It’s 2021! May I be the first to wish you a Happy New Year! And a healthy one! And a normal one!
The first Friday of the month can sneak up on you if it falls on the first day of the month. It can really sneak up on you if it also falls on the first day of the year!
Let’s get to the good stuff so you can get on with your New Year’s Day celebrations or, as I prefer to call it, National Jammie Day. Just leave those warm snugglies on and do whatever you feel like today. After all, you have 364 more days to be busy and stressed and overloaded.
Just don’t neglect one thing – enter to win January’s First Friday Freebie!
This 6 ½” X 3” hanging wooden sign is a rustic reminder of what really matters during the months ahead. After all we’ve seen happen in 2020 (much of which we never thought possible), we truly need to learn to simplify, to be grateful for what we do have and, most of all, to allow ourselves to dream and hope for better days ahead. Along with the sign, you’ll receive a package of three scented sachets for your home from Lifescapes. The Sea Salt & Driftwood scent will make your home as fresh as the new year. I know this is the time when many of us promise ourselves we’ll de-clutter and get reorganized and whether it is drawers, closets or office space, a little scent gives an added boost to our moods and our sense of accomplishment.
To enter to win the sign and sachets, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Happy New Year, Midwest Storyteller!” You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, January 1st, 2021!
NOTE: There seems to be a problem here on the blog with people trying to subscribe and not receiving their confirmation email. If this has happened to you, please email me at and let me know so that I can report all these instances and have the issue solved.
First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so hop on over to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so.
Your friends will enjoy the stories, recipes, laughter and, of course, the FREEBIES here on the blog, too, so share with all your friends and family through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.
Subscribers win every single month! On the “Freebies” page, you’ll be able to see what they’ve been winning.
Once again, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Happy New Year, Midwest Storyteller!”
I know you stayed up too late last night, but don’t let your grogginess keep you from entering right now. Subscribe now if you haven’t already, and confirm in your email before you forget! (See note above concerning subscription problems.)
Is the earth spinning faster than it used to? We’re going to turn around and find out it’s Valentine’s Day and wonder how that happened.
Comments or questions? I’d love to hear how you’re going to make even the smallest shifts in your life in 2021 to Live Simply. Be Grateful. Dream Big.
I’m here today to commiserate with those of you who may be thinking that The Most Wonderful Time of the Year always seems to have some small slip-up that knocks a bit of the sparkle off.
I suppose is happens to us all, but once you become a repeat offender, you tend to get somewhat of a reputation. Family members in attendance at gift-opening time are known to ask outright if one of their gifts happens to be from last year. Or, they lean forward with a raised eyebrow and inquire, “Are you sure that’s all?”
They’re not greedy. They’re just offering me an opportunity to right my wrongs. I take a little comfort in the fact that, though this seemingly unshakable tendency of mine irritates me to no end and adds to the general mirth at the festive gathering, at least it’s not dangerous. Unlike Smuffy, no matter how many times this has happened to me, I never run the risk of being drowned, impaled or dismembered. So far.
Are you ready for my Christmas confession? Are you longing to learn of my annual downfall?
I am a lover of gift-giving! My brain is an idea factory! I am a super-shopper and, most of all, I am a master-hider! My skills at the latter are my nemesis, however. All year long, I scrounge, I create, I store up and I stash. I make lists of things I’ve bought, want to buy, want to make and need to assemble and still lack parts. I am in my element at thrift stores, garage sales, online, clearance aisles, craft stores and, yes, retail establishments.
I blame it on the house. Limited storage causes me to scatter my treasures to the four corners, layer them between other stashed away items and wiggle them into cubbyholes already occupied by other items which then serve as camouflage.
Then, the tree goes up. Then, wrapping begins. Amid oven timers and cooling racks, when everyone’s backs are turned, out come all my treasures to be boxed, wrapped and fancied up with hand-made bows. Except one.
I always miss ONE!
Smuffy’s been known to receive a cozy cardigan in May when I’m on a closet cleaning binge. Poor Pookie has learned that she, too, is likely to be handed something in mid-summer that was intended for the Christmas stocking. This has been going on for more years than I care to count. I swore I’d turn over a new leaf when I got a son-in-law, but he’s been around long enough now that when I handed him his last gift this year, he smiled and asked if I was sure about that.
