free printable necessary for this recipe because this is all you do –

Lime Sillies

1.  Pour 1” to 1 ½” inches of Real-Lime or fresh lime juice into the bottom of your glass.  (Everyone has a different preference as to how much lime they prefer.)

2.  Add a tiny pinch of mineral salt (not the table salt gunk).

3.  Add 1 doonk of THM Pure Stevia or any on-plan natural sweetener.

4.  Add a couple of drops of pure vanilla extract.

Swirl the glass well or stir the mixture with a spoon before filling the glass with cold, carbonated water.  Add ice if you wish.

NOTE:  You cannot add the ingredients to the water.  You have to add the water to the other ingredients.  For some mysterious reason, dropping the sweetener into the carbonation makes the contents of the glass explode all over the counter.  Ask me how I know.

Also, with a SodaStream, you must carbonate only plain water.  Adding any ingredients to the water prior to pumping in the carbonation will result in more exploding things.  Ask me how I know.

There you have it – Lil’ Snookie’s Lime Sillies!  Fix a glass and head for the porch on these beautiful autumn days.

If you’d really like to see me explode things, check out “Don’t Blame the Cat – The Spaghetti Squash Did It”.  I can’t let Smuffy have all the fun, you know, and you can get a taste of what it’s like to live my Life With Smuffy here also.

I fully disclose that I am a THM Certified Lifestyle Coach and at times receive financial compensation as such.

If you need support in your journey to better health and weight loss, head to the Contact page or my Food Freedom pages on Facebook and Mewe and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and certainly to lose weight safely and sustainably if you need to do that. 

Leave a comment after you sip your Lime Sillies and let me know how you like it.  Do you have a carbonation machine of any kind? What are your favorite flavors to add that keep it healthy and make it tasty?

You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important! You is a Thriver!

Now, didn’t that “Help”? Let’s push on with better grammar…

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

I first shared these thoughts a few years ago, but I’ve decided it’s time to revisit this bit of common sense and encouragement.

I first thought to name this page of my blog “Stayin’ Alive!” Love those Bee Gees! Besides, if one doesn’t accomplish at least this much in regards to one’s health, all other attempts are pretty much useless, if you get my drift.

I soon ditched that idea. There’s more to life than stayin’ alive! What’s the point of being here if your quality of life stinks? I decided on “Thrive!”

I got serious about my health during pregnancy. Up until that point, I’d stuck strictly to the See Food Diet. If I saw it, I ate it. Tall and slim, it never seemed to affect me. My dad once told me, as he watched me eat, that someday I’d stop growing up and start growing out and then be sorry about my appetite! I ate three square meals a day – big ones! No one had better leave a box of doughnuts anywhere near me.

But now, I knew that whatever I fed myself, I also fed the baby. Yikes! I spent a lot of time at the library. The baby came (all eight pounds and three ounces of her) along with an epiphany. I needed to keep her healthy till adulthood. And, (DUH!) why feed my child one way and myself another? The adult population seemed to be made up of a bunch of sick people, anyway.

I recently read of an umbilical cord study which showed that a couple of hundred toxins were detected in the cords and the samples were not taken from moms who were addicted to drugs or alcohol or had experienced anything most people would consider hazardous.  They were only moms who used foods, shampoos and body products that most in our society walk into stores and buy without batting an eyelash.

Take a look at this photo. Note your first impression.

Lemonade In Gas Tank www.midweststoryteller.com

That’s the image that came to me. We can’t run on bad fuel! Yet, we live in a country where no one seems to grasp the concept.  Or, if they do, they don’t care!

Can you imagine? Your friend Gwendolyn tells you that she hates the smell of gasoline, dislikes waiting in line at the service station and once even dribbled gasoline into her brand new shoes. She’s switching. From now on, she’ll run her car on lemonade. She likes lemonade. Tastes better, smells better and isn’t quite so icky between the toes.

You stifle a snort of laughter and get down to business. Somebody’s gotta talk Gwennie out of this madness. Doesn’t she know she’ll ruin a valuable machine with a crazy notion like that?

Gwendolyn won’t listen. Her plan is good for her, she insists. She leaves. You call several friends. After howling with laughter over Gwendolyn’s stupidity, some compassionate soul in the group says, “Listen! Don’t you think we ought to call her mother or somebody? I mean, somebody’s gotta stop her!”

I gave myself a “talkin’ to”. It went something like this: “You are kind to yourself. You are smart enough to learn. You are important to your family and you need to be the best you can be.”

