The Underused Four-Letter Word

And so it goes on – winter.  The cold and snow can keep you homebound. Gray skies, when they don’t get the memo that enough is enough, can make you gloomy.  Christmas is over and sparkly decorations are put away.  Every other week it seems some new strain of crud is going around and doing its best to cancel events or make you wish they were canceled.

Then, those post-holiday bills arrive to remind us once again that next year the spending limit ought to be reduced.  Boosted by this bit of cheer, you hop online and print out your tax forms. Since you haven’t filled them out yet, you try to bask in a little ray of sunshine with the optimistic thought that perhaps, this time, Uncle Sam may have caught on to the idea that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Around here, Smuffy has always been the one to see the glass as half empty while I typically view it as half-full.  I have to admit, though, that gray days spent with tax forms can take their toll on me.  Sometimes, you just need a reminder or a little jolt to alter your outlook.  I got one last week.

As is my habit, I watched the Trim Healthy Podcast (affectionately referred to by us THMers as “The Poddy”) on YouTube.  Sometimes it’s full of rock-solid science to boost your health and well-being.  Sometimes, it’s full of rabbit trails that provide the silliness that you may be lacking in your life and sometimes it provides a level of encouragement that will rock your world.

This one, Change Everything In Your Life With A Four Letter Word! [Podcast] Ep. 365 , was just what I needed and I think you’ll benefit by watching it as well!

I love it when there’s science behind encouraging things!  Near the beginning of the podcast, Serene shared that studies have shown that in order to create a synapse in the brain where you know a thing – really know it and you’re not going to forget it – it takes 400 repetitions of the information.  However, if you are laughing and playing while learning it, the process only requires 12 repetitions!  P-L-A-Y is the four-letter word that can change everything.  They went on to share many ways their mom incorporated play and ways they feel like they’ve lost their sense of play and want to get it back again.

Just think of it – how many times did you labor over those multiplication tables until they finally got in your head, but then heard some silly TV theme song around that same age only a handful of times, yet you can still sing it word-for-word today?  Are you maybe just a bit too grown up for your own good?

Why do you consider cleaning house or preparing meals for your family some type of drudgery when, as a child, you had hours and hours of fun with a toy cooking set and thought it was great when you got your own little broom and dustpan for Christmas or birthday.  I think of our Lil’ Snookie and his love affair with all things lawn care.  His excitement over toy mowers, leaf blowers and weed eaters knows no bounds and his mommy and daddy will be delighted if this attitude continues for many more years!

Smuffy and I discussed the podcast and agreed that we needed to tackle all the everyday stuff with an attitude of fun and play.  It takes a little effort at times.  He’s been having his share of issues lately that all seem to revolve around vehicles needing repair and I am in the middle of edits on the first novel in my upcoming series.  We’re trying to remind each other that we’re having fun.

Some days you succeed.  Some days you don’t.  After a mad search through a cupboard the other day that resulted in what sounded like three quarters of the contents landing on the floor, he finally found what he’d been looking for, but looked a bit out of sorts when he came into the room where I sat.  I tried to remind him that not only did he find it, but he had fun looking for it.  He promptly informed me that he did not have fun looking for it.  But we did laugh. 

Famous industrial engineer and efficiency expert, Frank Bunker Gilbreath, always thought of innovative ways to help his twelve children learn.  The family always rented the same big, old lighthouse for summer vacations and no one really cared whether it was kept pristine.  He would write all over the walls in Morse code and tell his children to figure out what the messages said.  He would likely have been a frustrated teacher if he had not written such things as, “The candy bar is in the top left desk drawer.”  In no time at all his children were challenging themselves to learn the code because they never knew what fun or prize might be in store.

Cooking, Lizard Holes and Watering Cans

Lil’ Snookie’s presence is a great reminder for us to P-L-A-Y!  You can see in the top photo that he’s excited about putting on the apron over his jammies and fixing food for everybody!  Give him a watering can and he’ll do his best, even if in reality he’s about a thousand cans short.  The middle photo was more of a safari (apologies for quality as I snapped it through the porch screen).  He asked if he could go out in the yard because he wanted to find a big stick and look for a lizard hole, after which he would insert the stick and then bend down over the hole and shout, “Hallooooo!”  Someday, he may consider that to be frustrating or fruitless, especially if the lizard doesn’t answer, but right now, it’s P-L-A-Y!

I’ve learned to approach cooking healthy meals for my family with a sense of learning, adventure and play.  It has made all the difference!  Now, I just need to find out how to play with these tax forms.