A grandchild is on the scene now, causing me to repent afresh and overcome this tendency. Leaving out something intended for Little Snookie would be unpardonable!
I’ve been known to misplace a paper list. This year, I installed a new app in my phone to help me list each family member and each gift. I had my act together. I cleaned out one spot and one spot only and collected my stash there. I did all the wrapping at once and checked it off again on my phone.
Ah! Christmas went like a dream. I took all the ribbing with a smile, informing everyone that I was 99.9% sure that there wasn’t a single thing that didn’t make it into a stocking or under the tree.
Then, it happened. Christmas festivities wound to a close. The house seemed strangely quiet – too much so – as the car pulled away with Pookie and her loves, leaving Smuffy and me (and Phoebe June and several bags of paper and cardboard boxes). I went into the entryway, checked the front door and turned out the light.
As I turned around, thinking nothing was the matter, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a tuft of tissue amid red and green over there. For behind the TV there sat a small bag. I rolled my eyes and felt my shoulders sag. I knew what it was – there was no denying. I merely chuckled, walked past and refused to start crying.
Pookie will love it! She’ll think it’s just right – when I place The Un-given Gift into her hands tonight!
I know exactly what happened. It was small and easily crushable under the tree with all those bigger gifts. That little bag would be safer tucked away just behind the edge of the TV. Well, wouldn’t it?
What can I say? It’s a tradition.
Happy New Year! May you change the things you can and learn to laugh about the things you can’t.
Any true Christmas confessions? Just leave those in the comments. I can’t be the only one. Can I? Hello? Hello? Anybody out there?
Subscribe so you don’t miss out! If you haven’t taken the deep dive into my “Life with Smuffy”, you really don’t know what you’re missing, so check it out along with the fun things on myLaugh! page.
Make someone smile. Share this post via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and by all means, “Pin it”!
December has gone by in a blur around here. I hear it hasn’t been so for some of you who’ve had pretty much everything cancelled. I didn’t get in much blogging and writing time due to my small daily companion even though he tried to be such a help with his new skills at grabbing and throwing, paper tearing and high-speed floor cruising. Evenings and naptimes seemed to be the only slots available for this gal who normally suffers from Martha Stewart/June Cleaver/Mary Poppins/Emily Post-itis to decorate, create, bake, wrap and deliver. But, hear me loud and clear – I’m not complaining! This Grandma Life – there’s nothing like it!
I didn’t really know what to ask for this Christmas because I’ve learned from experience that no matter how many times you proclaim that all you want is a nap, you never open a box or bag and find one.
My First Friday Freebie did, however, find a new home and if you’ve been keeping up with Midwest Storyteller for a while, you may recognize the winner –
Kathy from Prairie Home, Missouri!
Congratulations, Kathy! I hope you’ve had time to enjoy your gift!
Kathy is such a creative spirit. She’s been a guest here on the blog to share some of her creations. Hopefully, she’ll reappear here at Midwest Storyteller again in 2021 and show us how to do more creative projects. If you’d like to take a peek into her talents and see the Freebie she helped me create, click here. Other creative ideas are found on my Create! page.
Kathy received this copy of Glenn Beck’s novel, “The Christmas Sweater”. I offered this book after reading it myself and giving it five stars. I recommend it for ages pre-teen and up.
If you’d like to see the original freebie offer, check it out along with my thoughts on the book here.
You can see past First Friday Freebies and their winners on myFreebies! pagehere. If you’re not yet a subscriber to Midwest Storyteller they might entice you to become one – First Friday Freebies are for email subscribers only.
Kathy entered her email in the subscription area here on the blog and then confirmed her subscription when the confirmation email arrived in her inbox. If you’ve done that and not received a confirmation email, please email me at and let me know as I am trying to work out a few bugs with that.
Subscribing is the best way to avoid missing what’s new here on the blog because you’ll get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.
Comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies are my way of reaching more people with the stories, recipes and more. When you share with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free. Get the idea?