Poor Smuffy went kicking and screaming all the way, suffering through strange herbs drying on the kitchen counter, whole wheat everything and tinctures galore. He told me once that the thing that kept him healthy was positive confession. Each time he’d cough or sniffle, I’d come running with some form of what he termed “stump water” and he’d call out, “I’m okay. I’m OKAY!”

Despite my efforts, I got that call from the doctor nobody wants – a cancer diagnosis. I’d studied various aspects of health, but hadn’t paid much attention to what may open the doors to cancer. I had no family history and besides, I ate good stuff! With my terrific appetite, I ate the good stuff and had room left over for some of the bad stuff.

People told me I was too young for cancer. I asked myself, “How old is old enough?” The answer, I concluded, was NEVER! After surgery, I endured chemo and radiation as “insurance”, more or less, according to the doctors. I’m sure there will be a future blog post on that nasty little interlude.

People like me are called “survivors”. I rejected that term from the beginning. It left me with an image of someone emerging from a jungle – burned, bitten, half-naked and hunted – running for a lifeboat that may or may not spring a leak. By the grace of God, I’m a WINNER! I am kind to myself. I am smart enough to learn. I am important to God and my family! I’m going to thrive

I’ve learned much over the years, and it has turned my health around.  In blog posts here on my Food Freedom page, you’ll be receiving a lot of great health information to chew on so that you can make your own decisions and take charge of your health.  I am not your doctor and don’t pretend to be, but only hope to share helpful information.  You’re smart enough to do your own research.  You may see a few posts with some foods that contain ingredients that I’ve eliminated from my diet as I’ve grown wiser and learned what the real “frankenfoods” are.  I’ll be editing those to help you out as much as I can.

So…about your reaction to the photo. Did you want to scream, “Stop, you idiot!”? Yet, we, almost never stop friends when it comes to food. Cars can be replaced. You only get one body. Why treat the finest, most intricately-designed, valuable piece of machinery ever invented – the human body – as though it were disposable?

Since the purpose of Midwest Storyteller is to take you to a better place, I want to share what I did as a first step. I gave up soda. Why pollute my body with a non-food item? A sugary soda has as many calories as a full meal. (Sorry, but I’d rather have food.) Artificially sweetened, it’s dangerous stuff, and I want to thrive! It’s been decades since I’ve had a soda. I don’t miss it. I do enjoy, however, Stayin’ Alive!

Americans have a big problem. Take a look at this aisle in my local grocery store.

Soda Aisle www.midweststoryteller.com

That’s an entire aisle! All soda! They don’t devote this much space to bread, meat, cheese, etc.  Yes, America has a problem, but you don’t have to.  We can’t fuel up on junk because we feel like it or because, like Mount Everest, it’s there.  We are as capable of making the right choices with our bodies as we are with our cars.

Okay, enough tough love. I believe in you. You are kind to yourself. You are smart enough to listen to the “real you”. You are important to God and your family.

You are also strong! Here’s the challenge: Choose one thing – just one – and take that step. Stick with it for thirty days. Whether it is to give up soda, lay off the sugar, exercise for 20-30 minutes three times a week or get more sleep, you can do it!  (That last one is a personal struggle of mine if you came here for true confessions.)

Since I first shared this idea with you, I’ve been introduced to the common sense, sustainable world of Trim Healthy Mama.  After a couple of years reveling in not having to exclude any food groups (except for “frankenfood”), enjoying hearty fat-based meals, satisfying my muscles and hormones with carb-based meals and learning how to make yummy desserts while kicking sugar to the curb, I became a Certified Lifestyle Coach.  Ooh, did I mention that I lost that last annoying ten pounds I thought I’d never lose without constantly listening to my tummy growl?  The Trim Healthy lifestyle is something you can definitely do all on your own and I’d recommend that you start with the book, The Trim Healthy Mama Plan and begin your journey.  It’s written so anyone can understand the science of “why” and without that, we all lose motivation.

If you do decide you’re better off not going it alone, contact me.  I’m happy to coach you privately in person or by phone and if you’re within driving distance at our local weekly group sessions.

Comment, letting me know you’ve chosen one way to live a better life. Or, share something you’ve already done that might encourage others. In thirty days, comment again, letting me know that you’re not only Stayin’ Alive, but determined to Thrive!

SUBSCRIBE, because it won’t be long before I throw myself a little online party, celebrating the twenty-four years that stretch between me and that cancer diagnosis.

