The Perfect Fall Freebie Holds a Secret!

October’s First Friday Freebie arrives at the perfect time for those who live anywhere near our neck of the woods.  Two days ago we sweltered at nearly 90 degrees and now there is a definite nip in the air.  It’s jeans and jacket weather and don’t forget about the –

Hidden Pocket Scarf Freebie


I’ve long wanted one of these, but I’m passing my fall find on to you.  This Passion for Fashion Hidden Pocket Infinity Scarf is, just as the label says, the perfect travel companion.  By “travel”, I mean everything from hopping on an airplane to taking a walk around the block!

What makes it so ideal?  The hidden pocket with invisible zipper concealed inside the scarf!  All you have to do is insert your phone, passport, cash and cards, keys – whatever you like – and you are hands-free to walk the dog, manage the kids or wrangle the suitcases.  I mean to say – is this awesome or what?

Passion for Fashion Scarf Hidden Pocket

I think the photo shows it to be a little lighter and brighter than it actually is.  The color is a deep apricot that will go with lots of fall outfits and you’ll be wondering how you ever got along without this dandy fashion accessory.

All you have to do to enter the drawing to win the Hidden Pocket Infinity Scarf is leave a comment on this post saying,

Wrap Me in a Freebie Scarf

You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, October 4th, 2019! 

Important:  Once you’ve entered, you MUST keep checking the email address you used to subscribe or you may not know you’ve won and have to forfeit your free gift.  Click here for the complete First Friday Freebie Rules. Remember, I send my freebies out to any winner in the continental United States, so don’t be shy to enter!

All my Freebies occur on the First Friday of each month and last for one day only, so share with all your friends and family TODAY through social media, send them the link in an email or just look them in the eye and say, “Hey!  It’s Freebie Day!”   

Make your way to the comment section now before you forget!  The road to winning is paved with good intentions.

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.  You can subscribe by going to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already. Confirming your subscription through the confirmation email you’ll receive is absolutely necessary, so don’t forget that!

The Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest icons on this page are there to help you share with friends.

See past gifts and their winners on my “Freebies” page.

Remember, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Wrap me in a First Friday Freebie!”

Glitches happen.  If you subscribe and do not receive a confirmation email for some reason, please email me and let me know at

Enjoy the beautiful autumn days ahead!  It’s a glorious time of year that always seems to end all too soon. 

The most popular posts here at Midwest Storyteller revolve around my Life With Smuffy and my passion to Thrive! You might want to check out those pages if you haven’t been with me from the beginning.

September’s Freebie Winner!

The month of September and summer have slipped past in a whirlwind.  So much so that here it is October and I am just announcing September’s First Friday Freebie winner.  Have you forgotten these beautiful “paper” earrings?

Paper Earrings

No, I didn’t forget to give them away.  They found their new home soon enough –  it was the announcement that lagged.

Let’s meet the winner and wearer –

Ginger from Prairie Home, Missouri 

They look just great on you, Ginger!  At their core, these lovely earrings really are paper.  Many steps are included in the process that transforms them so that they look like metal under glass.  You can see the original post offering the earrings here.

Congratulations, Ginger, and enjoy!

All Ginger had to do was comment as directed when she received her email on the first Friday of the month.  That’s all it took to enter her name into the drawing.

Freebies are my way of reaching out to more folks who might enjoy the various stories, recipes and more here at Midwest Storyteller.  Why not share with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest so they’ll be able to subscribe?  Subscribing is every bit as free as the freebie!

Freebies happen every month.  You might be wondering if the gifts are worth the effort. Check out my Freebies page to see the winner and the free gifts they’ve won.

 The October drawing is coming on up Friday, October 4th.

A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing by leaving a comment as instructed in the post. 

An important thing to remember is that should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe.  That means you’ll need to check your email often in the week following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.

Be sure to take a moment make yourself familiar with the Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on October 4th, 2019.

Leave a comment!  Have you ever tried making your own jewelry? I’d love to hear your creative ideas!

September’s Freebie Dangles Just Within Your Reach!

I’ve been feeling artsy again, and one of my original designs might just be yours if you’re the winner of September’s First Friday Freebie!