Coming up: The First First Friday Freebie of 2021! That takes place on Friday, January 1st. I’ll surprise you that morning with a “Happy New Year” and a photo of January’s free gift, so don’t forget to check it out.
A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing.
REMEMBER: Should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe. That means you’ll need to check your email often in the week following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on Friday, January 1st, 2021.
Preparing to say “goodbye” to 2020? It’s been quite an experience! Blessings on your life as we enter a bright and happy new year!
In some ways, I have my ducks in a row. In others, not so much. Throw a monkey wrench into my well-oiled plans and I’m likely to forget I had any plans at all. November’s First Friday Freebie was chosen in a timely manner and in the usual way. And then, emails just didn’t seem to be moving back and forth in their proper cyber-flow and I lost contact with the winner. By the time this got sorted out and the Freebie got into the hands of the postal service, and the Freebie took it’s cross-country journey, I succumbed to CPO (Christmas Preparation Overload)! This condition, complicated by my chronic state of GCED (Grandchild Comes Every Day), led me to lose complete track of things.
Anyhow, let’s meet the winner –
Jean from Hurricane Utah!
Congratulations, Jean! I’m so glad you entered to win!
Jean received this autographed copy of Diane Yates new novella, “Christmas on the High Seas”. I’m hoping that COP did not prevent her from enjoying this great read in time to enjoy it during the Christmas season.
If you’d like to see the original freebie offer, check it out and enjoy a brief interview with Diane Yates about this Christmas romance here.
You can see past First Friday Freebies and their winners on myFreebies! pagehere. If you’re not yet a subscriber to Midwest Storyteller they might entice you to become one – First Friday Freebies are for email subscribers only.
Jean entered her email in the subscription area here on the blog and then confirmed her subscription when the confirmation email arrived in her inbox. If you’ve done that and not received a confirmation email, please email me at and let me know as I am trying to work out a few bugs with that.
Subscribing is the best way to avoid missing what’s new here on the blog because you’ll get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.
Comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies are my way of reaching more people with the stories, recipes and more. When you share with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free. Get the idea?
Coming up: December’s winner! Then, 2021 and another great drawing are just around the corner on Friday, January 1st. I’ll surprise you that morning with the announcement and photo of January’s free gift, so don’t forget to check it out.
A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing.
REMEMBER: Should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe. That means you’ll need to check your email often in the week following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on Friday, January 1st, 2021.
Preparing to say “goodbye” to 2020? It’s been quite a year! Blessings on your life as we enter a bright and happy new year!
This month’s First Friday Freebie is one that you’ll really enjoy and I hope you’ll share it with someone else.
I’d heard about this for years and had put it on my mental list under “Someday When I Have Time, I’m Going to Get This Book Because I’m Curious”.
From what I’d heard, it seemed to be about a boy and a sweater he’d received one Christmas. As a novel with such a plot, I couldn’t fathom why the author, Glenn Beck, would put out such a book. There must be some driving purpose, right? Some political point? Some analogy to the times in which we live?
Well, there is a driving purpose and it’s not what you think.
It takes a while for things to move to the top of my slush pile and when I tell you that this book came out in 2008 and that I just read it a few months ago, you get the idea. I discovered the purpose of the book at last and I believe that Glenn’s intent was to tell his own story in a unique, entertaining and heartfelt way and, most importantly, to heal your soul.
The copy I am sharing with you today is in large print, making it easy to read for you, young readers or anyone else who needs that feature.
Yes, it is about a boy and a sweater he received one Christmas just as he entered his trying teen years. It’s about his loss, his heaving emotions, his relationships with his parents, grandparents and everyone else. As I read it, I found myself wanting all boys and girls in this stage of life to read it and find that they are not alone and that God cares. You’ll fly through the pages and won’t be able to put it down. Glenn gets an A+ rating from me on “keeping it clean”.
To enter to win this copy of “The Christmas Sweater”, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Send me The Christmas Sweater!” You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, December 4th, 2020!
NOTE: There seems to be a problem here on the blog with people trying to subscribe and not receiving their confirmation email. If this has happened to you, please email me at and let me know so that I can report all these instances and have the issue solved.
