Exciting Updates!

I may have given my readers the impression that nothing much is happening, so I thought it might be time for an update.  It will be the first of many, because things are hopping in my publishing and production world.

Here we are in September, pretending it is fall while waiting for the real thing. I was so excited and relieved last week to send in to my publisher the painstaking edit I’ve been working on for the second book in my “Morgan’s Landing” historical fiction series.  That certainly lifted a load of stress from my shoulders.  It has been one of the big factors in my not providing you with more content here as it has been top priority other than taking care of Lil’ Snookie and Fruity Pebbles.

Meanwhile, the first book in the series is on its way to you!  Artists are working on the final cover as we speak and I am expecting an email with some line edits.  As soon as I approve those, the book goes to print with a projected release date in October.  The photo above does not reflect the eventual book cover in any way other than the fact that it was taken in the location and era that the fictional town of Morgan’s Landing is patterned after.

In related news, you may recall my earlier announcement concerning a screenplay for “Morgan’s Landing”.  If you missed it, you can click here to see the announcement and brief video. This has been quite the adventure for me and it isn’t over yet.  It’s a bit like a road trip – you just don’t know how long it will take or where you’ll end up.  I have learned so much during the process and thought you might want to join me on the journey.  We are now entering a new phase.

I continually see the fingerprints of God all over “Morgan’s Landing”.  In the first place, I literally went to bed one night and dreamed this story, so I can’t help but feel that it was gifted to me.  Writing and editing did take a long time, but there was something about this story that kept pushing me forward.  I knew that if a publisher took the time to read it that it would be published.  I determined to do what I could to make that happen and make it a success, but my dreams for the books hadn’t taken me further than that.

Then, several months ago, the Lord saw fit to take the book in an entirely new direction when I had an unexpected opportunity to sit down and discuss the story in person with award winning Hollywood screenwriter, Alan Roth.  To my delight, he asked to read the book which, of course, wasn’t even out yet.  After reviewing the manuscript, he told me that he felt it had merit as series and that he would like to write the screenplay.  We began working on the pilot episode in April and finished it in July.  I have truly enjoyed working with Alan as we met regularly via Zoom to go over each and every page of script.

Now, the finished pilot is on the market!  Seven or eight studios (ones you would be familiar with) have been approached and now we wait.  Some have already agreed to appointments to consider the project and one has already met in person with the screenwriter, responded favorably, and asked for the book in addition to the screenplay, which is a great step forward.

As I stated earlier – what an adventure!  The feeling I get when I think of my project going into the hands of a studio is somewhat like I imagine I might have if, having tossed my baby up in the air, I had to fold my arms and trust a total stranger to catch it before it hit the ground!

Keep an eye out for more updates.  Soon the publisher will release an author’s interview as well as sneak preview of the actual cover.  I’ll soon be a guest on the Inspired Writer Collective podcast and I’ll post links to that as well.  Of course, when I know the book’s official release date, you’ll be the first to know!  Following the release, there will be book signing events and I hope to see you there.

If you have a story in you, and I’m pretty sure you do, my best advice is DON’T WAIT!  The road ahead of you will be a long one and it is best to start now.

Leave a comment and tell me what is stirring in your heart and mind to write.  It may be fiction or it may be a true story that you can’t bear the thought of being lost to the ages.  I know I have one of those and I hope to have the time to start on it soon.

5 thoughts on “Exciting Updates!

  1. I wrote the rough draft of a children’s fiction book several years ago, but never had the confidence to go on and finish it.

    1. Don’t wait! Finish it up and start putting it out there. The process won’t be quick, so you might as well learn and start the journey now.

    1. Thank you, Missy! It’s been such an experience so far. If you’d like to keep up on specific updates pertaining to “Morgan’s Landing”, I can put the email I see here on the mailing list for that. The publisher is wanting me to develop a list for that, but I certainly wouldn’t put anyone on there without their permission and, of course, would keep your email private for my own use as pertaining to my writing projects.

  2. Hey Barb, cool stuff! And as it happens, there is perhaps relevant content in a book I was looking at again last night, a book about 50 years of Star Trek costumes — page 137, in a section titled “On Writers and Wardrobe”, the relevant bit being said by a writer named Ronald D. Moore, “When you’re writing a story on the page, you’re playing the movie in your head. You have a preconceived notion of everything about a new character, what they’re wearing, how they’re moving, what they look like. And no matter what that notion is, it never matches anything that ends up on the screen.”

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