Saying a prayer that each and every one of you is surrounded today by those you love most!
—Phoebe June, Smuffy and The Storyteller
Saying a prayer that each and every one of you is surrounded today by those you love most!
—Phoebe June, Smuffy and The Storyteller
My “job” keeps me hopping and a bit too busy to come up with new ways to sneak into Phoebe June’s diary without getting caught. The grandma life is sweet, but with my Sweet Boy here almost every day, I have to be sure that Phoebe June gets the attention she demands. That’s right – demands! She’s fully aware that she’s grown into her title of “Queen of All Cats”, and still prefers to spend plenty of time practicing her hunting skills (even if she has to do it by murdering catnip mice, leaping onto house flies and basement crickets and slamming me with surprise attacks). In Phoebe June’s mind, I am the other kitten in the barn loft, just waiting for the next big surprise as she spikes up her fur and advances toward me with “Let’s rumble!” written all over her face. I have the scars to prove this.
You can imagine my concern over introducing a baby to such a needy cat who thrives on rough and tumble human interaction. Should I expect jealousy? Fury? Or, perhaps most worrisome, an attitude that if Mommy loves this new critter, it must make the perfect plaything!
Well, she’s had over a year to adjust and I think Phoebe June’s handled it fairly well, considering. I thought it might be time to take a peek at some of her observations on those first days.
Monday, February 10, 2020
It arrived not long after Christmas – The Snookie. I was familiar with Pookie and she’s all right by me as long as she resists the urge to tweak my nose, but after all these months and months of talk about Snookie coming, I started to wonder if Mommy intended to trade me in for it, whatever it was. Then came the socks. They looked just my size, but Mommy stuck them on her thumbs the other day and (she’s done strange things before) massaged my cheeks! They smelled funny. She said I could expect Snookie to smell the same and that I would just adore him. Well, he showed up today, socks and all, taking up a large portion of Mommy’s lap that I required for other purposes. I jumped in and tried to be sociable even though he does smell funny. He’s got to learn – the red furry thing is mine!
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Mommy says tomorrow’s the Big Day. Snookie will be all ours – all day! She got excited and fixed his cage. He must be pretty puny if he can’t jump out of that. After festooning it all over with soapy-smelling soft stuff, she put a critter inside, smiled at it and called it Pooh. She pulled the thing on its head and the minute I heard the noise, I knew that the Pooh varmint must die. I hunkered low and went in for the kill, yanking him through the bars. Just as I was showing him what real cats are made of, Mommy said I mustn’t and put him back in the cage. She just doesn’t understand some things. I tried my best all day to murder that thing, but finally she stuck him on top of the wardrobe. I can jump up there, but she’d take it personally. I’ll bide my time.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Sometimes the noise is almost unbearable. How Pookie stands it in the middle of the night at her house is beyond me. I get a strong feeling that Mommy wouldn’t like it much if I just popped him on the snoot when he makes that racket, so when Snookie got all fretful today, I decided to help out. I jumped up next to him and demonstrated how to self-soothe. Cats know these things. Step 1: Find the furry thing. Step 2: Give it a thorough stomping, giving care to exercise the toes and claws. Step 3: Purr very loud. Step 4: Curl up on it and konk out and stop making noise! Did he listen? No! Did he make the slightest effort? No! And so I suffer.
Friday, April 10, 2020
He isn’t always noisy. The endless snuggles Mommy gives The Snookie can really get on my nerves sometimes. She thinks he’s darling. I suppose he’s tolerable. He still smells funny, but she doesn’t seem to mind, even when he spits. I’ll forgive her for acting goofy over him today. She’s been telling him how it’s his Great-grandma Emmabelle’s birthday today and how she’s looking down at him from Heaven and loving him. All pretty drippy stuff, but that’s how Mommy is. I’ll just be glad when she gets back to snuggling me and calling me all my sappy nicknames.
Monday April 13, 2020
I have to admit, The Snookie has his moments. I’m starting to see why they take such a shine to him. Of course, he’ll never be as cute as me – he’s far too furless – but he has perked up and started to act like something I might want to play with someday. He also looks like something that’s going to try to pinch my fur. Those fists clutch at everything, including my tail if I let my guard down. There is a twinkle in his eye. He does stuff now. He moves, but I can move faster. If I stay a couple of feet away, I can study him without getting nabbed. I have a funny feeling Mommy would take his side if I had to pop him one. What worries me is that he learns a new trick every day. It’s such a relief that walking is never going to be one of them. And note the absence of any teeth – the advantages are all mine!
That’s only the beginning of Phoebe June’s observations on babies. More to come in the days ahead, so subscribe now so that you don’t miss out on what she has to say about crawlers and toddlers!.