First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so hop on over to the right sidebar or use the drop-down menu on your device to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so.
Your friends will enjoy the stories, recipes, laughter and, of course, the FREEBIES here on the blog, too, so share with all your friends and family through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.
Subscribers win every single month! On the “Freebies” page, you’ll be able to see what they’ve been winning.
Once again, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Send me The Christmas Sweater!”
Don’t let the day slip away! Subscribe now if you haven’t already, and confirm in your email before you forget! (See note above concerning subscription problems.)
Christmas will be here before you know it! My apologies for moving straight from “Freebie-to-Freebie” this month. There has been much to distract me as you will see in upcoming posts.
Comments or questions? I’d love to hear from you! If you’ve by chance already read “The Christmas Sweater”, please leave a comment and let me know how you liked it!
I realize I haven’t shared many creative endeavors here on the blog in a while. That is, any that are mine and mine alone. Yes, our house is still torn up in several places and most of the efforts are going into what has become the longest kitchen renovation in the history of the world. C’mon, folks! Try and top it! Leave your comments, be honest, and let me know how long your kitchen makeover took. It’s coming along, but we do get weary at times. However, there is only one of Smuffy and everything is hand-crafted in this project, so on we march toward the finish line in our tortoise-like fashion.
In the middle of it all, I decided that if I had to look at our fireplace one more minute I might just scream. I’d passed the grumbling and sneering phase long ago. Built in 1950, our home, for which we are grateful in many ways, was given a fake fireplace from the start. Sturdy and solid brick with a nice oak mantle, it stands tall and proud and just a shade wonky which is better than many other things in our house which are wonky in the extreme. After living here and working on the house for decades, we’ve come to the conclusion (with no offense intended) that our house had to have been built by someone who, being a certified nitwit on his best days, practiced up for his future career as a builder by whamming away on his first project (our house) with a dull axe during bouts of extreme drunkenness.
Many are the projects we have undertaken and pushed through to the end with heavy sighs, but the fireplace has stood just as its maker intended, since 1950.
Then, as happens to so many of us, I saw a photo on Pinterest at I love Cindy’s ideas on her blog. I’d never really known what I wanted to do to the fireplace till I saw her fireplace photo. It filled me with that feeling that can only be described as “Oh, yeah!”
Then came the research. I had to know how to get the look without making some mistake I’d be sorry for. Here’s what I did and a little bit about how I did it. I hope you enjoy the results. I’m very happy with the outcome. The before photo is in Spring 2020 when I hadn’t much desire or inspiration to decorate and the after is, as you can see, decorated for fall. I’m not quite finished tweaking it for Christmas just yet.
I had a long talk with an experienced paint man at Home Depot who recommended a good masonry primer. After applying this, I applied a Behr paint in a Magnolia color called “Lit Candles”. Then, I got pretty jittery about how to apply the darker color and get it to look right. I ended up choosing a Behr paint, “Armadillo” , in a satin finish and mixed it, one part paint to four parts faux glaze. I only had to buy a sample jar of the paint and I had the glaze on hand. I applied this with a sea sponge in a horizontal swiping/dabbing motion and then, with a wet rag, removed as much paint/glaze as I could from the mortar between the bricks. It was a bit like being way too close to your Monet while painting, but each time I stood back and took in the effect, I grew a little more confident that I wasn’t creating a total disaster.
The dark accent wall behind the fireplace, along with the rest of the room, has now been painted in Valspar’s “Milk Toast” from Lowe’sand I’m liking it better and better every day. It went on like a dream in one coat over a special primer called “PPG Gripper” from Home Depot, recommended to me by their helpful paint guy as something I could put straight over my old faux-finished glazed walls without having to sand them. God bless this man!
I’m pressing the pause button on all home updates other than the kitchen until after the holidays. I’ll take progress on that room any time I can get it!
So, dear readers, show me your fireplaces and any other fun updates you’ve been doing lately. I value your ideas because I need to make changes in several rooms.
You can check out some of my other creative projects, including writing, wood burning, decorating, sewing, re-purposing and restoration by exploring my Create! page.