Goji Berries – Good for Eye Health?

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

There are studies out there for everything.  I believe it was Mark Twain who said there are three kinds of lies – lies, d*#n lies and statistics.  Sorry about that – he said it – not me and that’s as close to coarse as I’m gonna get.

I hear people all the time say that they don’t go by anecdotal evidence.  They claim, in a superior sort of way, that they only abide by clinical studies.  To that, I say, “Poppycock, balderdash, fiddle-faddle!”  And I might be so bold as to add, “Piffle!”

Suppose you went to a specialist and described your health concern.  After extensive tests, he diagnoses you with spotsarashitchitosis.  He hands you a prescription for toximoxadislow and gives a full explanation of this drug as the latest, greatest and safest and cites multiple studies in which the victims of your condition are transformed from depressed and mere shells of their former selves into lively specimens who dance in the streets while strewing roses from their hats.

Elated, you head home, planning to make the pharmacy the last on your list of errands.  At the gas station, you meet your friend, Flow, and tell her about your doctor’s visit.  With alarm in her eyes, Flow tells you that she took the same drug and had a reaction that nearly killed her.  You listen, but pass this off as a rare case.  And besides, Flow gets worked up about things.

Next, you run into Cousin Rudy at the grocery store and again you share your experience.  “Dunno,” says Rudy, rubbing his chin, “Larry took that stuff and tells me things haven’t been the same between him and the missus ever since.”  You give him a “Wow!” accompanied by raised eyebrows and head for the bank.

Inside the bank, you find Mary Ann and do some catching up while you wait in line.  As soon as you mention the drug, she clutches your forearm and says, “Oh my, before you take that stuff, call Peggy.  Of course, you’ll have to wait till she gets out of the hospital first.”

Guess what?  By the time you’ve driven home, you’ve just thrown all clinical studies out the window along with the prescription because of the anecdotal experiences of people you know whom you don’t consider to be nut jobs.

All that to say, I love a good study!  I do research all the time and sometimes base health decisions on that research.  I’ve had some health issues that demanded that I take charge and learn a lot.

Goji Berries & Eyes www.midweststoryteller.com

I also listen to the Trim Healthy Podcast, which is full of valuable rock-solid science and personal stories.  Sometime last fall, Pearl Barrett shared her own story about her eyes on “The Poddy”.  She said that she’d been needing reading glasses for a while and now had reached the point where she felt like she needed to increase their strength.  After some research on goji berries and their benefits to eye health she decided to include two tablespoons of them into her diet every day, most often in her morning oatmeal.  In two months time, she had begun to notice that there were times when she didn’t need her readers.  Before this, the only times she could go without them were if she happened to be out on her porch which is flooded with natural light.  Now she found herself going without readers in other situations as well!

Goji berries seemed like a simple thing to try.  I looked at my calendar and realized that I had just a little over two months till my next checkup with the optometrist, so I bought a bag of dried goji berries and got started with my two tablespoons a day just to see what might happen. 

Well, what happened was life and my appointment ended up getting postponed so that I’d been consuming goji berries daily for around three and one half months before I got checked.  I actually started with a small bag from Natural Grocers first, just to be sure that they weren’t so disgusting that I couldn’t get them down every day.  I found them to have a completely neutral flavor so I ordered the big two pound bag you see in the photo from Amazon in order to get a better price.  Considering I was only experimenting with two tablespoons a day, this is affordable.

When my eye appointment rolled around, I got the news that my eyes were just that partial step better than they’d been on previous visits!  I thought I’d been noticing that recipes seemed a little easier to read and now I realized I wasn’t just wishing and hoping.  Needless to say, I bought another bag and am still doing my two tablespoons a day. 

Thanks much, Pearl Barrett and the Trim Healthy Podcast for always having good info and great ideas that are natural and safe!

Note:  Goji berries do not dry soft like raisins.  They dry hard.  When I plan for oatmeal in the mornings, I soak my half cup of old-fashioned oats overnight in the bowl and in the morning I place my hand over this and pour most of the water off.  Then, the oats go into a small saucepan with all the other flavorings and protein I like, including the goji berries.  By the time the oats are hot and bubbly and I’ve gotten all the other things stirred in, the goji berries are softened and ready to eat.  However, if I am planning on something that does not get heated, like 0% fat Greek yogurt with raspberries and sprouted grain toast for breakfast, I will put the goji berries in the bowl on the counter the night before with just enough water on them to soften them overnight.