Our Phoebe June – lovable and opinionated! “Share”, “Like” and “Pin” her thoughts and adventures with the cat-lovers in your life.
If you missed the first installments of “The Phoebe June Diaries”, you can catch up by clicking here and here. Check out everything on her page here!
Merry Christmas from Phoebe June, Smuffy & the Storyteller!
As you revel in Christmas fun or perhaps even struggle with “stuff” this season (you know the stuff), we hope your search for joy brings you to Bethlehem and the real reason we celebrate – Jesus, our Messiah!
If you live in the United States (and perhaps even if you don’t), you’ve heard about and seen video of the flooding that is devastating the Midwest. Though it didn’t arrive here as early as in other places, it did come in full force. Although the experts tell us that it hasn’t reached the Great Flood of ’93 levels, you couldn’t tell it by appearances. I thought the best example I might give you is a photo of the same location that I used as the background to the heading of this blog.
Where, O where, you ask, did the railroad tracks go? They’re under all that water somewhere. I’m not so sure that journey would lead you to a better place! We have a picturesque park that offers visitors a breathtaking view of the Missouri River and all the beautiful countryside of the neighboring county to the north of us. This became our new view from Lookout Point of all those farms, fields and homes.
The sight of that barn roof poking out of the water is enough to sicken you. While the water mark may not have reached the previous record, “Enough,” as Mary Poppins said, “is as good as a feast.” Enough!
Though we live on high ground, we have not been immune to watery woes. If the river reaches my door, we are all in trouble, folks! The rains, coming often and lasting long, did give us a bit of a taste of what’s happening on the other side of the river and since it is better to laugh than cry when life gives you lemons and enough water to make lemonade for everyone in the country, I thought I’d share a what happened here during the flooding in May. No photos, though – no time for that! Read on, for this one goes to show you that it is not always Smuffy who finds himself in the middle of mayhem and mishap.
A glance at the clock told me I had two hours to go unless someone showed up early and someone always does. I was in my element! Over the years, I’d lost count of friends who’d referred to me as Martha Stewart, June Cleaver, Mary Poppins or Emily Post. Yes, I was born to host!
If it’s one thing I hate, it’s cancelling my carefully pre-planned shindig. The previous day’s downpour had lingered on into the day of my Ladies Backyard Picnic and I had already sent out a notice that we would be picnicking indoors.
I forced myself to brush off the let-down, for my yard, always at its glory in the month of May, was having an exceptional year.
The second blow had come when the patio drain clogged, forcing the all-day deluge from the gutters up through the basement drain the night before.
This hadn’t come as a total surprise. Smuffy had been muttering about the thing for a week or so, making a priority of getting the sewer machine he has access to at work fixed so that he could bring it home to use. When the weather forecast predicted a few days of what he calls toad-strangling downpours, he’d hauled it home to give it his undivided attention. It didn’t seem to want to cooperate with his efforts and the day before the party, we started taking on water.
Finally, he declared it fixed and sent it down the pipe to do its job of ripping out a wad of tree roots. Smuffy, with the finesse and intuition of one who, through the years, has become a pipe whisperer, declared victory and threw the machine into reverse.
Things got stuck. Perhaps the root wad dingled while the sewer cable dangled or possibly it may have happened the other way around, but now we seemed to have the machine permanently attached to our patio.
Poor Smuffy, after sitting in the rain over the drain for hours, called for my help. Heaving on the count of three with all our might, we couldn’t budge it. By the time he’d applied a removal tool (which didn’t fit) and installed a pump in the basement with a hose out the door to take the water out, we were reduced to taking turns with the knee-high rubber boots.
There are moments in life when, like it or not, one must admit temporary defeat. I ran madly around the basement (in boots big enough for Smuffy) lifting things to higher ground, hoping that I’d gotten everything I needed out of the freezer for my party the following day.
Then, it hit me – Phoebe June! She’d been watching the proceedings from the basement steps, taking it all in with great interest and a look that told us that if we’d only bothered to ask her opinion, the whole thing would have been sorted out long ago. She accepted with a great deal of grace and dignity, I thought, the fact that rather than furnish her with a small set of oars, we’d moved her potty pan up to the dining room and plugged her kitty-sized hole in the basement door to keep her from exploring the flood zone.
Worn out but undaunted, I’d gone to bed with a prayer that if we actually started to float away during the night, God would wake me.
Now, on the day of the Indoor Ladies Backyard Picnic, I felt like I’d spent the day summoning my Martha-June-Mary-Emily powers with a reasonable amount of success. The ladies would arrive at six o’clock. Why not? The flood was in the basement and the party on the main floor. We would ignore the sound of the pump. The rain continued to add moisture to my mess and the weather radar promised a dandy storm somewhere in mid-afternoon – and dandy it was!
