How’s That Workin’ For ‘Ya?

Food Freedom with Coach Barb

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

Here we are, Dear Readers, over halfway through January 2021.  So far, I’d venture to guess that most of you who sighed with relief at midnight on December 31, 2020 are just a shade disappointed.

Having mentored people with their health for years and being an avid observer of human nature, I think all we have to do is turn on the news lately and within thirty seconds we’ve decided we’ve had our fill of human nature.

In January, you’ve probably observed a common occurrence in either your own life or someone else’s.  We muddle along through the holidays, stressed and for most of us, over-blessed, promising ourselves that, come January 1st, things will be different.  “Enough of this nonsense”, you say, vowing to lose weight, get organized, take better care of yourself, serve your community more, keep in closer contact with the ones you love – the list goes on and on, doesn’t it?

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – I can’t fathom why they ever designated January 1st as the beginning of the new year!  It makes no sense, at least for the Northern Hemisphere.  Just when the Good Lord offered us hibernation time and a nice, long rest, the calendar screams at us to jump up, get going and conquer the world and all our shortcomings.  Oh, please!

Would anyone like to join my movement to have the new year moved to the first day of spring so that we could all get a little more excited about it?  I know, I know, it’s a brilliant idea!  That’s probably why people in high places never thought of it.

Anyhow, here we are and we seem to be stuck with it for now.  This brings me back to my original question:  “How’s that workin’ for ‘ya?

One thing I stress in lifestyle coaching through Trim Healthy Mama is the concept of “tip-toeing in”.  I would far rather see someone read a couple of chapters in the Trim Healthy Mama Plan book then choose three simple recipes to fit the plan that they can make in the coming week than I would to see them do a complete pantry makeover, call a family meeting on how things will change and then wear themselves out making sure every bite that goes into their mouth is perfect!

Speaking of perfect bites, let me pause to point out that “sticking to plan” with THM does not equal suffering, as evidenced by this beauty I made last week! 

THM Philly Cheese Meatloaf

“Loaded Philly Cheese Meatloaf”, page 216 Trim Healthy Table, declared by Smuffy to be the best meatloaf I’ve ever fed him.

Here’s a little nugget to chew on.  Repentance is better than goals.  Goals involve setting a bar and then trying to measure up to it.  Repentance simply involves realizing the road you are traveling is headed in the wrong direction, then turning around and going the opposite way – to a better place.  (See how I did that – I’m so clever – note the heading of this blog.)

I want you to feel blessed today and not condemned.  If you’re halfway through January and all those new leaves you vowed to turn over are still stuck together, just take a deep breath, take another step on the right path and find joy on the way to a better place.  Then, perhaps when someone asks, “How’s that workin’ for ‘ya?”, you won’t have to hang your head and sigh.

If you’re wanting to make your journey with Trim Healthy Mama joyful, choose three recipes that fit the plan and make those this week.  Ask yourself some questions about the rest of your meals and snacks and make sensible tweaks.  Let 2021 take you to a better place step by step.

I like to make out a menu plan on weekends, but I only plan out four items.  I enjoy my “pleasant ruts”, so I already know what breakfasts will probably consist of.  I share complete weekly menus in my coaching sessions, but I’ve been on the plan long enough that lots of meals are “freestyle” now.

I thought you might like to see what a recent plan included.  We have our main meal at lunch because that’s what Smuffy prefers and supper is freestyle.  You’ll have your own plan for your own household.

I take it for granted that each of these main dishes will be served up with quick-fix non-starchy veggies, salads and other sides and that snacks are ready to grab.

If you need support in your journey, head to the Contact Me page and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions and private coaching, which can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

For info on getting started and a few questions you can ask yourself about getting started, click here. For coaching pricing, click here.

It’s a great way to come out of social distancing a better person.

Have the events of the last several months caused you to re-think how you are fueling your body so that you can build your immune system?  Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts.

Honoring Your Irish: There’s More to Patrick than Meets the Eye, So Let’s Eat Trim Healthy Irish!

Before the day closes, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  I never gave it much thought growing up, that is, until I discovered how Irish I am.  Oh, yeah – the Bairds, the Allens, the Glenns – it’s all over my mom’s side of the family.

Learning about our heritage helps us thrive.  It helps you take the good with the bad.  Just about the time you think you’re from a long line of nobodies, you discover that grandmother of noble birth or that war hero that saved his country.  And then, just about the time you get all puffed up from that knowledge, you stumble across the double spy who got hanged for a whole bunch of things you’d rather not talk about.  We’ve all got stories that go back to the beginning of time and it enriches us to learn about them and appreciate those who went before us and the struggles they endured.

In honor of the day, I wanted to post a photo of a recipe I made recently, but now realize that I didn’t.  Well, I did make the recipe and it was delicious, but I didn’t take the photo.  Be that as it may, I highly recommend you give it a try.  “Irish King Trimmy Bisque” (page 169, Trim Healthy Table) is a recipe your family will enjoy and never have a clue that you’re helping them be trim and healthy.  It’s an energizing “E” meal on the Trim Healthy Mama plan, loaded with chicken, leeks (oh, how I love leeks!) and other ingredients that give it a rich, soothing, comfort-food flavor.  I was a little surprised at finding chamomile tea bags in the list of ingredients, but I said, “Well, Serene,” (even though she wasn’t there to hear me, of course), “you haven’t let me down with one of your Trimmy Bisques yet…” and brewed the tea and put it right in there.  And yes, it’s wonderful.

The only thing I like to change in the Trimmy Bisque recipes is that I put less of the ingredients in the blender than recommended.  We don’t like our soup quite that smooth.

If you haven’t picked up the cookbooks by Trim Healthy Mama yet, you can get them from or Ebay or even check them out of your public library.  Soon, you’ll be able to get them from me as well.

Making a great soup is a wonderful family activity while we’re all cooped up waiting for this virus to pass and this makes a big pot that will give you plenty of leftovers to freeze.

If you need coaching with Trim Healthy Mama, I’m here to help. Just click on the coaching icon in the right sidebar and you’ll find out about getting started or click here. Also, feel free to email me at

I thought you might like to close out this day by gaining a little appreciation for its namesake.  Saint Patrick should mean much more to us than wearing a green outfit and having one too many green beers.  I’m thinking he probably contributed much to my family’s heritage of faith – and maybe yours, too.

Who was Saint Patrick?

Questions?  Comments?  Just scroll back up to the beginning of this post and click on “Leave a comment” and if you don’t see this till tomorrow, “Top ‘o the mornin’ to ya!”