Take Charge and WIN!

I fully disclose that as a Certified Lifestyle Coach I do, at times, receive monetary compensation as such. See The Fine Print on the “About Me” page of this blog.

Denise's Diabetes Story  www.midweststoryteller.com

I am OVER THE MOON about Denise’s results and couldn’t wait to share them with you! This is another story from one of the members of my weekly group coaching sessions. Denise is an example of what happens when you make changes in your life and see the victory. We talk about those victories our members see on the scale and that’s great because losing excess body fat is so important. But those non-scale victories can be the ones you really want to shout about.

Denise is not someone special who got abnormal results that are not achievable for someone like you. She learned how to fuel her body and it changed her life. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made and you can learn to treat it as it was designed to be treated.

Feel free to contact me about private coaching or if you are local, join us in person. We meet weekly. It’s a joy for me to think that I had a part in Denise’s journey to success and that I may be able to help you, too!

Introducing…Lime Sillies!

I probably should have passed this one on to you at the beginning of summer so you could enjoy it in the summer months, but since we enjoy it year-round I decided to go ahead and share it now that it has a name.

Lime Sillies www.midweststoryteller.com

I’m quite a lot like Anne of Green Gables when it comes to names. I like a little romance or beauty in a name rather than something ordinary. I, like Anne, would never have called it Barry’s Pond when I could’ve re-named it The Lake of Shining Waters and what is a better name for a blooming orchard than The White Way of Delight? It’s like she’s in my head.

I gave up soda a long time ago – decades in fact. After a while, I actually grew to detest the stuff and the way it made me feel.  However, I do somehow miss the bubbles and had to content myself with the occasional bottle of sparkling water because I’m way too frugal to drink it all the time.

Then I did some bartering one day with a friend who was doing a rummage sale with me.  I traded her some tea tree oil I’d over-bought for a Soda-Stream.  We had lots of fun with successes and fails as we tried various additives and blends to flavor the sparkling water we could now just fizz up in our own machine. (There is a cartridge that you trade in when it’s empty so after your initial purchase you pay only half price when you make the swap.)

We found it to be economical.  We started our first cartridge around July 4th and didn’t run out of bubbles till the middle of September!

Flavorings seemed to be the sticking point.  Smuffy is super picky on taste.  I am super picky on healthy add-ins.  Some of the ones you buy turn your carbonated water right back into soda! 

After a while, I just threw something together one day as a “lime thing” and ended up loving it.  Then I started serving it to guests and they liked it, which is good because when they come to my house I don’t stock “junk” drinks.

I knew this was ready to pass on to you when Lil’ Snookie gave it a name.  All on his own, when he was still two years old, he began to say that anything with carbonation in it had “sillies” and would ask Pookie, his mama, if he could have sillies in his drink.

Now he’s grown to love my invention and almost every day asks me if he can have “Lime Sillies”.

And there you have it!  It needed the perfect name and now it’s ready to share.  No free printable necessary for this recipe because this is all you do –

Lime Sillies

1.  Pour 1” to 1 ½” inches of Real-Lime or fresh lime juice into the bottom of your glass.  (Everyone has a different preference as to how much lime they prefer.)

2.  Add a tiny pinch of mineral salt (not the table salt gunk).

3.  Add 1 doonk of THM Pure Stevia or any on-plan natural sweetener.

4.  Add a couple of drops of pure vanilla extract.

Swirl the glass well or stir the mixture with a spoon before filling the glass with cold, carbonated water.  Add ice if you wish.

NOTE:  You cannot add the ingredients to the water.  You have to add the water to the other ingredients.  For some mysterious reason, dropping the sweetener into the carbonation makes the contents of the glass explode all over the counter.  Ask me how I know.

Also, with a SodaStream, you must carbonate only plain water.  Adding any ingredients to the water prior to pumping in the carbonation will result in more exploding things.  Ask me how I know.

There you have it – Lil’ Snookie’s Lime Sillies!  Fix a glass and head for the porch on these beautiful autumn days.

If you’d really like to see me explode things, check out “Don’t Blame the Cat – The Spaghetti Squash Did It”.  I can’t let Smuffy have all the fun, you know, and you can get a taste of what it’s like to live my Life With Smuffy here also.

I fully disclose that I am a THM Certified Lifestyle Coach and at times receive financial compensation as such.

If you need support in your journey to better health and weight loss, head to the Contact page or my Food Freedom pages on Facebook and Mewe and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and certainly to lose weight safely and sustainably if you need to do that. 

Leave a comment after you sip your Lime Sillies and let me know how you like it.  Do you have a carbonation machine of any kind? What are your favorite flavors to add that keep it healthy and make it tasty?