As I cleaned and double-checked my list of preparations like any good hostess would, the wind and rain beat against the house and thunder and lightning did their best to get me to worry that the power might go out. I pushed these thoughts aside. Whatever happened, all would be right with the world by six o’clock.
At four o’clock, right on schedule, I grabbed my sturdiest meat fork and poked holes all over my first spaghetti squash. The garlicky, cheesy, spaghetti squash and chicken casserole had become a favorite and I couldn’t wait for the ladies to try it. I shoved the squash onto a plate and inserted it into the microwave, giving it my usual twenty-two minutes.
Rounding the corner to the living room, I crossed to the mantle to tweak the peonies I had arranged in vases. When my foot slipped on the hardwood floor, I looked down to find myself standing in water.
Phoebe June? No! Not even with the indignity of having her potty pan parked in public would she consider such a sin! I followed the trail of water across the floor where it oozed from beneath the area rug and disappeared under Smuffy’s chair. Then, I saw it. The gutter above the window behind the chair had clogged and the downpour was being forced in around the window somehow. I ran for towels, began soaking up the mess and called Smuffy.
His phone rang. To be exact, it rang right next to me. He’d forgotten to take it to work. I called the office, only to discover that he’d gone out and they had no idea where he was or when he’d be back.
At times like this, I sometimes just go on auto-pilot. It beats panic. The abundance of towels seemed to be taking care of the flow so I donned the boots again and made my way back down to the swamp to gather the fixings for my picnic beverages, hoping that the refrigerator and freezer, located some distance from the drain area, hadn’t gotten their electrical parts moistened to the point where I’d get zapped. Besides, I told myself, rubber boots prevent that sort of thing.
After sloshing over to the major appliances and begging them to be gentle with me, I pulled out the ice and seltzer water. Somewhere, from up above, I heard a loud ka-BANG! A solid THUD followed it before silence fell.
“Oh, Phoebe June,” I muttered. “What is that cat up to now?”
Wisdom tempered my urge to run. The volume of the sound indicated that something of grand proportion had just occurred on the main floor. I took it slow, however, knowing that breaking into a full run would send gallons of water up my back, all over my clothes and into my hair, ruining my last chances of appearing as the elegant hostess.
Hugging my supplies (for I vowed to make no more adventures into the swamp), I made it to the top of the stairs and headed through the dining room toward the kitchen. I stopped at the sight that met my eyes and I’m pretty sure my mouth fell open.
The microwave door stood wide open. The spaghetti squash had exited entirely and the greater portion now lay on the counter in Humpty Dumpty fashion. The remainder dangled all around the kitchen without prejudice against any surface. The walls, windows, valances, woodwork, range, floor, cabinetry, small appliances – they all had their portion of spaghetti squash.
The only thing lacking a good dollop of squash seemed to be Phoebe June, who sat behind me, her wide eyes asking, “What happened?” I gave her an apology for my false assumptions, heaved a sigh and peeked inside the microwave.
The inside, looking as though its portion of spaghetti squash had been applied with a trowel by someone who knew their business well, brought a moan from the depths of my soul. The clock screamed 4:20 when I dared glance at it. I had another squash to cook in order to make the casserole, but the mess would have to be dealt with first. I grabbed a spatula. I would do this, by gosh and by golly, even if the ladies all arrived before the casserole came out of the oven!
While I scraped, wiped and picked, my mind raced. I needed to decide which of my plans remained top priority and which could be scrapped. I needed to clean the kitchen. I must change into some lovely outfit, bejewel myself and perform a quick maintenance to make-up and hair which, thankfully, didn’t have squash in it. I’d been saving the bathroom for last and it had to be cleaned.
Once having gotten the inside of the microwave restored and Spaghetti Squash #2 inserted with a prayer and extra deep puncture wounds, I turned on the water to wash my hands. Water! I’d forgotten about the water.
I raced to the living room, fearful of how much water may have come in around the window while I’d been dealing with squash. The towels seemed to be taking care of the flow. I looked up at the window, feeling helpless as to how to do anything about the overflowing gutter for the rain still came down in buckets. Then, my eyes focused on the scene beyond.
One of the city’s street drains is located a few feet from the top of our driveway and it had clogged as though it had gotten word about it being National Clogging Day. Water came over the top of the driveway like a waterfall, crashed around the wheels of my car (which Smuffy had moved to the top of the hill to keep it away from a suspicious tree limb during the storm) and roared down the driveway. Years of experience told me that when it reached bottom it would go straight onto our patio and since that drain remained clogged, it would enter the basement.