If it’s snowy, make snow angels or at least watch someone else doing it.  Put out some cute decorations for winter or Valentine’s Day, or start making homemade Valentines now.  If the day is gloomy, try new soup recipes, play games with the kiddos or watch a funny movie.  Call a friend who’s recovering from the crud and spread some cheer.  Challenge yourself to cranking out those tax forms with some fun reward when it’s all over.

Struggling? Catch that podcast! Change Everything In Your Life With A Four Letter Word! [Podcast] Ep. 365

How do you find fun and play in the ordinary or the necessary?  Leave a comment and share.  It might bless someone’s day.  Go ahead – make us laugh.

Laughter plays a huge part in this, so don’t forget to visit my “Life With Smuffy” page and my “Laugh!” page.  They’re full of adventure and fun.

Gotcha! You’ve Been Ambushed!

Food Freedom with Coach Barb

There you go!  It’s too late now.  This is like yelling, “Tag!  You’re it!” or poking pink flamingos in your yard.  (Actually, it’s much better than that – don’t ever do that to me!)

In fact, I’m gonna get you twice.

First, I know the whole world is full of folks saying, “you’ve just gotta hear this/see this/try this”, but I’m challenging you to do this one thing right away.  I listen to the Trim Healthy Podcast every week.  I know you’re thinking, “Yeah, but Barb, you’re a health nut food nerd.”  I am telling you, people, the most recent podcast by Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett, founders and authors of Trim Healthy Mama is not only a gem – it is vital!

It runs a little longer than usual as a 2-in1, but they felt it was important, during this outbreak of the corona virus, that you are fully armed to equip your body for battling viruses and other illness.

Trim Healthy Podcast #165:  Fear, Sugar and Your Immune System is full of rock-solid science presented in simple layman’s terms that will enable you to turn your family’s health around and head it in the right direction.  They’ll give you a great list of simple foods that are real healers and a short list of things to avoid if you want your immune system to have a fighting chance.  Grab a piece of paper and make a grocery list while you’re listening that will put your family on the right track!

So…GOTCHA!  You’re Ambushed!  I challenge you to listen to this podcast here or on iTunes, iHeart Radio app or however you like to listen to music and podcasts.  iHeart Radio is my preferred method.  With the app on my phone, I can wear my headphones while I pull weeds, clean house, do laundry – whatever.  Get listening!  And don’t let me get word that you didn’t do it because I’m tryin’ to help you, people! And it’s FREE!

My second challenge –

No Place Like Home

We’ve all been social distancing for a while here and I love how our community is coming together without coming together.  Creative ways of making fun range from the Great Bear Hunt to Sidewalk Art Spotting.  There is hardly a street in our town without several bears waving at families who have watched them pop up on social media and then piled into their cars to drive around and hunt them down.  (No animals were harmed in this social distancing stress relieving activity.)  Now, families are getting out the chalk and posting their sidewalk art on social media, creating a new search activity for those who’ve been cooped up and are ready to get out for an interesting drive.

My challenge is for anyone in grades K-12.  It’s the –

“Cabin Fever Cook-off”!  Have your parents been telling you, “Enough with the junk food!”?  It’s time to share on social media the great food ideas that have sprouted from this period of confinement. What have you been binging on these few weeks?  If you’ve got a great idea for a healthy meal or snack to share, send me a photo and the recipe.  Post them on my Food Freedom – THM Certified Lifestyle Coaching Facebook page here.  I’ll give them an honest review as to their “healthiness” and we’ll all enjoy your great ideas for eating well while you’re all cooped up!  Get in the kitchen and create!  The challenge is on for anyone grades K-12.  Surely it hasn’t all been pizza rolls and hot pockets – has it?  Remember – post your photo and the recipe.  Someone else might want to take your idea and make themselves some yummy grub!  It can be as simple or elaborate as you choose.  Someone might need a great idea for something as simple as what to do with an apple!

Remember, everyone, a second FREE video conference via Skype will be held at 7:00-8:00 PM (CST) on Tuesday, March 31 and you are welcome to join.  This week we will be talking about “What a Week of Eating Trim & Healthy Looks Like”.  Email me if you’d like to be included and I’ll reply with a link that will take you straight into the conference!  That’s

Share with friends right now and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

It’s a great way to come out of social distancing a better person.

What type of eating challenges has the recent health crisis have you been experiencing?  Leave a comment and let’s talk about it.