‘Tis the Season for Joy, So Try!

All the songs tell us that we should be delirious with happiness right now.  All the street lights should look like strings of lights and even the stop lights ought to be reminding us of ornaments as they blink a bright red and green.  With people passing and children laughing, we should be meeting smile after smile and every jingle or jangle we hear should be the sweet sound of silver bells.

I love Christmas.  My mom loved Christmas.  She knew how to make something out of nothing and take joy in what she did have and set aside any thoughts about what she didn’t have.  I love surprises and gift giving and if there’s one thing in life right now that has raised the joy in that, it is having our little Snookie.  At almost two years old, he’s all wonder and happiness.  Together, he and I have been making Christmas cards for him to give to his special people and when he “paints” with his markers, he is purposeful and pleased and understands that he’s making a beautiful thing that will make someone smile.

There are, of course, some of you who are having trouble mustering up a smile.  Perhaps it is for good reason.  There’s no getting around that for some people Christmas is a reminder of loss or past or present pain.  Sometimes it can be fear of loss if illness threatens someone you love.  It can also be the absence of someone due to miles or because there’s been a rift that you feel helpless to repair.

Whether you are decorating your heart out and baking mountains of cookies while the carols play or whether you are struggling, an extra smile can’t hurt, so I’d like to share one of our Christmas smiles with you.

Touching Jesus  www.midweststoryteller.com

When Pookie arrives each day, she asks me how our day went and how things unfolded with lunch, naptime and Snookie’s mood and behavior (which, by the way, is nearly always wonderful).  Then on the drive home, she asks questions to get his version of the day.  I had decorated for Christmas and placed the Baby Jesus candle in the room where he naps so that we could light it while we snuggle, sing “Away In a Manger” and talk about Jesus.  (Do I need a disclaimer here to say that after he falls asleep I blow out the candle before I leave the room?)

The first day we lit the Baby Jesus candle, it was still fresh in his mind on the drive home.  The conversation went like this:

Pookie: Did you have a good day?

Snookie: Candle!
Pookie: Did Grandma have a candle?
Snookie: Light!
Pookie: You lit a candle?
Snookie: Jesus!
Pookie: Oh! You and Grandma lit the Baby Jesus candle?
Snookie: I do.  (Always his answer when he’s affirming an action or desire.)
Pookie:  Did you know Christmas is Baby Jesus’ birthday?
Snookie: Cake!!!
Pookie: Well, maybe we will have cake for Jesus’ birthday.
Snookie: Try Mama.

So, now, though we’ve not had the tradition in the past, Pookie is thinking that maybe a birthday cake is in order for Baby Jesus.  And, why not?  He is the reason for the celebration after all.

Children and their understanding of Christmas can not only bring us laughter, but bring us back to a place of wonder.  If you’ve wandered from your wonder into a place of commercialism, cynicism or down-heartedness, maybe it’s time to pray that your childlike joy returns.  I’d love to hear your stories of how the children in your life have understood Christmas, so please leave them in the comments.  I’d love to write a post filled entirely with those! 

One of my favorites is when my niece was discussing the Christmas story with her mommy.  They talked their way through it and when they got to the part about the wise men coming to bring gifts to Jesus, she asked what they tripped over.  Now, this puzzled my sister and she asked the reason for the question.  My niece gave the obvious answer:  “Mommy, it says they fell down and worshiped Him.  What did they fall over?”

I hope this has given you a smile.  I encourage you, like Snookie, to “try”.  Pull out your Bible and read through the portions of the book of Isaiah that promise us hope and tell us that the people walking in darkness have seen a great light.  The Light is Jesus and it far outshines the candles we use in symbolism.  Go to the New Testament and read the story of Jesus’ birth in the Gospels and ask Him to put that same “Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men” in your heart.  It’s more than just something to be printed on greeting cards.  Or, bake Him a cake!

Take the first step by going in search of the Christ-child.  Just try!

Still struggling with stress and perhaps even guilt? Check out “I Surrender All…Guilt” here and and “I Surrender All…Guilt” (Part 2) here.