I suppose I do have a panic button, because this pushed it. I grabbed my phone in a desperate attempt to reach Smuffy because Smuffy makes everything right – eventually. Then, I nearly cried as I remembered that he’d left his phone behind. I called the city.
While they didn’t exactly say, “Too bad. So sad.” or “Kiss my grits!”, they did inform me that things were tough all over, that the problem was city-wide and that none of their drains were equipped to handle this amount of water all at once. What it amounted to was that no one was coming to unclog anything. I hung up and went back to the kitchen to scrape the squash off the windows.
With Squash #2 into the casserole and oven and Squash #1 under control, I wiped up the bathroom and went to change clothes. The sound of the rain beating against the house had lessened to the point that I began to believe the weather reports that promised that all this nonsense would come to a complete stop by the time my guests needed to drive to my house. I began to breathe again. A few of them had been messaging me concerning their fears about leaving home in such a torrent.
I picked up a pair of dangly earrings and put them on as I made another trip to the living room. The window leak seemed to have stopped. I picked up the wet towels and looked around the room, abandoning my plans to move all the furniture back and set up long tables down the center with checkered cloths and bandana napkins. There simply wasn’t time. The ladies would have to get their food in the dining room and be content with the coffee table and TV trays. I glanced out the window to see if the whitewater falls had slowed any. That’s when I noticed that my car was missing.
I gasped. My brain did a few somersaults while it asked itself if it were sure Smuffy had left the car at the top of the hill. Visions of nightly news reports raced through my mind as I recalled the oft issued warning that a mere foot of rushing water might cause a vehicle to be carried away.
I turned and ran, arriving at the kitchen window out of breath, only to peer over the edge of the porch and see my car parked in its usual spot. I sighed with relief that it hadn’t ended up on the patio, in the garden or in the neighbors’ back yard.
I’ve been rattled in my time, but this day had earned red letter status in the rattling department. I longed to know one way or the other – had Smuffy stopped by unannounced and moved my car or had it been swept away and miraculously carried in the hands of angels to its perfect resting place? Another glance at Smuffy’s phone told me this story was “to be continued…”
The doorbell rang. My daughter and sister were among the first to arrive, full of offers to help if I would only tell them what needed to be done. All I could tell them was that their guess was as good as mine and we stumbled through receiving guests and putting out food and drinks.
I can think of no other time when I’ve felt so grateful to stop, sit, relax with friends and enjoy good food! Though their hostess did not offer up the mostest in terms of fashionable tablescape and seating arrangements, they seemed to feel fully compensated by the fact that the day’s events provided the evening entertainment.
Smuffy made an appearance, admitting that he had, indeed, stopped by and moved my car without telling me. And Phoebe June, you ask? She mingled, managing to assert her cattitude and be rude to a guest only once after being ignored and feeling like the accused all day.
You can’t ask for more than that.
I crawled into my warm, safe and dry bed that night offering up thanks that I hadn’t been in the kitchen when things exploded. As I drifted off to sleep, I pondered the mystery of it all. Why, after at least twenty years of the same cooking method, did this particular squash become a ballistic missile? With a team of experts and a few million dollars, the military might be able to come up with something that, if nothing else, would frustrate and exhaust our enemies to the point of surrender.
Next up – it’s time to join Smuffy as he endeavors to make a few adjustments to the car. No seat belts needed. Just clear the area!
Subscribe so you don’t miss it! If you haven’t taken the deep dive into my “Life with Smuffy”, you really don’t know what you’re missing, so check it out! Why not start with the story of our Smokin’ Hot Honeymoon? Phoebe June has her own page so if you haven’t gotten to know her, click here.
Make someone smile. Share this post via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and by all means, “Pin it”!
A little advice, just in case you’re letting the cares of this world get you down – she’s got this chillin’ thing down to a science!
We’ll be wiggling our toes a little more next week when our yard sale is over! I can’t tell you how much help Phoebe June has been at sorting through closets!
We’ve had a little excitement around here and I’ll fill you in on that.
The month of June is right around the corner and that always brings to mind the time that Smuffy decided to adjust the brakes on the car and…
Sorry, gotta put that one on hold! He has his own page here at Midwest Storyteller here, if you’d like to catch up. Excerpts from Phoebe June’s diary are right here!
Ever wondered what sort of vibes your pets pick up on during the holidays? At times, they seem to know that something’s up – something’s different. Well, wonder no longer – Phoebe June’s diary has the blow-by-blow.
