Sometimes it pays to speak up! The squeaky wheel gets the grease – right?
That’s how this month’s First Friday Freebie winner managed to enter the drawing!
Let’s meet –

Carol from Boonville, Missouri!
Carol contacted me to say that she’d been having trouble trying to subscribe to the blog. She’d wanted to enter the drawing for the freebie, but hadn’t been able to get her subscription to go through, receive her confirmation email, confirm through the email and so on.
I told her to fear not, give it another try, and if for some reason I still didn’t see her pop up as a subscriber, I would be sure to put her name into the drawing along with everyone else who entered.
I’m not going to exclude anyone who’s trying on account of a technicality.
Technology – marvelous when it’s working – maddening when it’s not!
This has happened to a couple of other people and I only know this, of course, because they contacted me and let me know. I have no way of knowing how many others may have had the same experience but didn’t speak up, so if this has happened to you, please email me at and let me know.
It all paid off in the end for Carol, because when Smuffy reached in, he plucked her name out of all the others! I can also see now that her subscription went through as it should.
Congratulations, Carol! I hope you enjoy your necklace!
Here’s a close-up view of the handmade paper necklace Carol won.

I know it looks like metal under glass, but it’s not! “Paper Jewelry” is a unique creation of mine. If you’d like to see the original freebie offer and get a better description, click here.
I’ve given away lots of great gifts, so check out the freebie page to see what people have been winning here.
Subscribe now so you can be ready for February’s drawing. It’ll be a freebie you’ll love!
The next First Friday Freebie drawing will be on Friday, February 1, 2019 and only SUBSCRIBERS can win (and, of course, those who are trying their doggoned-est)!
A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing by leaving a comment as instructed in the post. See the recently revised rules below.
And now, here are the Freebie Rules.

Follow these four simple steps and subscribe now. Then, you’ll be ready for February 1st.
“Share”, “like” and “pin” this post! You’re friends will want to enter to win, too!
Have an opinion on the Freebies? Leave a comment! If you’re on your computer, scroll back up under the title of this post and let me know what you’re thinking. On various devices, you may find “Leave a Comment” at the bottom of the post.