Leave your comments with your fun Christmas stories, so we can all share Christmas smiles!

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If you’re in need of a case of the out-and-out giggles, take a journey through my “Laugh” page and also the stories about my “Life With Smuffy”.

The Tradition of the Un-given Gift

I’m here today to commiserate with those of you who may be thinking that The Most Wonderful Time of the Year always seems to have some small slip-up that knocks a bit of the sparkle off.

I suppose is happens to us all, but once you become a repeat offender, you tend to get somewhat of a reputation.  Family members in attendance at gift-opening time are known to ask outright if one of their gifts happens to be from last year.  Or, they lean forward with a raised eyebrow and inquire, “Are you sure that’s all?”

They’re not greedy.  They’re just offering me an opportunity to right my wrongs.  I take a little comfort in the fact that, though this seemingly unshakable tendency of mine irritates me to no end and adds to the general mirth at the festive gathering, at least it’s not dangerous.  Unlike Smuffy, no matter how many times this has happened to me, I never run the risk of being drowned, impaled or dismembered. So far.

Are you ready for my Christmas confession?  Are you longing to learn of my annual downfall? 

I am a lover of gift-giving!  My brain is an idea factory!  I am a super-shopper and, most of all, I am a master-hider!  My skills at the latter are my nemesis, however.  All year long, I scrounge, I create, I store up and I stash.  I make lists of things I’ve bought, want to buy, want to make and need to assemble and still lack parts.  I am in my element at thrift stores, garage sales, online, clearance aisles, craft stores and, yes, retail establishments.

I blame it on the house.  Limited storage causes me to scatter my treasures to the four corners, layer them between other stashed away items and wiggle them into cubbyholes already occupied by other items which then serve as camouflage.

Then, the tree goes up.  Then, wrapping begins.  Amid oven timers and cooling racks, when everyone’s backs are turned, out come all my treasures to be boxed, wrapped and fancied up with hand-made bows.  Except one.

I always miss ONE!

Smuffy’s been known to receive a cozy cardigan in May when I’m on a closet cleaning binge.  Poor Pookie has learned that she, too, is likely to be handed something in mid-summer that was intended for the Christmas stocking.  This has been going on for more years than I care to count. I swore I’d turn over a new leaf when I got a son-in-law, but he’s been around long enough now that when I handed him his last gift this year, he smiled and asked if I was sure about that.

A grandchild is on the scene now, causing me to repent afresh and overcome this tendency. Leaving out something intended for Little Snookie would be unpardonable!

I’ve been known to misplace a paper list. This year, I installed a new app in my phone to help me list each family member and each gift.  I had my act together.  I cleaned out one spot and one spot only and collected my stash there.  I did all the wrapping at once and checked it off again on my phone.

Ah!  Christmas went like a dream.  I took all the ribbing with a smile, informing everyone that I was 99.9% sure that there wasn’t a single thing that didn’t make it into a stocking or under the tree.

Then, it happened.  Christmas festivities wound to a close.  The house seemed strangely quiet – too much so – as the car pulled away with Pookie and her loves, leaving Smuffy and me (and Phoebe June and several bags of paper and cardboard boxes).  I went into the entryway, checked the front door and turned out the light. 

As I turned around, thinking nothing was the matter, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a tuft of tissue amid red and green over there.  For behind the TV there sat a small bag.  I rolled my eyes and felt my shoulders sag.  I knew what it was – there was no denying.  I merely chuckled, walked past and refused to start crying.

The Un-Given Gift www.midweststoryteller.com

Pookie will love it!  She’ll think it’s just right – when I place The Un-given Gift into her hands tonight!

I know exactly what happened.  It was small and easily crushable under the tree with all those bigger gifts.  That little bag would be safer tucked away just behind the edge of the TV.  Well, wouldn’t it? 

What can I say?  It’s a tradition.

Happy New Year!  May you change the things you can and learn to laugh about the things you can’t.

Any true Christmas confessions?  Just leave those in the comments.  I can’t be the only one.  Can I?  Hello?  Hello?  Anybody out there?