She’s now experienced her second Christmas and as I peek into her ponderings, see that she finds the holiday season full of ups and downs regardless of whether she’s a tiny puff-ball or a full grown epitome of feline perfection. Shortly after her adoption, she became aware of a certain something special in the air. Here are a few of her thoughts along with some photo art you and the kiddos might enjoy.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Mommy and I played so many games and toys when I got ‘dopted that I had to take naps and naps so I could grow fine and fancy.
She told me that Jesus was having a birthday and she had to do sneaky stuff so after she’d snuggle me to sleep, I’d finish my naps on the furry thing. I hoped I wouldn’t miss the big day, but Mommy said I’d get a special feeling and know when it happened because He was the one who made me so furry and cute and made sure I didn’t turn out to be a dog. I’m already liking this holiday.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017:
Yesterday, Mommy left me all alone and I cried. I cried a lot until I fell asleep. When she came home, she said I had accessories. Whatever they are, they had a funny smell so I sat on them and today she got me all accessorized and ready for the road. I thought we were going Christmas shopping.
We didn’t. We visited a man called Doctor Fray. He was nice and thought I was ‘dorable, but he smelled like all kinds of critters. It worried me at first but after a little bit I got bored and konked out on his table – most boring place ever and no special Christmas feeling here. Before I knew what was happening he gave me a pill and did a bad thing he called taking my temperature. It didn’t give me a warm and cozy Christmas feeling and next year I think I’ll give it a miss.
Thursday, December 14, 2017:
It got all snowy and blowy out the windows today and cold air whooshed my nose when Daddy came in and went out. Mommy calls it winter weather, but I don’t think it’s for kittens. Giving this part of Christmas a miss.
Friday, December 15, 2017:
Mommy says if you don’t work out you’ll get a Christmas pudge so I went along to visit Gym. Since Dr. Fray says I only weigh a couple of pounds myself, I don’t know what she expected me to do with Gym’s toys, so I think I’ll settle for the pudge. All Gym’s people thought I was cute as a button and gave me treats, so it was a hit after all.
After Gym, we picked up lunch for Daddy from some nice people who just hand the smelly stuff out in bags if you ask them nice. It was a hit with me and I gave the lady my best Christmas smile. She seemed surprised. I don’t know why – I smile at everybody.
Saturday, December 16, 2017:
We went to a birthday party – not Jesus’ party – one for Mommy’s and Daddy’s other sweetie-pie. They had a nice furry thing and that was a hit, but they told me afterward that they set their treats on fire before they ate them and if they do that again next year, I’m giving it a miss.
Monday, December 18, 2017:
Time (whatever that is) is running out, Mommy says, and that’s why we couldn’t snuggle much today. A kitten has to do what a kitten has to do. I’d rather have Mommy and give this new kid a miss.
When I woke up Mommy was wrapping boxes. That crinkly stuff is a hit with me! I tried to get onto the table where the action was, but for some reason I got in trouble with Mommy.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017:
Whatever hustle and bustle means, it keeps Mommy hopping. It’s a hit with me, though, ‘cause new stuff happens every minute, like boxes just my size, runs for the border and baskets of warm laundry.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
You never know about Daddy. He says it’s Christmas Eve and that’s special. One minute, we’re snuggling in the chair with our feet up. A kitten could get a cramp doing it like he does. The next minute he’s plunking me right into the cold, white stuff. There are some days I’m not sure Mommy should let him watch me!
Monday, December 25, 2017:
Christmas came today and Mommy was right – I could feel it.
I sniffed specialness (and a roast duck) in the air all day! I got toys and treats and that was a hit. I heard people say that that when there was no room for Jesus He got to have His birthday in a stable with all the animals and that they all got to talk that day and tell Him how special He was. The stable cat must have been what they call an ancestor of mine because I come from a long line of talkers who put the Mew in Mewey Christmas!
In the last year, Phoebe June has grown into a shining and elegant example of cathood. Her catitudes fluctuate wildly between those of that small kitten of a year ago to those of a demanding adolescent who’s convinced that parental standards are archaic and unnecessary.
She had, of course, strong opinions during the 2018 Christmas season and they mirror, to a degree, those of the previous year. I managed to snatch three snippets from her diary.
Thursday, November 29, 2018:
Mommy has ignored me off and on since Thanksgiving, but I’m forgiving her because she’s filled the whole place with wiggly, crinkly, rustly toys and the best one is this thing she thinks is a real tree but it’s not. She even put a special blanky under it for me to nap on so all I have to do is reach up and pull off the pretties I want! This thing is a HIT! Why they distract me with that stupid squirt bottle is a mystery, but you never can tell with Mommy and Daddy. Wish they’d give that thing a miss – it’s messing up my whole holiday season.