Perhaps you remember an earlier post here in which I discussed my handmade “paper jewelry”.  My newest creation is in a lattice design that I think you will love.  The photo does not do them justice. They are high gloss, with each little opening in the lattice shimmering in the light. These earrings measure 1 3/8” long (2 1/8” with the hook included).  Though they have the appearance of metal under glass, they are light as air with a crystal clear coating for durability that adds depth and beauty to the distressed pattern underneath.  The smoky stone in the center adds just that bit of extra sparkle to catch the eye.  The hinged clasps flip up to secure the hooks so you don’t have to worry about losing them.

Whether you wear them with now with summery clothes or with fall outfits that we’ll all be wearing in the next couple of weeks, they’ll be a great addition to your overall look.  Not a jewelry wearer?  Go ahead and enter to win!  What a unique handmade gift idea for someone on your gift list in the coming holiday season!

To enter to win the Paper Jewelry earrings, all you need to do is comment on this post, saying, “Free jewelry gives me joy!”  (I know it does for me – I’m somewhat of an addict.) You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, August 6th, 2019! 

Important:  Once you’ve entered, you MUST keep checking the email address you used to subscribe or you may not know you’ve won and have to forfeit your free gift. 

All my Freebies occur on the First Friday of each month and last for one day only, so share with all your friends and family TODAY through social media, send them the link in an email or just look them in the eye and say, “Hey!  It’s Freebie Day!”   

Make your way to the comment section now before you forget!  The road to winning is paved with good intentions.

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.  You can subscribe by going to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.  Confirming your subscription through the confirmation email you’ll receive is absolutely necessary, so don’t forget that!

The Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest icons on this page are there to help you share with friends.

See past gifts and their winners on my “Freebies” page.

Remember, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Free jewelry gives me joy!”

I send Freebies to any winner who lives within the continental United States.  For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, CLICK HERE

Glitches happen.  If you subscribe and do not receive a confirmation email for some reason, please email me and let me know at

Enjoy this last few days of summer. Coming up – another glimpse into my exciting Life With Smuffy.

Here’s August’s Freebie Winner!

We welcomed August with a pineapple, a symbol of welcome, or perhaps not, as we discussed in the original post.  Let’s see who won the drawing for the First Friday Freebie and welcomed it into their home –

Freebie Winner Eva

Eva from New Franklin, Missouri!

This shabby little bit of metal décor from Hobby Lobby will liven up Eva’s walls, that is, if her daughter doesn’t latch onto it for her own room.  I’m told she’s enjoying a pineapple craze at the moment. Do teenagers do that? 

Congratulations and enjoy, Eva – whichever one of you ends up with it!

Eva has entered to win multiple times as one of my faithful subscribers.  She commented as instructed when she received her email on the first Friday of the month.  That’s all it took to enter her name into the drawing.

Freebies are my way of reaching out to more folks who might enjoy the various stories, recipes and more here at Midwest Storyteller.  Seriously now, would you want one of your friends to miss an episode of my Life with Smuffy? Why not share with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest so they’ll be able to subscribe?  Subscribing is every bit as free as the freebie!

Freebies happen every month.  Check out my Freebies page to see the winner and the free gifts they’ve won.

 The August drawing is coming on up Friday, September 6th.

A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing by leaving a comment as instructed in the post. 

An important thing to remember is that should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe.  That means you’ll need to check your email often in the days following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.

Be sure to take a moment make yourself familiar with the Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on September 6th, 2019.

Leave a comment!  On a desktop computer, scroll back up under the title of this post and let me know what you’re thinking.  On various devices, you may find “Leave a Comment” at the bottom of the post.

It’s August! Say “Hello” to the Freebie (or is it “Goodbye”)?

I’ve heard for years that the pineapple is a symbol, especially in Hawaiian culture, used to give one’s guests a hearty “Welcome!”  A pineapple in your entry hall or used in your tablescape can indicate more than just a liking for tropical décor. 

Recently, however, a friend told me of another custom.  It seems that when you’ve had house guests and enjoyed their company for just about as long as you can stand it, you leave a pineapple in their room.  It’s meant to imply, more or less, “Here’s a lovely parting gift, because it’s time for you to go!”

The latter is a fabulous idea as a mannerly way to avoid conflict or hurt feelings.  Of course, it does little good and merely provides a nutritious snack if your house guests haven’t heard of the custom.  I promise that this month’s First Friday Freebie is meant to welcome you to Midwest Storyteller and to invite you to stay as long as you like!

