Just a quick note today to speak a blessing on your year ahead. May you enjoy a loving family, devoted friends and may you prosper in everything you put your hand to. God longs to bless you in so many ways and I hope you realize them all.
Of course, as I have said before, I’m looking for a following of folks who will join me in a movement to have New Year’s Day shifted to the first day of spring. Who wants to lose weight, start new life journeys and re-create themselves when it’s really time to curl up with a good book and wait for the sun to come out and the snow to melt.
In the Spring, I’m ready for all those things, but not now – so that’s why I’m planting the seeds of a New Year’s Revolution. Resolutions can wait till March when I’m naturally invigorated and energized. Right now, I want to read, snack and work up my mental nerve to tackle something like cleaning closets. Soon, I’ll see Smuffy caressing his seed catalogs and dreaming of warm days.
Even though I think this photo of my back yard in winter is beautiful, it never takes me long to tire of it when the real thing hits, which it is supposed to do this weekend.
Happy New Year, Dear Readers! Blessings on all 365 days of it.
Happy New Year to you! I hope you will be blessed with good health and much happiness!