Monday, December 14, 2018:
Awesomeness popped out of a big box today and I got one of my Christmas presents early. It almost makes me want to forgive them for the squirt bottle. A jungle gym, scratcher-upper, flying mouse-birds, all combined with a napping cubby – this thing is better than Mommy’s tree – almost. Anyway, it’s a big hit!
Tuesday, December 25, 2018:
I had that warm and special feeling all day that you get just thinking about how Jesus came to live with us. They hand out treats and gifts because He is such a Gift, so I figured I may as well snooze until we got to that part. I wonder about Mommy sometimes. She gets tired getting ready for the big day and it makes her do the strangest things.
She dangled a sock for me – just one, mind you – not two or four. I guess the poor thing misplaced the others. It’s just as well. I wouldn’t have wanted to be seen wearing the gaudy things in public. Anyone could tell just by looking that she bought the wrong size. Later we peeked inside it and out popped a very interesting rodent. I ignored it just for show. That’s what I do.
I played in tissue and crawled in and out of boxes and bags for hours and not one squirt from that stupid water bottle! Ah, THIS is Christmas! Later, I found my new toy, named her Rhoda and gave her the bath she needed if she’s going to be living here.
People keep talking about coming up with resolutions for 2019. I have one. Somehow, before the next time the tree goes up, I’m going to track down that squirt bottle and give it a miss! I wonder how much litter it will take to bury that thing.
Loud-mouthed, opinionated and completely loveable – that’s our Phoebe June! “Share”, “Like” and “Pin” her thoughts and adventures with the cat-lovers in your life and stick around – she’ll have more to say soon!
If you missed the first installment of “The Phoebe June Diaries”, you can catch up by clicking here. See how she celebrated National Cat Day here, and learn about how we became her forever family here!
I’d love to hear from you and so would Phoebe June so please LEAVE A COMMENT!
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the day Phoebe June bounced into our lives, electrifying every nook and cranny of our world. And then there’s the noise. There’s a lot of that. As I shared earlier here, it would be no surprise to discover that Phoebe June kept a diary, as she’s as full of opinions as a stage director with a headache. I thought it fitting to start with her earliest musings. Please don’t tell her I snooped. I’ll never hear the end of it.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
I played and napped in the mudroom with my sissy today. Sissy’s fun, but not as much fun as me! Mommy Blair got grouchy again when we tried to have some milk, but Joy-lady fed us at the bowl and then let us run all over the house! Sissy’s a little scared of the Christmas tree, but not me! We heard the door and that dumb dog yelling. A lady came. Sissy peeked around the corner. I bounced around it. People need fun and I’m full of the stuff. The new lady smiled and scooped up Sissy. I watched.
No time for scooping – I zoomed under the Christmas tree – the sparkly-est, rustly-est, dangly-est thing ever! Joy-lady scooped me in the middle of a zoom and put me in the new lady’s lap. She likes me! I could tell by the way she …Zzzzzz….
Then, Sissy got scooped again. She didn’t say a word. I had to do all the talking as usual. The lady talked about Sissy’s pretty eyes and my pretty nose. She talked about it a lot. She called me “brave”. I think that means I like to zoom, zoom…zzzzz…
Anyway, she kissed us and promised to come back.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Joy-lady says it’s a special day. One of us is getting ‘dopted. Whatever that is, it’s already happened to Charlie and the others and I’m blaming the dog for it.
The nice lady came back with a man. She asked him over and over whether he liked shy Sissy’s sweet eyes or my beautiful velvet nose and my zoominess. I showed both of them what awesome cats are made of and zoomed and zoomed until I got tired and she scooped me again.
I guess getting ‘dopted means someone tucks your whole self inside their coat and makes you ride in a noise-box. I didn’t like the noise-box, but inside the coat, I felt the lady’s warm heart. She told me over and over and over that she was my new mommy. Every time I asked for Sissy and Mommy Blair, she just kept giving me more kisses. Silly thing! When the noise-box stopped, we got out and went into a new place. I got about a hundred more snuggles from my new mommy. Then, she put me down and started following me everywhere! I didn’t mind much – I had a grand explore – sniffed till my sniffer ached and told them what I thought of the place. It had a nice potty pan, some tasty food, feathery toys and about a million hidey-holes.
I checked for bedbugs and took a bath and then explored some more till my zoomer was all zoomed out. The lady put me in the man’s lap. I was all ready for a nice nap until he started barking.
The lady called him “Daddy” and said he had a nasty cough, but I know a bark when I hear one. It took me twenty minutes to settle my tail hairs down.
I may have a brain the size of a walnut, but I know a thing or two and this new mommy’s got what it takes! Her food is yummy, her robe is furry, she plays games and toys like a pro and I’m starting to get used to all the kissing. If she would only stop interrupting me when I’m talking! She calls me Phoebe June and I think I’ll let her ‘cause it sounds just right.