That’s my goji berry story (so far) and I hope it helps you or perhaps you can pass it along to someone who needs to hear it.

Here’s another thing to shout about – It’s spring, folks!  Yes, it’s warm one day and rainy and chilly the next, but I’ll take it any way I can get it.  How about you?

If you need support in your journey to better health and weight loss, head to the Contact page or my Food Freedom page on Facebook and Mewe and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and certainly to lose weight if you need to do that. 

Leave a comment and let me know if you plan to experiment with how goji berries might help or tell me about other ways you’ve taken steps to change your health for the better through clean eating. Thessalonians 5:11 reminds us to encourage one another and build one another up.

Coach Barb’s Copy-cat No-Carb AND Slo-Carb Easy Breads (FP or E)

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

Food Freedom with Coach Barb www.midweststoryteller.com

I am super thrilled to be writing this post – and just a tad riddled with guilt.  I love it when I hit a home run in the kitchen!  I’ve invented many a recipe in my time and, believe me, they were not all worthy of winning three “golden ladles” such as my soup here, or of getting a 5-star review from those gathered at the table, if you know what I mean.

There’s a story behind everything here on the blog and this is where the guilt comes in.  It was a dark and stormy night…just kidding.

One of the more recent additions to the Trim Healthy Mama line of products has been “No-Carb Easy Bread”, a packet bread mix that when blended with a couple of simple ingredients, is poured right into the pan to bake.  When they say “easy”, they mean easy, as in whisk three things in a bowl and bake!  BONUS:  It’s Fuel Pull, so it can be enjoyed with FP or any other “S” and “E” meals on plan.  It can be baked in a loaf or as buns.

As with everything in THM world, it will not spike blood sugar, so that makes it great for people watching that who may not even be aware of what the THM plan is all about. 

I ordered a couple of packets to try and I was not only thrilled with the simplicity, but also the flavor.  I knew this could easily become my “go-to” substitute for the morning English muffin, the hamburger bun, whenever I needed an on-plan bread.  I could butter it up for an “S”, fill it up with lean meat and greens for sandwich and keep it FP or toast it to have alongside a delicious “E” soup like this one.

I spotted my dilemma.  I’d only ordered two bags.  I could see myself constantly running out of this and wishing for more.  We’re budget conscious around here.  Shipping costs add up and I usually make my THM orders when I have several things I need.

I set my mind to coming up with a mix of my own that would come as close to Serene and Pearl’s as possible (without having to making as many attempts in my kitchen to get it right as Pearl says she did). 

No-Carb and Slow-Carb Easy Breads  www.midweststoryteller.com

I make up about six recipes of the dry mix at a time and put them into quart freezer bags upon which I’ve written the additions, oven temperature and baking time.  This way, I don’t even have to pull out a recipe.  I just grab, mix, pour and bake. Then, I made a discovery. After doing some number crunching with fats and carbs and realizing that I mis-read something, I found all those bags of mix were actually “E” and not “FP”!

Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t throw away perfectly good food, so I began enjoying it as an “E”, especially in bun form. Hey, we all need more “E” meals, right? I shared it with my clients and a even made up “E” sandwiches on buns and took them to a soup ‘n sandwich dinner party and they were a hit. The hostess’ hubby took a leftover sandwich to work the next day and bragged on it, saying he could eat that bread anytime!

Now I needed to work on a “FP” version because I am determined to help my clients keep their THM life simple and I never wanted them to feel “stuck” if they run out of pre-packaged items. After a few attempts that weren’t quite what I had in mind and some further crunching on the calculator, I came up with a mix that works. You may think it can’t compare to THM’s No-Carb Easy Bread, but if, by chance, you even prefer it, then I’m sorry, Serene and Pearl – I love you and I didn’t mean to show you up.

DISCLAIMER:  I totally guessed at this.  I haven’t been down in Tennessee rooting through dumpsters at the THM facilities.  I don’t know how this happened other than to say it was a shot in the dark.  I’ve no intentions of selling it, so I don’t see any reason to end up standing in front of a judge.  It can’t be the same recipe, because I’ve never seen the real recipe. 

Try both recipes and see if you like them.  I’ve grown to love making it up into buns as pictured because it seems more versatile for our needs.  There is a slight tweak to make if you do these the way I do, so be sure to read the notes and see the weird bun pan in the photo.  If this bread saves you money, makes your life simpler and keeps you away from “frankenfood” breads, that’s great.  You could literally whip up a batch every day and never strain a wrist.  If it’s not quite your thing, then by all means go for the real thing and order up some “No Carb Easy Bread” from Trim Healthy Mama.

