Scheming for a Better Year in 2025?

I hope you’re enjoying your new year and that you are filled with a sense of hope and expectation of better days ahead.

It’s time for my First Friday Freebie and one of you will win if you are an email subscriber and you take the time to enter to win.

Let’s take a look  –

Weekly Schemes

For some reason, even if the flipping of the calendar doesn’t prompt us to lose weight, exercise, read more books or keep in closer contact with friends and loved ones, it seems to prompt at least some degree of resolve to get better organized.  I’ll do my ever-so-small part to help you.

This “Weekly Schemes” pad and pen set lets you lay out the work week ahead of you so that you can better plan the things you need to tackle, the places you need to be or maybe even the honey-do list you’d like to make out to motivate that special someone.

I fantasized for a brief moment that I might receive one of these from Smuffy with instructions for me to fill out a sheet and hand it to him every week.  Somehow, I think that’s going to remain a fantasy.  His own project list is already full.

The pad itself measures 8 1/2 ” X 5″. I expected it to offer 52 sheets to carry you through the year, but no!  There are 70 sheets.  That could carry you well into the next year, but I confess that my first thought upon discovering this was that it would allow me to deal with those times when “life happens” and I have to rip off my best laid schemes when they gang aft agley, send them through the shredder, and make out a whole new plan.

Don’t blame me for that last sentence.  Robert Burns owns part of it.  You can read, “To a Mouse” (1785) unless, of course, you’re a wee sleekit cowrin tim-rous beastie.  If that’s too much for you, read “Oh!  The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss and remember, “Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you.”

To enter to win the “Weekly Schemes” pad and pen set, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Oh! The Places I’ll Go!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, January 3rd, 2025.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win.  Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email.  You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.

Chase away the winter gloomies with my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages.  If you get snowed in, be sure to try out some great healthy recipes from my “Food Freedom” page.

Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”.  If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, January 3rd, by leaving a comment which says, “Oh! The Places I’ll Go!”    

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.

Enjoy the bright, new path ahead.  Happy New Year!

December’s Freebie Winner!

Yes, it’s a whole new month and a whole new year, but illness and travel plans kept December’s First Friday Freebie winner from getting her photo to me in a timely manner. If you take a moment to check out the First Friday Freebie Rules at the link below, you’ll find out how simple it is to enter to win.  This is a special monthly gift for my email subscribers only.

Let’s meet –

December Freebie Winner

Ginger from Prairie Home, Missouri.

Ginger is a repeat winner because she enters often (and maybe because some of you aren’t entering often enough).  Here she is with her holiday kitchen set that I’m sure she’ll enjoy using when the 2025 holiday season rolls around.

As an email subscriber, Ginger has entered often ever since they debut of Midwest Storyteller.   She did have to comment as directed in the freebie post on the day it arrived in her inbox.  I require this tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention. 

I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.

If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out here on my Freebies! page.

You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Ginger won here

If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today.  Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.   

NOTE:  Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings.  This is my only means of notifying winners.  If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!

We live in a life filled with gadgets and you’ll find that this blog can have a different appearance depending on whether you are on your computer, tablet or smartphone.  You can easily navigate in the menu under “CONTACT”, fill in your email and hit “SUBSCRIBE”.  Confirm your subscription when the email arrives.  If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”. 

Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.  You’ll also receive encouragement, healthy recipes, short stories, lots of laughs and updates on the books I write.

Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win. 

Freebies enable me to reach more people.  I need you to help me share all the fun with your friends and family.  When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also.  Subscribing is free.  Freebies are free. 

On January 3rd, you’ll see the new Freebie.  Enter to win that day.  A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight.  Then, check your email in the days following. 

Smartphone reminders help.

Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, January 3rd, 2025.

What inspires you in the winter months?  Cleaning closets?  Delving into your family tree?  Snuggling up with cocoa, books and a warm kitty?  Or, are you like me and you are resolved to do a couple of hundred pages of editing.  Leave a comment.  I’m waiting to see your interesting answers to that! 

Have Yourself a Merry Little Freebie

I shiver as I type this, for I’ve just driven home from coaching my weekly Trim Healthy group session and there is a Midwestern chill in my bones.  It may not be officially winter here yet, but my thermometer did not get the memo.  It sneers a nasty 23 at me and, as if to ask me if I’d like to see what else it’s capable of, dares me to take a look at my app and see that it’ll register an ugly 18 by morning. 

It is officially the First Friday, however, and that means there’s a Freebie.

Let’s take a look  –

Freebie Kitchen Set

This festive kitchen set will put you in a cheery mood as you prepare all those holiday goodies and with company coming, it’s always nice to have a fresh, clean set on display.  There are two “Joy” potholders, one oven mitt reminding you that “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and a matching drying mat.