This month’s First Friday Freebie is so much fun! I’ve been excited to let the cat out of the bag on this one.
If you’ve been keeping up with things for a while here at Midwest Storyteller, you’ll remember that I treated you to An Interview with Author Diane Yates. Diane provided a copy of her first book, “Pathways of the Heart” as a First Friday Freebie. Later, I offered another great freebie from Diane – her second book, “All That Matters”.
Well, it’s been a little difficult to keep up with Diane! She’s been turning out more great reads. Her first two books, written in novel form, contained the true story of her mother’s life, a tale of a spunky woman whose difficult journey eventually brought her to the understanding of what really matters. Diane then moved on to Christian romance and brought us “Melissa’s Fate”and the sequel, “Impossible Fate”. The first book in this series brought Diane requests for the second and I can understand why. What a story!
Now, just for fun, Diane Yates brings us “Christmas on the High Seas” and I thank her so much for offering it to you as this month’s First Friday Freebie.
Let’s see what Diane has to say about her latest endeavor. Then, I’ll tell you exactly how to enter to win.
Storyteller:How did you like writing your first Christmas romance?
Diane Yates: It was truly a lot of fun! I thought it would be difficult because I had to write it in the middle of summer, but music has always been inspirational in my writing and I could literally listen to Christmas carols all year round. Since it was a Christmas in the Caribbean, I had Alexa playing everything from Jimmy Buffet’s Christmas Island album, to Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters!
Storyteller:So, tell me about the main character in Christmas on the High Seas.
Diane Yates: Her name is Halley Simpson. She works in advertising in New York City, but her life has not always been ideal. When she and her younger sister, Kaleigh, were little, their parents were killed in an auto accident. They were both raised by their grandmother. When Halley was thirteen, a popular boy, Devon Copeland, called her chubby and with the help of his friends, set about tormenting her all through high school. College was a much better experience for her. With her long blonde hair and slender body, she never had to give Devon Copeland another thought.
Storyteller:How does Halley end up on the High Seas Cruise Ship for Christmas, sharing a room with none other than Devon Copeland?
Diane Yates: Halley and her sister, Kaleigh, originally booked a Christmas cruise a year ago. Since that time, Kaleigh married and sold her ticket to her friend, Candace. Halley boards the ship expecting to share a room with her sister’s friend, but when she opens the door to her state room, she finds Devon as Candace has sold her ticket to him.
Storyteller:Howawkward is this for Halley?
Diane Yates: First, it meant that she had to relive some painful memories and come to realize she still harbored anger and hatred, yet her beloved Nana had taught her to love her enemies. Not only does Halley have to sleep in the same room, but she will have to eat at the same table every evening and attend the same onshore excursions with him.
Storyteller:What is remarkable about this particular Christmas story?
Diane Yates: There are fun experiences from jet skiing and scuba diving to dancing in the sand under the stars. From Key West to Cozumel, Nassau to Christmas Island, this cruise is one exciting adventure.
Storyteller: How does Halley deal with her high school enemy?
Diane Yates: The big thing for Halley is she is experiencing the adventure of a lifetime yet her memories will be forever tainted with the presence of her high school enemy. Devon mentions that people can change, but she doesn’t believe it for a minute. She has hung on to her hatred for so long.
Storyteller:When all is said and done, what next?
Diane Yates: The big take away from this story is “never judge a book by its cover!” (Pun intended!) No, everyday Halley judged Devon by his past mistakes, but on this cruise, enmity meets forgiveness and hate falls for love.
Storyteller: What is next for you as an author?
Diane Yates: I will be completing the third book of the Fate Series, which is the Drake Family Saga. In the first book, Melissa’s Fate, Beth reappears with shocking news. Phil Drake will never forgive her, but he’ll do anything to save the little girl he didn’t know existed. In book two, Impossible Fate, Melissa and David Drake grow up. At a young age, David falls in love with Aliyah Zimmerman, but she’s Jewish and he’s Christian. Her parents equate Christians with Hitler because Hitler claimed to be Christian. Her parents forbid her to even be with David. She is expected to marry a nice Jewish boy, but David trusts God to provide a way. The title of the third book is still being determined, but my vote goes for “Love’s Fate.” It is in this story that Love itself will be at risk for some of the Fate characters you hold dear and beyond. I’ll be releasing more information about this story in the upcoming weeks.
