Life with Smuffy (Special Episode – Part 6 of ?): “Transition of a Kitchen”

Today’s post is actually a report on what is actually “old news” around here – by a few weeks at least.  I find that by the time I take care of my sweet little grandson all day every day, blog posts are to be squeezed in around all the fun and games.  He began crawling a couple of days ago on the very day he turned eight months old, so now I am really having to be on my toes around here.

Smuffy continues to plug away at the new kitchen in his off hours and those seem to be few.  It’s been amazing how long it takes to make something that looks so simple to those who have walked into the store and walked back out with the item or who have told their contractor to “make it happen” and had it appear magically in their house.  But, when every single piece of the puzzle has to be custom designed by the designer (me) and then created to fit perfectly by the master carpenter (Smuffy), it does drag on and on.

I’m tickled pink with this great storage cabinet he’s completed for above my wall oven.

Upper Cabinet Storage

I’m a tall cook, so I have no problem reaching up there for cookie sheets, cooling racks and oversized pans.  I added the bottom row of small holes for rolling pins, pastry mat, tall bottles, drying mats and anything else that needs stashing there. 

We had originally planned on walnut countertops made from a tree that Smuffy cut up and hauled home from the forest.  Due to a concatenation of circumstances, we opted to abandon this plan along with the bowed front antique buffet we’d bought for a sink base.  I shed a tear or two over that before sitting down to design my own furniture style sink base and then go shopping for the right countertops to go with it.  We’ll still use Smuffy’s walnut for our open shelving areas and some ideas I have for other rooms.

Granite soon rose to the top as the best choice for us and we ended up choosing one called “Giallo Fiorito”.  With my creamy cabinets, I didn’t really want any granite with white in it and I did want one with the same tones that my walnut would have had. 

I don’t know if you recall that in my last kitchen update, I was a tad nervous about the installation of my long-awaited countertops and expressed my desire to escort the installers personally to my door lest they go to the wrong house.  Well, you can call that woman’s intuition if you like, but that’s exactly what happened.  They were just a bit late and then, wouldn’t you know, they called me and told me that they were knocking on my door and no one was answering.  After some discussion during which we arranged all the digits of my house number in proper order, they continued on their way.

I remained a bit tense.  I knew I would be until that breakable hunk of rock was safely installed.  I followed the man who seemed to be in charge of the crew of four into my kitchen.  Having a rear view, I saw his shoulders sag as he let out a heavy sigh and breathed the words, “This is going to be difficult.”

Those four guys got their morning’s exercise!  When it was all said and done, we had no breakage, beautiful countertops and a sink that beat my “farmhouse” one all to heck!

Giallo Fiorito Granite

Phoebe June had to wait for the guys to leave before she could belly up to the lunch counter.

The next day, Smuffy got busy and installed my new gas cooktop, Delta faucet with soap dispenser, reverse osmosis faucet, reverse osmosis water filtration system and garbage disposal.  I hardly knew how to act!

You’re supposed to ignore the towel rack applied with floral duct tape and the hideous window that has since been ripped out. Only the storm windows have been temporarily re-installed while we await the arrival of our new windows.

A cabinet above the refrigerator is finished and ready for installation and then we are on to upper cabinets, open shelving, more pull-outs and doors.  Somewhere in there, I’ve got to remove old wallpaper, paint the walls and shop for backsplash.  I am not following the crowd on subway tile here, so I’d appreciate all your comments and ideas on backsplash.

In the midst of all this, Smuffy has undertaken a couple of other things that took up his time and slowed things down.  He doesn’t seem to know how to do that without bringing sudden bursts of excitement into my day and giving me something else to write about so I’ll share that with you soon – now that calmness has returned to the household. 

I know you’re bored these days with so many activities cancelled.  What better time to catch up on my Life With Smuffy?  He has his own page here on the blog for good reason, so why not start at the beginning?  He’s full of surprises!

The kitchen makeover chronicles include my embarrassing “before” photos in “Death of a Kitchen”After that, you can catch up with A Glimmer of Hope and Stainless Steel”, “Birth Pains of a Kitchen”, “My Not-A-Kitchen Kitchen” and “A Trim Healthy Pantry and Some Plywood”. 

I truly value any tips you can leave me in the comments concerning features you like/don’t like in your kitchen.  Or, have you seen something online or in someone else’s kitchen that you’d like to have if you could remodel your kitchen?  Do you have any great storage ideas?

Life with Smuffy (Special Episode – Part 2 of ?): “A Glimmer of Hope and Stainless Steel”

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for around here and I’m sure you’re probably feeling the same way. A couple of years ago Thanksgiving came along amidst a period of grief, but it came along anyway and we paused to give thanks for those we could still hold close.

This year, we are simply giddy, for as I’ve already announced here, Smuffy and I are about to become grandparents and that is enough to hoist our thankfulness quotient up several notches all by itself!

For me, today is also a great day to rejoice in the progress of Smuffy’s custom kitchen makeover project, because even though in the grand scheme of life it can’t compare to what really matters – the Lord who gives graciously, our family, dear friends and a place to call home – every little step in the right direction certainly makes life easier!

I’m thrilled to say that three new appliances are installed! I’ll give more detailed reviews on those later, but I can’t even express how much simpler and easier the Thanksgiving meal preparations have been since this phase of the project has occurred.

As you can see below, refrigerator, oven and dishwasher are in place, although surrounding cabinetry and trim are not.

Appliances Phase 1

This new Samsung 4-Door Flex French Door Refrigerator is a dream and I love being able to have French doors, slide out shelves and drawers on the bottom as well as for the refrigerator on top. The right side of the lower french doors is a separate flex unit that can be used as a refrigerator or a freezer, depending on the need. For us, it will be used as a freezer most of the time. It’s lots bigger than our old refrigerator and so nice inside that if it wasn’t so cold in there, I might move in

The GE dishwasher with its bottle jets and, yes, third rack, is just fabulous. My advice would be that if you are ever shopping for a dishwasher, don’t settle for one without these two features. Where has this been all my life? I think they finally must be letting women design appliances.

The thing I love most about my Kenmore Elite wall oven is that it is not in the basement. Earlier, I shared here in Death of a Kitchen, how our appliances marched off single file to the graveyard, beginning with my oven. However, until Smuffy got the kitchen to the place where some cabinets could come out to make room for a wall oven to go in, my new oven had to wait, ratchet strapped to his workbench in the basement.

There is much more to glory in today than new appliances, but I am truly thankful for them, especially the part where I don’t have to haul this turkey down and back up the stairs!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Hug the ones you love and tell them how much they mean to you. It is a wonderful life and we have so much to be thankful for.

I’ll post more updates on Smuffy’s grand kitchen makeover as they occur.

Helpful Hint: This is the best time of the year to get your appliances on sale. Prices will never be lower than they are during Black Friday sales, which began this year on November 5th and continue into December.