Pineapple Metal Wall Art www.midweststoryteller,com

This pineapple from Hobby Lobby, at 10 inches tall and 5 inches wide, will be a great addition various styles of décor, including farmhouse styles, due to its neutral color and weathered appearance.  A shabby bit of metal art that sits close to the wall or nestles into the back of a bookshelf, it’s a great way to welcome guests to your home. It’s shown in the photo above hanging on my fence, so it could also welcome guests to your back yard.

I suppose you could let it make a sudden appearance on the nightstand should you have some guests who linger a bit long, but I’ll leave that up to you.

To enter to win the metal pineapple décor, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “I welcome First Friday Freebies!”  You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, August 2nd, 2019!  Important:  Once you’ve entered, you MUST keep checking the email address you used to subscribe or you may not know you’ve won and have to forfeit your free gift.

All my Freebies occur on the First Friday of each month and last for one day only, so share with all your friends and family TODAY through social media, send them the link in an email or just plain tell them, “Hey!  It’s Freebie Day!”    

Good intentions will not help you enter to win before midnight tonight so you had better navigate to the comment section now before you forget!

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.  You can subscribe by going to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.  Confirming your subscription through the confirmation email you’ll receive is absolutely necessary, so don’t forget that!

Use the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest icons on this page to help you share with friends.

See past gifts and their winners on my “Freebies” page.

Remember, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “I welcome First Friday Freebies!”

I send Freebies to any winner who lives within the continental United States.  For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, CLICK HERE

Glitches happen.  If you subscribe and do not receive a confirmation email for some reason, please email me and let me know at

Enjoy this last full month of summer and prepare yourself!  I have a couple of things I’d like to tell you about my Life With Smuffy.

Announcing July’s Freebie Winner!

My last First Friday Freebie was a small thing reminding us to enjoy the small things.  Let’s meet July’s winner –

July Freebie Winner Elise

Elise from Sterling, Illinois!

This 6”X6” bit of wood and metal décor with metal lettering will perch on Elise’s shelf or hang on the wall. 

I know you’ll find the perfect spot for it, Elise.  I’m so glad you entered to win!


All Elise had to do was to become one of my faithful subscribers (which she was already) and comment as directed when she received her email on the first Friday of the month.  Then, POOF, just like that, her name entered into the drawing for the Freebie.

It’s that simple, folks!  Why not share Midwest Storyteller with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest so they’ll be able to subscribe and do the same?  Subscribing is every bit as free as the freebie!

Freebies happen every month.  Check out my Freebies page to see the winner and the free gifts they’ve won here at Midwest Storyteller. To see July’s original Freebie offer, click here.

 The August drawing is coming on up Friday, August 2nd.

A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing by leaving a comment as instructed in the post. 

An important thing to remember is that should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe.  That means you’ll be needing to check your email often in the days following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.

Be sure to take a moment make yourself familiar with the Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on August 2nd, 2019.

Enjoying the Freebies?  Leave a comment!  If you’re on your computer, scroll back up under the title of this post and let me know what you’re thinking.  On various devices, you may find “Leave a Comment” at the bottom of the post.

Smuffy’s latest adventure, “A Studebaker in the Hand is Not Worth Two in the Bush” got a lot of attention!  I’m glad so many of you enjoyed it.  The incident reminds me of the time we went to pick up some new living room furniture…  Stay tuned, for Smuffy, quite literally, is “on a roll”! 

Enjoy Your Family, Your Freedom and a Freebie!

We’ve been in celebration mode around here and midnight approaches as I type this post.  Independence Day is big stuff in our family.  Not only is it the birthday of the Good Ole’ USA – it’s Smuffy’s birthday as well.  I’m afraid the announcement of July’s First Friday Freebie has only existed in the recesses of my mind due to all the other things at the top of my list.

Now that the fireworks ash has settled, let’s take a look at July’s Freebie –

Enjoy the Little Things Metal Art Freebie

Everyone loves a little word art these days and this bit of wood and metal is just the thing to remind us that the smallest things in life that bring us the most joy.  When we lose the ability to appreciate a baby’s cooing, a flaming sunset, the purring of a kitten or the idea of winning a gift we can keep for ourselves or give away to bless someone else, we likely have become obsessed with things that don’t really matter in the long run.