Storyteller:Do you have anything more you’d like to share?
Diane Yates: Yes. As always, I remain so very thankful for my readers. Without you, my stories stop! When you take time to read my books, share a review or rating on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, etc., and follow me on those sites, you participate in promoting my career. I am humbled by your faith in my writing.
Storyteller: Thanks so much, Diane, for giving us such exciting previews.
You’ll find that “Christmas on the High Seas” is a quick read for all of us who are so busy this time of year, so even if you’re not the winner, be sure to grab a copy for yourself and some for stocking stuffers!
To enter to win “Christmas on the High Seas”, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Bring me some Christmas romance!” You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, November 6th, 2020!
First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so hop on over to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.
Your friends will enjoy the stories, recipes, laughter and, of course, the FREEBIES here on the blog, too, so share with all your friends and family through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.
Subscribers win every single month! On the “Freebies”page, you’ll be able to see what they’ve been winning.
Once again, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Send me some Christmas romance!”
Don’t let the day slip away! Subscribe now if you haven’t already, and confirm in your email before you forget!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Can you believe it? Then, we “sail” straight into Christmas! This Freebie will put you in the mood.
Comments or questions? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment telling me what good books you’ve read lately. I’m curious – what is your favorite book of all time?
It snowed here on October 26th – the first snowfall of the season and a bit jarring for someone like me. I hadn’t even made the switch from Daylight Savings Time yet and that plunge into darkness is bad enough. I have a “love fall/hate winter” thing going on and I like to put the snow event off till Christmas Eve. Make that dusk on Christmas Eve with somewhere between two and four inches. However, I do have to admit there’s beauty in a frozen rose.
Today it was once again so beautiful that I put my ‘Lil Snookie in the stroller and we went for a long walk with not so much as a jacket. I’m soaking up as many of these gems as God grants me before the actual Midwest Winter Nasties set in, unpack their frosty bags and refuse to leave until April except for brief episodes of hiding just to tease.
Recently, at my local writers group, we were challenged to write, on the fly, a story focusing on this time of year. I thought I’d share mine with you today. The prompt brought to mind the emotions that, for me, change with the season.
A nip in the air tells me that it’s changing time. It happens every autumn. For me, it comes as a strange mix – something between a child-like ecstasy and PTSD.
Soon the leaves will change and the inner voice tells me, so must I.
For ten minutes or so, I’ll lose myself in a world of cozy sweaters, chunky jewelry, scarves, boots and jeans. Then, then some random distraction jerks me out of my reverie, my eye catches the strappy patent leather sandals I’ve left near my chair and I want to hug them and beg, “Please, don’t go!”
Each new fall sign brings another urge. “Plant mums!” it says. “What’s wrong with you? Why are there no pumpkins on your porch?” Yet, next to the front steps, my hot pink petunias wave and I wave back, “Please, don’t go!”
I make huge lists. I need to stock up! How squirrels do this without pen, paper and a phone app or two – I have no idea. Herbs, spices, flours, broths, sauces and a bulk bag of chocolate (lest a blizzard set in) are all put on the list. Three or four stores and two or three days later, the shelves are loaded, the checkbook’s been unloaded and I’m starting to calm as I take my tour of the estate and breathe the air that is now crisp. I might be ready for colored leaves now. That is, until my eyes fall upon the rows of pots clustered in the southern flower bed. I feel an only too familiar pang at the sight of basil, parsley, sage, lemongrass and all the others and I stifle the urge to beg them, “Please! Don’t go!”
How can this glory and this vibrancy bring this sadness? Years of experience have proved that winter will pass, but it will pass slowly.
It seems my moods in autumn vary as much as do the many-colored leaves.
How about you, Dear Reader? Do you make a smooth transition into winter or do you curl up and feel as encrusted and weighed down as a rose that droops beneath the weight of unwelcome change?