To enter to win the holiday kitchen set, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, December 6th, 2024.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win.  Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email.  You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.

You’ll find plenty to smile about on my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages.  If you need to de-stress a little in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, take a short break and enjoy yourself there.  If guests are coming ahead of the big day and you need a super simple meal that will knock their red and green socks off, try out my great recipe for “Creamy Leek Soup with Chicken and Sweet Potatoes” on my Food Freedom” page.

Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”.  If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, December 6th, by leaving a comment which says, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”  

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.

As you celebrate the season ahead, have hope, take joy.  Be thankful for the loved ones you’ve been blessed to have in your life and hold them close.  Have a blessed December!

October:  Color (and a Freebie) Everywhere!

Here in the Midwest, we are in for a change.  October is the month of color.  While you’re waiting for all the beautiful colors outside, why not create your own colorful masterpieces inside?

Let’s take a look at today’s First Friday Freebie –

Amazing Grace Coloring Book

Several years ago a new trend took hold – adult (or advanced) coloring books.  Some doctors even started recommending them for people who needed to de-stress.  Rather than chunky drawings or cartoon-like pictures, these contained trailing florals, word art and any number of other intricate designs that adults could spend time relaxing with as they let their mind focus on the beauty and their creative choices rather than the cares of this world.  You can settle into cozy fall days with this “Amazing Grace” coloring book.  It’s full of beautiful pages meant to inspire such as the one at the right in the photo.  Grab some colored pencils or markers and create some art to frame, give away, or just keep in the book to admire.

To enter to win the “Amazing Grace” coloring book, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Color my October!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, October 4th, 2024.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win.  Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email.  You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.

You’ll find plenty to smile about on my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages.  Fall is a great time to curl up with a good book, but since mine isn’t released yet, you might win this freebie and be able to color while you wait. Check out the latest updates on my “Morgan’s Landing” book series here.  Fall is also a great time to try a great recipe from my Food Freedom” page.

Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”.  If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, October 4th, by leaving a comment which says, “Color my October!”  

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.

May your days ahead be filled with sunshine, rustling leaves and the laughter of children playing in them!

August’s Freebie Winner!

As we’re entering into September, it’s time to meet the winner of my First Friday Freebie for the month of August.  If you take a moment to check out the First Friday Freebie Rules at the link below, you’ll find out how simple it is to enter to win.  This is a special monthly gift for my email subscribers only.

Let’s meet –

August Freebie Winner Shirley

Shirley from Boonville, Missouri.

Shirley is modeling the sunflower earrings she just won and the more I see them on her the more I want a pair just like them.

Shirley was one of my very first email subscribers. She consistently enters to win and therefore she has had her name drawn more than once! She did have to comment as directed in the freebie post on the day it arrived in her inbox.  I require this tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention. 

I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.

If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out here on my Freebies! page.

You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Shirley won here

If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today.  Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.   

NOTE:  Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings.  This is my only means of notifying winners.  If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!

We live in a life filled with gadgets and you’ll find that this blog can have a different appearance depending on whether you are on your computer, tablet or smartphone.  You can easily navigate in the menu under “CONTACT”, fill in your email and hit “SUBSCRIBE”.  Confirm your subscription when the email arrives.  If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”. 

Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.  You’ll also receive encouragement, healthy recipes, short stories, lots of laughs and updates on the books I write.

Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win. 

Freebies enable me to reach more people.  I need you to help me share all the fun with your friends and family.  When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also.  Subscribing is free.  Freebies are free. 

On September 6th, you’ll see the new Freebie.  Enter to win that day.  A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight.  Then, check your email in the days following. 

Smartphone reminders help.

Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, September 6th, 2024.

Smuffy always says that this time of year brings him into a seasonal shift even if the weather doesn’t have that hint of autumn crispness quite yet.  Thoughts of his pioneer ancestors fill his mind and he gets the urge to meander through forests and read the diaries of Lewis and Clark.  I’m sure Lil’ Snookie will want to spend as many days playing at the park as he can possibly manage.  What thoughts inspire you in the month of September?  Leave a comment.  We might get some interesting answers to that! 

It’s Never Too Hot for a Freebie!

I know I have readers all over the place, but if you’re in the Midwest or somewhere like it, these are the dog days of summer.  I’ve often wondered about this weird phrase and discovered that it’s been in use for centuries and has astrological origins that have something to do with the Dog Star bringing uncomfortable heat and suffering on humans but even more so on dogs that seemed to run a much higher risk of going mad from it.  I was surprised at this elaborate explanation.  All my life I had pictured nothing more than our farm dogs, using the sense God gave them, crawling under cars, trucks and machinery to roll in the cool fine dust and nap until the sun went down.