Subscribe so you don’t miss out!  If you haven’t taken the deep dive into my “Life with Smuffy”, you really don’t know what you’re missing, so check it out along with the fun things on my Laugh! page.

Make someone smile.  Share this post via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and by all means, “Pin it”!

The Phoebe June Diaries: (Stolen Entries #2) Holiday Hits and Misses

Ever wondered what sort of vibes your pets pick up on during the holidays?  At times, they seem to know that something’s up – something’s different.  Well, wonder no longer – Phoebe June’s diary has the blow-by-blow.

She’s now experienced her second Christmas and as I peek into her ponderings, see that she finds the holiday season full of ups and downs regardless of whether she’s a tiny puff-ball or a full grown epitome of feline perfection. Shortly after her adoption, she became aware of a certain something special in the air.  Here are a few of her thoughts along with some photo art you and the kiddos might enjoy.

Phoebe Warm Phuzzies midweststoryteller.com

Friday, December 8, 2017

Mommy and I played so many games and toys when I got ‘dopted that I had to take naps and naps so I could grow fine and fancy.

Best Naps Ever midweststoryteller.com

She told me that Jesus was having a birthday and she had to do sneaky stuff so after she’d snuggle me to sleep, I’d finish my naps on the furry thing. I hoped I wouldn’t miss the big day, but Mommy said I’d get a special feeling and know when it happened because He was the one who made me so furry and cute and made sure I didn’t turn out to be a dog. I’m already liking this holiday.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017:

Yesterday, Mommy left me all alone and I cried. I cried a lot until I fell asleep. When she came home, she said I had accessories. Whatever they are, they had a funny smell so I sat on them and today she got me all accessorized and ready for the road. I thought we were going Christmas shopping.

We didn’t. We visited a man called Doctor Fray. He was nice and thought I was ‘dorable, but he smelled like all kinds of critters. It worried me at first but after a little bit I got bored and konked out on his table – most boring place ever and no special Christmas feeling here. Before I knew what was happening he gave me a pill and did a bad thing he called taking my temperature. It didn’t give me a warm and cozy Christmas feeling and next year I think I’ll give it a miss.

Phoebe's Not Shopping midweststoryteller.com

Thursday, December 14, 2017:

It got all snowy and blowy out the windows today and cold air whooshed my nose when Daddy came in and went out. Mommy calls it winter weather, but I don’t think it’s for kittens. Giving this part of Christmas a miss.

Wake Me in Spring midweststoryteller.com

Friday, December 15, 2017:

Mommy says if you don’t work out you’ll get a Christmas pudge so I went along to visit Gym. Since Dr. Fray says I only weigh a couple of pounds myself, I don’t know what she expected me to do with Gym’s toys, so I think I’ll settle for the pudge. All Gym’s people thought I was cute as a button and gave me treats, so it was a hit after all.

How Strong You Are midweststoryteller.com

After Gym, we picked up lunch for Daddy from some nice people who just hand the smelly stuff out in bags if you ask them nice. It was a hit with me and I gave the lady my best Christmas smile. She seemed surprised. I don’t know why – I smile at everybody.

Drive Thru Kitten midweststoryteller.com

Saturday, December 16, 2017:

We went to a birthday party – not Jesus’ party – one for Mommy’s and Daddy’s other sweetie-pie. They had a nice furry thing and that was a hit, but they told me afterward that they set their treats on fire before they ate them and if they do that again next year, I’m giving it a miss.

Kitten Call 911 midweststoryteller.com

Monday, December 18, 2017:

Time (whatever that is) is running out, Mommy says, and that’s why we couldn’t snuggle much today. A kitten has to do what a kitten has to do. I’d rather have Mommy and give this new kid a miss.

No Creature Stirring midweststoryteller.com

When I woke up Mommy was wrapping boxes. That crinkly stuff is a hit with me! I tried to get onto the table where the action was, but for some reason I got in trouble with Mommy.