I’m offering you a free printable with both recipes on one sheet so that you can jump right in and make both breads.

TIP: When I made the “E” sandwiches, I used a Laughing Cow light cheese wedge to spread over the two halves of the fun. Half of the sandwiches I then drizzled balsamic glaze onto the Laughing Cow for a sweeter flavor and on the other half, I generously added the Kickin’ Dippin’ Sauce, Dip or Dressing (page 518, Trim Healthy Table) for those who like a more spicy flavor. (I added a little gluccie to the blender when making this to make it a bit thicker.) I had the deli slice my provolone cheese on the #1 thickness so that I could keep the fat on the sandwich to a minimum by using one slice. Lettuce leaves and mesquite deli turkey breast completed the tasty “E” sandwich.

Here are both recipes. Don’t forget your free printable below.

Coach Barb’s Copy-cat No-Carb Easy Bread       “FP”

1 1/3 cup egg whites (I use carton type for this)

1 package of dry mix (see the mixture below)

¾ cup water

In a large mixing bowl, whisk egg whites vigorously for 60 seconds until very frothy.

Add dry mix and water; whisk until well combined.

Pour into a parchment lined 9”X5” loaf pan..  Carve a large “X” across the top.  Or, pour into 6 or 7 holes of a silicone mesh 4” bun pan.  Bake at 450 degrees for 50-60 minutes for bread or for 20-25 minutes for buns.  Use convection setting if you have it and reduce the cooking time accordingly.  (I do bread for 50 minutes and buns for 20 minutes on convection.)

Grasp the edges of the parchment paper, lift the loaf from the pan and place on a cooling rack as soon as it is finished baking.  Peel away the parchment and cool completely.  If using a mesh-style bun pan, allow to cool ten minutes in the pan and they should “peel” from the mesh cleanly.

Dry Mix
1/2 cup oat fiber

1/2 cup golden flax meal

1/2 cup whole husk psyllium flakes

1/2 cup unblanched almond flour

2 teaspoons aluminum-free baking powder

2 teaspoons nutritional yeast

1 teaspoon erythritol

½ teaspoon mineral salt

2 doonks Pure Stevia extract

Now for the version that gives you all those good carbs!

Coach Barb’s Slow-Carb Easy Bread “E”

1 1/3 cup egg whites (I use carton type for this)

1 package of dry mix (see the mixture below)

¾ cup water

In a large mixing bowl, whisk egg whites vigorously for 60 seconds until very frothy.

Add dry mix and water; whisk until well combined.

Pour into 9”X5” loaf pan lined with parchment paper.  Carve a large “X” across the top.  Or, pour into 6 or 7 parchment lined holes of a 4” bun pan.  Bake at 450 degrees for 50 minutes to an hour for bread or for 20-25 minutes for buns.  Use convection setting if you have it and reduce the cooking time accordingly.  (I do my loaf for 50 minutes and my buns for 20 minutes on convection.)

Take hold of the edges of the parchment paper and lift the loaf from the pan and place on a cooling rack as soon as it is finished baking.  Peel away the parchment and allow to cool completely.  If using the mesh-style bun pan, allow the buns to cool ten minutes in the pan and then they will peel away from the mesh without pulling apart.

Dry Mix

4 ounces oat flour  (or 1 cup, plus 2 tablespoons)

¼ cup golden flax meal

¼ cup psyllium husk flakes (add two more tablespoons if making buns in the mesh style pan – See notes)

1 tablespoon unblanched almond flour

2 teaspoons aluminum-free baking powder

2 teaspoons nutritional yeast

1 teaspoon erythritol

½ teaspoon mineral salt

2 doonks Pure Stevia extract

NOTES:  I had trouble finding a bun pan with holes large enough for what I considered a hamburger sized bun.  I ended up with the one in the photo which I found on Amazon.  Even though the description said “mesh”, I was not prepared for the rolled up thing that arrived – the limp and floppy thing you see here.  I had my serious doubts as to whether it could even be used for such a loose dough as this.  I did end up stirring in 2 additional tablespoons of the psyllium husk flakes to make the dough thicken a little before spooning into the holes.   I also thought the buns might not want to come out of the pan, but let them cool 10 minutes and you’ll be able to “peel” them right off the mesh!  Strangest item of cookware I’ve ever bought!  If you like a taller bun, then be sure to fill only 6 holes rather than 7.  Look for something which has holes in the 4” range if you want more of a bun rather than a muffin size.  Here’s the link to the one I ordered.