This 6”X6” wooden reverse box-top is deep enough to sit on a shelf without toppling if you choose not to hang it on the wall and the raised metal lettering is eye-catching and stylish for anyone’s décor. I left the corner protectors on for this photo, but you get the idea.

All my Freebies occur on the First Friday of each month and last for one day only, so share with all your friends and family TODAY through social media, that dinosaur of a thing called email or that rarely used technique of communicating called conversation.    

Good intentions will not help you enter to win before midnight tonight so you had better navigate to the comment section now and do that before you forget!

To enter to win the wood and metal reverse box-top décor, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “I enjoy the little freebies!”  You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, June 5th, 2019!

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.  You can subscribe by going to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.  Confirming your subscription through the confirmation email you’ll receive is absolutely necessary, so don’t forget that!

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are great ways to share First Friday Freebies with your friends.  They won’t know if you don’t tell them!

Subscribers win every single month!  See past gifts and their winners on my “Freebies” page.

Remember, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “I enjoy the little freebies!”

I send First Friday Freebies out to any winner who lives within the continental United States.  For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, CLICK HERE

Glitches happen.  If you subscribe and do not receive a confirmation email for some reason, please email me and let me know at

Freebies last one day only!  Enter now so you don’t forget!

A Belated Happy Independence Day Everyone!

June Has Arrived and So Has Its Freebie!

June is when those of us in the Midwest can truly feel that summer has arrived.  Even though the official first day is a few weeks away, the First Friday Freebie is here today, right on schedule!

I hope you’ve been spreading the word about my monthly freebies by sharing with all your friends and family through social media, that dinosaur of a thing called email and that nearly out of style thing known as actually speaking to people. 

Some of you have good intentions, but forget to enter to win before midnight on the first Friday of the month and you know what that means – you increase the odds that the freebie may go to my sister, Donna, the subscriber who never forgets!

Let’s take a look at June’s free gift (and remember, I’ll send it anywhere in the continental United States)

June 2019 Freebie

Don’t you just love to fancy things up for no reason at all?  Recently, as I gathered with several friends, I mentioned having used washi tape.  Several eyebrows went up and I discovered that I sat in the midst of a bunch of people who, for the most part, had never heard of the stuff.  Well, what can I say?  Washi tape just makes your day a little happier!  What really sends it over the top is a set of copper-colored paper clips with (yes!) tassles and what really lifts the soul is that the whole thing is color-coordinated in bright summer shades!

Can I help it if I’ve always been tickled pink over the small things?

These fun paper clips are from Paige Evans’ line called Pink Paislee.  They are just the type of thing I love to use as a bookmark for favorite spots in a recipe book, planner or anything else I want to make a quick grab for.

Now about washi tape – like sour cream, you can’t really fall in love with it until you try it, because why would you try a thing with a name like that?  This pack of washi tape by Pebbles at has six rolls of coordinating narrow tape!  Washi tape is unusual in that it sticks well, but comes off when you want it to.  Totally unlike the adhesive on the typical sticky note, it seems more permanent to the touch.  Yet, with gentle persuasion, it will even lift right off most surfaces, even paper, allowing you to rearrange things easily.  It’s a great way to highlight a special day or week in your planner.  I recently used the ½” size to tape a long list to a cabinet door, framing the list with the cute pattern around all four sides.  Then, when I got ready to take the list down, I simply lifted off the whole thing without leaving any icky residue and walked straight over and taped it neatly onto another surface as it still had plenty of adhesive left.  That makes it great for those things on the refrigerator that tend to wave in the breeze and look messy.

Washi tape comes in all patterns and sizes and is great for taping tags onto gift bags or just jazzing up something for the kids.  It gets heavy use on school lockers as a great way to express oneself without leaving gooey stuff behind.

Washi tape is just plain fun.  Washi tape with coordinating tassled paper clips is more fun!

Both these items are a Tuesday Morning find, a store that draws me through its doors like a moth to a flame with it’s varied selections of home goods, personal care items, décor, outdoor living, pets supplies, arts, crafts and more.

You can’t spend all your days outdoors in the summer sun, so why not have a little fun during your indoor time?