Each time I woke in the nighttime, all I had to do was reach up and pat my new mommy’s cheek and tell her about how I felt lost and how I couldn’t find Sissy or Mommy Blair. She’d snuzzle me close and promise to take care of me and be my Forever Mommy. When her eyes got all drippy, I knew she meant it.
I didn’t know how much I needed Phoebe June until I got her. She lives life large, intent on letting us know that she is a mighty huntress, has no intention of being left alone and would prefer that we pay close attention to her running commentary. Phoebe has two settings: “Park” and “Autobahn”. Smuffy and I are learning to live with her effusiveness and the high-speed zooming. It’s a little like having an emotionally needy child who is always following you everywhere, asking what you are doing now, insisting that you play games and that you sit down and pay attention to the umpteenth “show and tell” presentation – especially the “telling”.
I’ll have to be careful about it, but I’ll try to sneak another page of her diary and share it with you soon.
You can get better acquainted with Phoebe June here and find out how Smuffy lost his marbles here. In case you’re considering adopting a kitten, you might want to check out “Top Ten Things You’ll Reconsider Once You’ve Become a Kitten Mom.”
If it hadn’t been for Martha Stewart, it would have slipped right past us.
I happened to see Martha on social media this morning posing with her felines. I knew I couldn’t let myself be outdone by Martha. What she had to offer in numbers (not to mention fluff), we completely make up for by the fact that we have the one and only Phoebe June.
Since today is a rare and glorious autumn day, we celebrated National Cat Day with a trip to the cemetery just down the street. This old cemetery, designed by an architect long ago, offers a great place to get away for a peaceful stroll.
Phoebe enjoyed the autumn splendor as much as I did.
The perfect afternoon held one spot of rare excitement for both of us. As we strolled down one of the long avenues between the towering cypress trees, we heard a loud pop and turned to see what caused the noise. There on the paved lane in front of us lay a squirrel, flat on his back, motionless. I surveyed my surroundings to make certain that someone with a BB gun hadn’t shot the squirrel and might perhaps take another shot and hit Phoebe June or me. (Small town in the Midwest – that sort of thing happens here.)
We crept toward Mr. Squirrel with caution and with Phoebe’s tail bushed out and the fur along her spine doing its imitation of a razor-backed hog. As we approached, the squirrel stretched his back legs out as far has he could as though he’d forgotten his morning exercises. He gave them a few jerks as if to see if they’d been stretched to their absolute limits and relaxed again, ignoring the stick under his back. I knelt before him, trying to get my camera in place. It isn’t every day you get to hold your lens ten inches from a squirrel’s nose, which I now noticed was just a bit bloody.
Phoebe June sat two or three feet from the marvel, trying to decide if it was a gift from above or something that warranted caution. Like me, she’d never seen a squirrel with a concussion before.
After a slow roll, the squirrel sat up and studied us, weaving back and forth as though his eyes lacked focus and his head throbbed. I took aim, but before I could press the camera shutter, he staggered toward me, slipped under my left thigh and tottered off through the gravestones. Phoebe June flew after him like the mighty huntress she knows she is, but I reigned her in, reluctant to put the poor little fellow through any more trauma. Also, they bite.
Having danced out onto the tip of a fragile branch of one of the tallest trees in the cemetery, it had snapped, the squirrel had plunged to the pavement below and had been knocked senseless. After all that and wakening to find himself up close and personal with a human and a cat, this squirrel had had enough for one day.
I got no photo, but Phoebe had just about all the excitement she could stand for National Cat Day. That is, until somebody came walking through with their dog. Body language says it all. She disapproved.
Happy National Cat Day! Hug your kitty! Hand out a couple of extra treats. Have a cozy sit filled with chin scratches and neck massages.
Phoebe June recommends that you get into the spirit of National Cat Day and adopt a kitty if you don’t have one, because, as we all know, they are therapeutic. Food, litter, catnip toys and a few vet visits can run into money, but they are much cheaper than a psychiatrist!
Questions? Phoebe June is on hand to answer. Caution: She can be brutally honest. She’s excited to read your comments but her replies may reveal just a touch of high-mindedness.
You can review Phoebe June’s First Year by clicking here and be sure to check out my list of “Top Ten Things You’ll Reconsider Once You’ve Become a Kitten Mom”.
On October 10, 2017, a kindle of kittens arrived, filling the mud room of the country home with tiny mews, squeaks and squirms. We didn’t have a clue.
Not until almost two months later did Smuffy hand me a gift bag for our anniversary. It contained, mysteriously, a can of kitten food. Since we had no cat and hadn’t had one for a decade, I stared at Smuffy, speechless.