YIELD:  6 or 7 buns or 1 loaf of bread.


I give full credit and honors to Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison for the inspiration for these recipes and for their great products at TrimHealthyMama.com such as No-Carb Easy Bread mix. Thank you for all you do to help others live a healthy life!

If you need support in your journey to better health and weight loss, head to the Contact page or my Food Freedom pages on Facebook and Mewe and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and certainly to lose weight if you need to do that. 

Leave a comment and let me know how you like the bread and what is your favorite way to enjoy it.

It’s fun to try something new, especially when it’s this easy! 

Lil’ Snookie’s Favorite Autumn Soup  (a simple THM “E” recipe)

Lil' Snookie's Favorite Autumn Soup www.midweststoryteller.com

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

We eat soup year-round at our house.  We’re just soup lovers.  This one has always been a favorite, but it has made it BIG with the toddler at the table!  Originally, I started with a recipe from an old Betty Crocker cookbook, but I can’t find it in the newer cookbooks, nor can I find the recipe online anymore. I’ll just give credit to “Betty” for its origins though I have done my own tweaks over the years and so have had to do very little to make it Trim Healthy Mama plan-friendly.

Food Freedom with Coach Barb www.midweststoryteller.com

The name?  Well, when my Lil’ Snookie, who is here for lunch almost every day, graduated to solid foods and could manage it, I was sure to chop the veggies small in this soup so I could feed it to him.  He was one to talk early and often and as soon as he figured out how, he was calling out “Soup!” and we all knew exactly which soup he meant.  Even on his way home at night, when Pookie would tell him they were going home to have some supper, he would shout from the carseat, “Make soup!” and this was the one he wanted.

So, as these autumn days march on and prepare to turn into winter ones, I thought I’d share the soup with you. 

Personally, I feel that my “Creamy Leek Soup with Chicken and Sweet Potatoes”, found here, is the best soup ever invented by me or anyone else (and it’s a repeat contest winner), but I’m not going to start an argument with Lil’ Snookie over it.

I’m offering you a free printable recipe so that you can jump right in and make the soup and beside it, you’ll find some encouraging thoughts you may also want to include as a page in your recipe binder to lift you up on “those days” when you are blessed to be cooking for your family.  Just click on the banner below and both will print on one sheet.

Lil' Snookie's Favorite Autumn Soup www.midweststoryteller.com

Lil’ Snookie’s Favorite Autumn Soup       “E”

1 pound 96% lean ground beef or venison  (see notes)

1 cup chopped onion

4 cups water

1 cup chopped carrots

1 cup chopped celery (make these small)

1 cup cubed to 1/2″ Yukon Gold or purple potatoes

2-3 teaspoons applewood smoked sea salt or mineral salt and add a dash of liquid smoke  (see notes)

1 teaspoon bottled brown bouquet sauce

1 bay leaf

1/4 teaspoon dried basil

6 tomatoes (peeled fresh and chopped, frozen from your garden or two 14 ounce cans diced tomatoes)


  1. In a large saucepan or Dutch oven, cook and stir meat until brown.  Drain off any fat and if you did not use the super lean meat, place in a strainer and pour hot water over it.
  2. Add onions.  Cook and stir with meat until they’re  tender, about 5 minutes.  Add remaining ingredients except for the tomatoes.  Heat to boiling and reduce heat.  Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.  
  3. Add tomatoes.  Cover and simmer 5-10 minutes longer.  Remove the bay leaf and serve.  

NOTES:  You could also try using lean ground turkey.  Salt the soup to taste, remembering that canned tomatoes already have salt and your garden ones will need more seasoning.  Don’t be tempted to use more veggies in this soup.  I tried and this not only raises the carbs too much but also just doesn’t taste right.  If you prep meat by browning ahead of time, this recipe goes fast.  Double or triple to have in the freezer or pressure can it!

YIELD:  6 servings.

Don’t forget to round out your meal with a nice green salad with a “FP” or “E” dressing and then maybe even sip on a nice collagen trimmy. Enjoy!

If you need support in your journey to better health and weight loss, head to the Contact page and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system and we all need that right now, don’t we?  Leave a comment and let me know how you like the soup and tell me what your “go to” soup is for the fall and winter months.

It’s a joyous season ahead, and we can all enjoy it in a healthier way if we are willing to learn and try new and better things.