If you are so blessed as to have air conditioning, and I hope you are, you don’t have to go out and lie under your car when the temperatures are nudging themselves toward triple digits and the air is so thick with humidity you can chew it.  You can stay inside and get online to your favorite blog and enter to win a First Friday Freebie in cool comfort. 

This month’s Freebie is just the thing for August and into September.  Let’s take a look –

Wooden Sunflower Earrings

These wooden drop earrings feature a laser cut sunflower inside a teardrop loop.  The overall length is 3 ½ inches from the top of the hook.  I really like the look of them “as is” because they are raw wood, but I couldn’t help but think that it wouldn’t take much more than a steady hand for someone to take a bit of colored stain on a small brush and tint those petals gold and possibly the rims of the teardrops green.  Just a thought.  They are by Accessory Connection and a great find from Factory Connection.

To enter to win the wooden sunflower earrings, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Spread a little sunshine!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, August 2nd, 2024.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win.  Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email.  You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.

You’ll find plenty to smile about on my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages.  Summertime is a great time to read about Smuffy’s river adventures. Try a great recipe from my Food Freedom” page.

Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”.  If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, June 7th, by leaving a comment which says, “Spread a little sunshine!”  

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.

I don’t know how your summer is going, but I have given up on being outdoors much for now and am using the heat as my best excuse to stay at my desk and write.  The first book in my “Morgan’s Landing” series is coming soon and I am deep in the process of editing the sequel so I can get it to the publisher.  I’ll keep you posted on that as well as the screenplay, which is now finished.  Poor Smuffy is out in the miserable heat every day working on a number of projects.

Stay cool.  Enjoy indoor and outdoor activities.  Some great ideas can be found in my last post here. As my mother always said, “Come January, we’ll be wishing for this!”

June’s Freebie Winner!

Time to meet the winner of my First Friday Freebie for the month of June.  I enjoy giving away a little something special every month and though it’s not cars or jewels, I hope it does bring you something to look forward to and a reason to share Midwest Storyteller with your friends and family. 

Let’s meet –

Liz the Winner

Liz from Boonville, Missouri.

You can see that although the First Friday Freebie recommends staying home – Liz didn’t. Since she’s local, I caught up with her out shopping and took this photo.

For Liz, it was as simple as entering to win on the first Friday of the month and waiting to see if her name was drawn as the winner.  She did have to comment as directed in the freebie post that day.  I require this tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention. 

I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.

As long as you’re an email subscriber, you can comment as directed on my post on the first Friday of each month.  That is all any subscriber needs to do to enter to win.  If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out here on my Freebies! page.

You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Liz won here. 

If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today.  Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.   

NOTE:  Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings.  This is my only means of notifying winners.  If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!

We live in a life filled with gadgets and you’ll find that this blog can have a different appearance depending on whether you are on your computer, tablet or smartphone.  You can easily navigate in the menu under “CONTACT”, fill in your email and hit “SUBSCRIBE”.  Confirm your subscription when the email arrives.  If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”. 

Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.

Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win. 

Freebies enable me to reach more people.  I need you to help me share all the fun with your friends and family.  When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also.  Subscribing is free.  Freebies are free. 

On August 2nd, you’ll see the new Freebie.  Enter to win that day.  A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight.  Then, check your email in the days following. 

Smartphone reminders help.

Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, August 2nd, 2024.

We’ve been in the grip of summer heat here, with temperatures around 97 degrees.  The leftovers of Hurricane Beryl are keeping us wet, wet, wet.  Though it is one bad hair day after another around here lately, we are blessed.  I can enjoy Lil’ Snookie and Fruity Pebbles in any weather!   What’s your summer been like? Leave a comment and tell me how you’re spending your days.

May’s SURPRISED Freebie Winner!

This announcement has taken a bit for a couple of reasons.  We can ignore the obvious one because, as you may have noticed, I can be a bit slow.  I have a “perfect” excuse this time because I’ve been busy welcoming my new baby granddaughter into the world.  Helping out and snuggling does take time and as they say – somebody’s gotta do it.  Lil’ Snookie is as smitten with his baby sister as his Grandpa Smuffy and I are.

May’s First Friday Freebie also had to journey west to the winner – Jan in Greeley, Colorado.  After that, Jan decided to surprise her daughter with it and here she is, showing it off alongside her other bracelet.

Re-gifting is wonderful when it brings a smile like you see here.  Jan tells me that her daughter was tickled with the gift and that it brightened her day.

I hope you enjoy your freebies whenever you win and if you give them away to bless someone and show a little love – well, that’s why I give them in the first place!

This is certainly stating the obvious, but Jan was able to win because she entered to win.  Her name was drawn at random after she commented on the freebie post as directed in the post.  I do have to ask you to go to a tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention. 