Furry Helper midweststoryteller.com

Wednesday, December 20, 2017:

Whatever hustle and bustle means, it keeps Mommy hopping. It’s a hit with me, though, ‘cause new stuff happens every minute, like boxes just my size, runs for the border and baskets of warm laundry.

Phoebe's Great Day midweststoryteller.com

Sunday, December 24, 2017

You never know about Daddy. He says it’s Christmas Eve and that’s special. One minute, we’re snuggling in the chair with our feet up. A kitten could get a cramp doing it like he does. The next minute he’s plunking me right into the cold, white stuff. There are some days I’m not sure Mommy should let him watch me!

Snow Kitten midweststoryteller.com

Monday, December 25, 2017:

Christmas came today and Mommy was right – I could feel it.

Christmas Kitten midweststoryteller.com

I sniffed specialness (and a roast duck) in the air all day! I got toys and treats and that was a hit. I heard people say that that when there was no room for Jesus He got to have His birthday in a stable with all the animals and that they all got to talk that day and tell Him how special He was. The stable cat must have been what they call an ancestor of mine because I come from a long line of talkers who put the Mew in Mewey Christmas!

In the last year, Phoebe June has grown into a shining and elegant example of cathood.  Her catitudes fluctuate wildly between those of that small kitten of a year ago to those of a demanding adolescent who’s convinced that parental standards are archaic and unnecessary. 

She had, of course, strong opinions during the 2018 Christmas season and they mirror, to a degree, those of the previous year.  I managed to snatch three snippets from her diary.

Thursday, November 29, 2018:

Mommy has ignored me off and on since Thanksgiving, but I’m forgiving her because she’s filled the whole place with wiggly, crinkly, rustly toys and the best one is this thing she thinks is a real tree but it’s not.  She even put a special blanky under it for me to nap on so all I have to do is reach up and pull off the pretties I want!  This thing is a HIT!  Why they distract me with that stupid squirt bottle is a mystery, but you never can tell with Mommy and Daddy.  Wish they’d give that thing a miss – it’s messing up my whole holiday season.

Comfort and Joy midweststoryteller.com

Monday, December 14, 2018:

Awesomeness popped out of a big box today and I got one of my Christmas presents early.  It almost makes me want to forgive them for the squirt bottle.  A jungle gym, scratcher-upper, flying mouse-birds, all combined with a napping cubby – this thing is better than Mommy’s tree – almost.  Anyway, it’s a big hit!

Phoebe's Christmas Gift midweststoryteller.com

Tuesday, December 25, 2018:

I had that warm and special feeling all day that you get just thinking about how Jesus came to live with us.  They hand out treats and gifts because He is such a Gift, so I figured I may as well snooze until we got to that part.  I wonder about Mommy sometimes.  She gets tired getting ready for the big day and it makes her do the strangest things. 

Don't Blame Mommy midweststoryteller.com

She dangled a sock for me – just one, mind you – not two or four.  I guess the poor thing misplaced the others.  It’s just as well.  I wouldn’t have wanted to be seen wearing the gaudy things in public. Anyone could tell just by looking that she bought the wrong size.  Later we peeked inside it and out popped a very interesting rodent.  I ignored it just for show.  That’s what I do. 

I played in tissue and crawled in and out of boxes and bags for hours and not one squirt from that stupid water bottle!  Ah, THIS is Christmas!  Later, I found my new toy, named her Rhoda and gave her the bath she needed if she’s going to be living here. 

People keep talking about coming up with resolutions for 2019.  I have one.  Somehow, before the next time the tree goes up, I’m going to track down that squirt bottle and give it a miss!  I wonder how much litter it will take to bury that thing.

Loud-mouthed, opinionated and completely loveable – that’s our Phoebe June!  “Share”, “Like” and “Pin” her thoughts and adventures with the cat-lovers in your life and stick around – she’ll have more to say soon!

If you missed the first installment of “The Phoebe June Diaries”, you can catch up by clicking here.  See how she celebrated National Cat Day here, and learn about how we became her forever family here!

I’d love to hear from you and so would Phoebe June so please LEAVE A COMMENT!