Snow days come and snow days go, but First Friday Freebies – they just keep on happening. Aren’t you glad it’s not the other way around? Here’s to hoping that snow days around here are over for 2022. Three weeks in a row, we’ve had snow or ice that kept folks at home till the temps melted things off. I’m hoping to March on to better days, like the one we’re having today. Now that things have thawed, I was able to get February’s freebie to its winner, let’s meet her –

Ginger from Prairie Home, Missouri!
Congratulations, Ginger!
Ginger won the “Love is Enough” wall décor and considering the colors on this pretty sign, she’ll be able to decorate with it into the spring days ahead.
I hope you enjoy it, Ginger. Ginger keeps her eye on this blog and enters often, so this is not the first time she’s won a First Friday Freebie. She won it by commenting as directed on my post on the first Friday in February. It’s a great find from Factory Connection. . If you’d like to see past winners and their gifts check it out here on my Freebies! page.
You can see the original freebie offer here.
Not yet a subscriber to Midwest Storyteller yet? Let my Freebies might entice you to become one – they’re for email subscribers only.
NOTE: Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings. This is my only means of notifying winners. If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!
Computers, tablets, smartphones – they all give this blog a different appearance, but you can easily find the subscription area in the menu under “CONTACT”. Confirm your subscription when the email arrives. If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”.
Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.
Comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies help me reach more people. There’s a whole world full of folks out there who haven’t even heard of Smuffy and that’s a shame. Join me in sharing his stories and all my recipes and other fun and informative articles here. When you share with all your friends via MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free. Let’s be clear – Smuffy is spoken for, but his stories are free. Does it get any better than this?
On March 4th, you’ll see the new Freebie. Enter to win that day. A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight. Then, check that email in the days following.
Smartphone reminders might help.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, March 4th, 2022.
Next up: Something just downright silly.