I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.

As long as you’re an email subscriber, you can comment as directed on my post on the first Friday of each month.  That is all any subscriber needs to do to enter to win.  If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out here on my Freebies! page.

You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Jan won here

If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today.  Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.   

NOTE:  Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings.  This is my only means of notifying winners.  If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!

Computers, tablets, smartphones – they each give this blog a different appearance, but you can easily find the subscription area in the menu under “CONTACT”.  Confirm your subscription when the email arrives.  If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”. 

Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.

Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win. 

Freebies enable me to reach more people.  I need you to help me share all the fun with your friends and family.  When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also.  Subscribing is free.  Freebies are free. 

I’ll announce June’s winner soon and coming up on July 5th, you’ll see the new Freebie.  Enter to win that day.  A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight.  Then, check your email in the days following. 

Smartphone reminders help.

Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, July 5th, 2024.

May was such a blessing here.  We had beautiful weather.  The rain gave us a burst of green grass and showy flowers.  For us, the Lord topped off all these blessings with a brand new baby fresh from Heaven.  Now summer has set in and it is hot, sticky and outside chores are feeling very much like chores.  Leave a comment and tell me what you’re doing to keep cool. 

Summertime is Freebie Time!

Even if it isn’t officially summer, June always seems to bring on the summer attitude along with activities.  It is officially, however, First Friday Freebie Day here at Midwest Storyteller and if you are an email subscriber, you might just win if you try.  If you’re not a subscriber – hop to it!

For many of us, summer is just one blur of activity and we are rarely at home.  For others, this frantic pace gets to be a bit too much as the temperatures soar and we’d just as soon be lazy in the hazy, crazy days of summer.  Though I love spending my fair share of time at the park with Lil’ Snookie or out doing other things, I have to admit that I’m drawn to staying home more lately, mostly due to the fact that Smuffy has beautified and screened in my porch to such a degree that the idea of relaxing out there with a glass of Lime Sillies is getting to be addictive!

If you feel the same, then this First Friday Freebie is for you –

Let's Stay Home 6" Home Decor Sign

This simple piece of décor by Sign of the Times expresses the desire “Let’s Stay HOME” in black and white.  The framed portion measures six inches square.  Since the frame is about one inch in depth, it can easily be a shelf sitter if you prefer not to hang it by the wooden beaded hanger at the top. 

To enter to win the Let’s Stay Home décor, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Home is where my heart is!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, June 7th, 2024.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win.  Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email.  You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.

If you haven’t kept up with things here at Midwest Storyteller lately, then you may not know that I’m a grandma again!  For a bit on that see Waiting is Hard and you’ll also get some encouragement if you are finding yourself in a difficult waiting season.

You’ll find plenty to smile about on my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages. Try a great recipe from my Food Freedom” page.

Remember to be sure to share the things you enjoy on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram if you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, June 7th, by leaving a comment which says, “Home is where my heart is!”   

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.

Enjoy June.  Go fishing.  Have a picnic.  Play in the park.  Or, just stay home!

A First Friday Freebie for May!

My great hope has been that this post would make it to my subscribers at the right time and on the right day. My internet has been down and the fixers arrived and reported that wasps have some inexplicable desire to gnaw at fiber-optic cables and had done so to the one leading to my house. They repaired the nibbles and now my first-world problem is solved. That means there’s a freebie for you!

Beaded Charm Bracelet Freebie at


I usually find that May’s calendar is just about as packed as December’s. Everyone is out and about at one event or another. There are picnics, barbecues, bridal showers for all those June brides, graduations and vacations. I thought perhaps you needed a new accessory for some of these events. This gold-tone beaded bracelet is elasticized and features a charm-holder in the style of a safety pin (although the pin does not open). There are three rhinestone studded charms attached – a cross, a star and a heart. Since it is stretchy, it should fit most wrist sizes.

To enter to win the safety pin charm bracelet, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Charmed, I’m sure!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, May 3rd, 2024.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win.  Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email.  You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.

Subscribers often tell me how much they enjoy my humor non-fiction here at Midwest Storyteller. I am convinced that true family events provide the greatest stories possible and I love preserving all the things relatives have shared with me over the years. The clients I coach and others who just want to eat healthy food and be happy doing it love the recipes here.  However, no one will get to enjoy it all unless you share it with your friends and family through all your social media, so if you like an idea, recipe or story you see here, be sure to share and if you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, May 3rd, by leaving a comment which says, “Charmed, I’m sure!”   

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.

If you’ve fallen behind, maybe it’s time to catch up by checking out all the tabs and exploring the pages here.  You’ll find plenty to smile about on my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages. Try a great recipe from my “Food Freedom” page.

Enjoy every day in May!