I’ve been spending every spare moment (hear me chuckle at the idea of one of those) editing the first novel in my series so that I can get it back to the publisher. This is so they can get it back to me and I can get it back to them and they can get it out to you. What could be simpler?
Much has been going on with our household lately and I find myself dealing with a greater degree of stress than I’d prefer. As I’ve often let you know, I’m a great fan of P. G. Wodehouse. No, make that an absolute addict. He is my literary idol. Although I do read many other books, I daresay that if you found yourself in a wager and had to guess what might be found on this writer’s nightstand at any given moment, it would be a Wodehouse. It would likely be one I’ve already read multiple times. His brand of humor just makes my day and since laughter is the best medicine I turn to him especially in times of stress. To enter his wonderful world of enjoyable characters and bathe myself in his ability to turn a phrase washes the day’s troubles away and gives me a reset.
Smuffy has an author who does the same for him. He’s able to re-align and de-stress within the pages of Gladys Taber. That might seem out of character for Smuffy, but if you’ve followed him on my Life with Smuffy page, surely you’ll be able to see how a writer who moves into a centuries-old New England farmhouse and chronicles her existence in a place where nothing much every really happens would be a stress-reducer for someone who manages to find himself in as many scrapes as Smuffy does.
Not too long ago, a dear friend of mine who also loves to read old books introduced me to Miss Read and I’ve had time now to read a couple of her books. I find delightful peace within the pages. I’ve just finished “Thrush Green”. It’s a short read and melts the world away.
As I’ve been acclimating myself to the publishing world for the last several years, I am so often told that the modern reader craves instant action, strong characters, twisting plots and, if at all possible, some kind of bomb going off on page two of the manuscript. I’m not opposed to it. In fact, my novel series will make you laugh, make you cry and yank you around in spots. I find, however, that as a lover of old books, I don’t always need that. Sometimes I just need a peaceful escape.
If you’d like to take a break from your stress, I’d recommend a visit to the quiet English village in “Thrush Green”. The story, set in the 1950’s, takes place on the first day of May as a one-day fair comes to delight most of the townspeople and aggravate a few of them. In that 24 hours, you’ll meet the trusted old doctor and his possible replacement. You’ll fill with hope for the girl with the broken heart and cheer on two young lovers as they navigate the hurdles that others place between them. You’ll discover who the scoundrel is and pat the hero on the back and give a few sighs of sadness at the thought that you may be witnessing the end of an era for this quaint village.
All this, yes, as the stress of your own life eases away. What better way to call it a day than to take a vacation to such a place before dropping off to sleep?
So, while you must wait a bit longer to get your hands on my own page-turner, you can check out Miss Read and start with “Thrush Green”, the first in her “Thrush Green” series.
You can find many of the books by this author at great prices here at Thrift Books. I find their deal of free shipping with at fifteen dollar purchase a great buy – just pick up two or three titles at once. And, as always, it’s here on Amazon.
Spring is so revitalizing and healthy for us in body, mind and spirit, but it isn’t quite here yet. Use these remaining chilly days to get in some relaxing reads.
What have you been reading lately? Leave a comment and share a book or books that soothe your soul!
I may need some soothing tomorrow. While we enjoyed 82 degrees today, it will dip to 22 degrees tonight and will fight its way to a mere 40 degrees tomorrow and my calendar says that I’m not allowed to stay in and keep cozy. This is where I live, folks!
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