Science tells us, most unromantically, that it’s merely the chlorophyll’s exit that enables us to see the sugar in the leaves that up until now it’s kept hidden from view. Perhaps that should serve as a great reminder to us to savor the sweetness of each beautiful autumn day and thrive in this beautiful season.
How do you savor your autumn days? Long walks? Special events? Scenic drives? Leave a comment and share your favorite fall activities.
I almost didn’t get this announcement out while it’s still October! The First Friday Freebie found its new home weeks ago, but in case you haven’t heard, I keep my grandbaby every day and am in the middle of the world’s longest kitchen remodel. I’m just a wee teeny bit distracted.
Meet the winner –
Ruby from Boonville, Missouri
Congratulations, Ruby! I know you enter often and that it has paid off. You’re not a first-time winner.
Ruby won this fall set of two kitchen towels from Fabulous Home’s Fall Harvest Collection. Measuring 15” X 25”, they are of generous size. One boasts a plaid of burgundy and gold while the coordinating towel has word art just right for the season. For an extra touch of fall color, you can display (either hanging or sitting) this 5” X 5” metal sign by Dayspring that lovingly lists “Ten Things God Wants You to Remember”.
If you’d like to see the original freebie offer and have a better look at the items Ruby won, click here.
You can see past First Friday Freebies and their winners on my Freebies! pagehere. If you’re not yet a subscriber to Midwest Storyteller they might entice you to become one – First Friday Freebies are for email subscribers only.
Ruby entered her email in the subscription area here on the blog and then confirmed her subscription when the confirmation email arrived in her inbox. And that, dear friends, is just as free as the freebie! Subscribing is the best way to avoid missing what’s new here on the blog because you’ll get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.
Comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies are my way of reaching more people with the stories, recipes and more. When you share with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free. Get the idea?
I’m excited about November’s drawing which will take place next Friday on November 6th. I’ll surprise you that morning with the announcement and photo of November’s free gift, so don’t forget to check it out.
A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing.
REMEMBER: Should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe. That means you’ll need to check your email often in the week following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on Friday, November 6th, 2020.
If you’ve won one of my Freebies in the past, leave a comment today and let me know how you liked it. Did you gift it to someone special or keep it for yourself?
When I think of this time of year, what comes to mind is a pot of my Zesty Pumpkin Soup. Click here for that and remember to use almond milk to stay plan-friendly with Trim Healthy Mama. (And the biscuits in that blog post – not on plan – tasty, but pure Frankenfood.) I also think of digging out my boots and scarves, going on outings with friends while the weather is brisk and the colors are bright. I dream of having friends over for comfort food!
To do that, I like a touch of fall in the house, even in the kitchen. You probably do, too, and that’s why I think you’ll enjoy October’s First Friday Freebie!
You’ll be hostessing in style with this fall set of two kitchen towels from Fabulous Home’s Fall Harvest Collection. Measuring 15” X 25”, they are of generous size. One boasts a plaid of burgundy and gold while the coordinating towel has word art just right for the season. For an extra touch of fall color, you can display (either hanging or sitting) this 5” X 5” metal sign by Dayspring that lovingly lists “Ten Things God Wants You to Remember”.
To enter to win this fall towel set and metal sign, leave a comment on this post before midnight tonight, October 2nd, 2020 and be sure to say, “I’ve fallen for the Freebie!”
First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so subscribe now over at the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page and subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so already.
Your friends will enjoy the stories, recipes, laughter and, of course, the FREEBIES here on the blog, too, so share with all your friends and family through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.
Subscribers win every single month! On the “Freebies”page, you’ll be able to see what they’ve been winning.
Once again, a winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “I’ve fallen for the Freebie!”
Click here for complete First Friday Freebie rules.
Four simple steps!
If you don’t do it now, you might just forget between now and midnight and miss your opportunity to enter. Subscribe now if you haven’t already, and confirm in your email.
Enjoy these beautiful days if you live in a place where the seasons change. Winter around here is nothing I care to brag about, but autumn in the Midwest is a glorious sight to behold. May you revel in the beauty of it all! Have a picnic. Take long walks. Gather some folks around a campfire. Just go sit and stare at the handiwork of God.
Comments or questions? What’s your favorite thing to do this time of year?