To enter to win the whimsical paper lips and washi tape set, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Color my summer fun!”  You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, June 7th, 2019!

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.  You can subscribe by going to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.  Confirming your subscription through the confirmation email you’ll receive is absolutely necessary, so don’t forget that!

Share this post with your friends through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.  They won’t know if you don’t tell them!

Subscribers win every single month!  See past gifts and their winners on my “Freebies” page. This will include, of course, at least three photos of my sister, Donna. (This contest is not rigged.)

Remember, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Color my summer fun!”

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, CLICK HERE

Glitches happen.  If you subscribe and do not receive a confirmation email for some reason, please email me and let me know at

Freebies last one day only!  Enter now so you don’t forget! If that happens, you’re giving Donna even greater odds of becoming like Jeopardy James!

May’s Freebie Winner! Really?

We’ll never be able to say that it doesn’t pay to try, try and try again.  Let’s meet (again) the latest winner of my First Friday Freebie –

Donna from Bunceton, Missouri!

I would like to start out by saying (“scout’s honor” if I had been any sort of scout, but I wasn’t, so you’ll have to take me at my word) that this monthly drawing is not rigged.  Perhaps you’ve noticed that Donna has now won the First Friday Freebie three times.  Perhaps you didn’t notice, and in that case, I’m sorry I brought the whole thing up.

The other thing that maybe some of you know and many of you don’t is that Donna is also my sister!  There is nothing in the rules that says that my relatives can’t enter to win, but this is getting ridiculous!  No matter how I adjust my poker face, or display the backs of the little slips of paper with entries written on them, Smuffy’s hand just randomly snatches Donna’s name out every so often as though by some magnetic force.

Anyway, congratulations, Donna!

 I hope you enjoy your set of handcrafted, up-cycled, sparkly gift bags and I hope they bring joy to whomever you bless when you give them away with gifts inside.

The gift bags were an art project of mine.  If you’d like to see how I take store merchandizing bags and turn them into beautiful gift bags, click here.  To see the original freebie offer, click here.

To all my readers, I’d like you to climb on board the “Stop Donna Express”!  I can only think of one way to stop my sister from becoming like one of those Jeopardy contestants who just can’t seem to go home and that is if YOU lower her odds by entering to win and share Midwest Storyteller with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest (or be old fashioned about it and tell them to subscribe so they’ll be able do the same.  Subscribers receive an email on the first Friday each month reminding them to leave a comment that will enter their name in the drawing.

A freebie offer appears the first Friday of every month.  Check out my Freebies page to see the winner and their free gifts they’ve won here at Midwest Storyteller.

 June’s drawing is right around the corner – June 7th, to be exact.  Donna is bound to enter, but the question is, will you?

You “May” Win a Freebie (but only if you try)!

Here we are again at the first Friday of the month.  I hope you’ve told all your friends about First Friday Freebies so they can enter to win today’s drawing.

Sometimes, when I’m on a creative binge, I like to give away my latest creations.  Remember the sparkly, repurposed gift bags I crafted out of shopping bags?

Handcrafted Gift Bags

Today I’m giving away this set of three gift bags with coordinating tissues.  The winner will receive “Congrats”, “Best Wishes” and “Happy Birthday” bags with die-cut designs and jeweled embellishments. 

I hope you enjoy my handiwork and are encouraged to try some similar rescue/recycle projects of your own.  If you have any creative ideas for the “accumulated treasures” we all seem to have around the house, I’d love it if you’d share your ideas in the comments and please feel free to send any photos of your creations you’d like to share with me to

If you’d like to see how I made the bags and get ideas on how you can do similar projects on your own or with the kids (and whether or not you have a die cutting machine), check out my post here.

To enter to win the gift bag set, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Draw my name from the bag!”  You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, May 3rd, 2019!

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.  You can subscribe by going to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.  Confirming your subscription through the confirmation email you’ll receive is absolutely necessary, so don’t forget that!

Your friends will want to enter to win, too.  Share this post with them through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.  They won’t know if you don’t tell them!

Subscribers win every single month!  See past gifts and their winners on my “Freebies” page.

Remember, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Draw my name from the bag!”

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, CLICK HERE

Glitches happen.  If you subscribe and do not receive a confirmation email for some reason, please email me and let me know at

Freebies only last a day!  Enter now so you don’t forget!