“You don’t want a cat,” I finally managed to utter after he asked me if I intended to say anything.
“But you do,” he smiled. “And life is short, and I’m ready, and you need to get a kitty. That is, if you want one.”
I lapsed into another stunned silence for a bit and then a conversation started that lasted for the rest of the day. Here we are enjoying our anniversary dinner and still talking about it.
My main concern was that Smuffy might not be ready to become a kitty-daddy – heart and soul, that is. The last thing I wanted was to end up in a situation where he put up with a cat around the house for my sake while secretly hating every minute of it.
Once he assured me that he’d been thinking about it for months and was fully ready to commit, I got downright giddy at the thought. Since December isn’t really the season around here for “please, please, pleeeeeease take one of these kittens off my hands”, my word of mouth efforts yielded no leads.
I made a bold move and tried social media, hoping that I wouldn’t be swamped with 150 offers to wade through as I tried to make a decision.
Oddly, just one prospect appeared who had two kittens ready for a home. They both happened to be females, which I wanted, and the photos were adorable. On December 7th, a mere five days after Smuffy lost his marbles and made the offer, we adopted Phoebe June and it’s been nothing but fun, games and squirt-bottle discipline around here ever since.
And Smuffy, you ask? His heart melted and within the first week she’d become his little “Junebug”. When it comes to kitty discipline, he dreads nothing more than having to be the bad guy. Let’s just call him Mr. Marshamallow.
As for myself, I didn’t know how much I needed Phoebe June until I got her. We romp and play as though she’s four weeks old and I’m four years old. Well, I haven’t dressed her up in doll clothes or anything, but I’ve come pretty close. I determined to keep her from being fearful of every little thing by harness “training” (and I use that word loosely because, she is, after all, a cat) her and taking her everywhere. Now, she’s a social butterfly and is not neurotic, but everybody thinks I am!
We’re celebrating around here today with a couple of extra toys from the dollar store, some “big girl” food and a trip to the vet to weigh in. You might think the latter would be enough to ruin a birthday for most cats, but Phoebe takes the kitty doctor in stride, along with her trips to see Amy Egglady, window shopping or popping in to see friends.
Happy 1st Birthday, Phoebe June! You’ve come a long way from the little powder puff nestled in the palm of my hand.
Cat years are calculated differently than dog years. It proceeds faster at first and then slows down to a ratio of Human: 1 = Cat: 3. Right now, Phoebe is supposed to be the equivalent of a twelve-year-old. We might just be moving into more exciting times. Hmmm…
I keep this Shakespearean quote above Phoebe’s playhouse –
As you can see, it suited her from the start. Born to leap, Phoebe June flies through the air with the greatest of ease all without the need for a trapeze. Add to that the fact that she is emotionally clingy, loudmouthed and opinionated and you’ll have but a mere hint as to how our “empty nest” household has changed.
In fact, Phoebe June talks non-stop! It should have been no surprise to discover that she’s been keeping a diary. I’ll be sharing some of her thoughts and experiences with you whenever I can manage to sneak a peek without getting caught.
I’d love to hear from you, so leave a comment!
Coming up Next: I’m finally getting around to those hearty fall recipes I promised. You’ll get FREE PRINTABLES, too!
I’m not gloating. I know parts of the country are still having quite a time with winter weather, but I just have to say that today has been glorious in my little corner of the world! I hope it sticks. I forced myself (and Phoebe June) indoors because it’s time to announce March’s First Friday Freebie winner!
Spread the word, because it happens every month. Our winner for March is –
Judy of Boonville, Missouri!
All Judy had to do is read the post containing the freebie offer and follow the instructions to leave a comment saying, “Send me the runner!” Her name was drawn in an impartial and scientific manner by Smuffy.
Now Judy’s ready for spring with this pretty linen table runner. If you’d like to have a better look at it, click here.
Congratulations, Judy! I hope it adds a nice touch to your spring décor. Have a wonderful day!
Get outside if your weather permits. I’m tellin’ ‘ya – around here is so nice it makes you want to climb a tree!
The next First Friday Freebie drawing will be on Friday, April 6, 2018. SUBSCRIBE and share this post with all your friends so they can enter. A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing by leaving a comment as instructed in the post.
First Friday Freebies here at Midwest Storyteller offer a variety of free gifts. Take a look at our “Freebies” page where you’ll see some of the other gifts subscribers have won over the last several months. It pays to SUBSCRIBE! – which is free – just like freebies. It’s easy to see why Midwest Storyteller is a place “where each day’s journey leads to a better place.”
And now, here are the Freebie Rules.