Feasting the Trim Healthy Way:  A Thanksgiving Menu

When I first started to really eat healthy, like many other people, one of my thoughts was “What in the world am I going to eat on Thanksgiving and Christmas?”  It’s all “frankenfood” – or haven’t you noticed?

At first, I just considered it a time to splurge and I knew I had the grit and determination to get back on track afterward.  After a year or two of that, I realized it wasn’t worth it.  I felt horrible after those meals!

These last few years, I’ve developed a plan that enables me to indulge in all the yummy foods without feeling the least bit deprived on the holidays.  Deprived is something I have no intention of being.  I am a volume eater and I can really put the stuff away!

Now, as a THM Certified Lifestyle Coach, I knew my clients needed to be able to do the same.  Most of them have never been through an entire holiday season during which they needed to try to stay on plan. 

That’s why we’ve been focusing lately on how to put together a fabulous Thanksgiving meal that won’t raise your blood sugar, mess with your hormones or negatively affect your health in any way.  We all acknowledge that it is a day of feasting and there may be a level of calorie intake that doesn’t occur during average daily living, but that doesn’t mean the ingredients have to be destructive to our health.  Also, in THM eating, “crossover” (XO) meals might not help with weight loss, but they are definitely on plan and after all – it’s a feast!

Some of the recipes I’ll be mentioning here are from the Trim Healthy Mama cookbooks.  They are such a valuable resource even for those of you who may not be interested in losing weight or doing the plan, but who are interested in fabulous and simple recipes for real families living real lives who want to be healthier.  You can find them here or you can also check with your public library or places such as eBay and maybe catch a bargain.  I use all three of their cookbooks all the time, so this has proven to be a great investment.

NOTE:  The Trim Healthy Mama site is down as I am typing this due to the mad rush caused by their Cyber Monday sale, so please be patient.

In my weekly Food Freedom group sessions, we’ve been focusing on the countdown to Thanksgiving by demonstrating and taste-testing a different recipe each week leading up to the big event.  Here’s the menu that my class taste-tested and agreed would let them feast while staying on plan.

THM Pumpkin Silk Pie www.midweststoryteller.com

Trim Healthy Thanksgiving Menu

Grandma’s Secret Turkey Recipe:  Trim Healthy Mama Facebook page post of November 15, 2021

Coach Barb’s Stuffing-to-End-All-Stuffings:  Coming soon to Midwest Storyteller.

Mashed Fotatoes:  Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook, page 219

Basic Gravy:  Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook, page 483

Green Bean Casserole:  Trim Healthy Mama Facebook page post of November 1, 2021   There is also a slow-cooker verson in the post of November 21, 2021.

Macafoni & Cheese:  Trim Healthy Mama Facebook page post of October 29th, 2021

Pumpkin Silk Pie:   “Trim Healthy Table”, pages 410-411.

Pumpkin Muffins:  “Trim Healthy Future”, page 272 (Icing on page 372).

Let’s review each one:

Turkey:  That’s a given in most households at Thanksgiving and it’s a great healthy choice.  We’ve been brining the bird at our house for years and recently I noticed on the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook page that they have brining instructions that are very similar to what we are used to doing.  Scared of having a dry bird and ending up with a scene at the big dinner that resembles the one in the Christmas Vacation movie?  Brining is simple and totally prevents this disaster.  See the THM version here.

Coach Barb’s Stuffing-to-End-All Stuffings:  All I can say here is that I’m gonna try.  I have adapted my stuffing recipe to fit the THM plan as a crossover (XO) and I think it’s the best stuff ever.  There are two camps when it comes to stuffing and mine falls into the “throw-everything-in-there-but-the-kitchen-sink” category. Some folks are fall into the “brothy-bread-with-some-seasoning-and-you-might-need-a-spoon” category. I’ll try to get the recipe posted here before the big day.  If you’ve been eating healthy for a while, you know there will need to be some bread changes here from the type of stuffing you grew up with or the boxed version.

Mashed Fotatoes:   There are a lot of recipes out there that call for substituting cauliflower for those high-glycemic, carb-bomb taters we were all taught to eat, but this one is yummy.  It’s found on page 219 of “Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook”.  I make it exactly as directed.  The only tip I can offer here is to stick close during the cooking process and then get the cauliflower straight into a colander and toss well right away to get every last bit of water out.  That is the most important thing to remember.

Basic Gravy:  This gravy is delicious and it’s a Fuel Pull (FP) or can be made with pan drippings and/or heavy cream to make it even more delightful.  Doing this will, of course, swing it over into the “S” category, but hey!  It’s Thanksgiving!  Check it out on page 483 of “Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook”.

Green Bean Casserole:  This one recently popped up on the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook page and I couldn’t resist demonstrating it for my class.  It was a hit, so you can get the recipe from the THM Facebook page post of November 1, 2021 or use the slow-cooker version in the post on November 21, 2021.

Macafoni and Cheese:  I confess to not having tried this one yet, but it looks and sounds so yummy that it is on my list to make soon.  I also spotted it on the THM Facebook page post of October 29, 2021.

Pumpkin Silk Pie:  We were all so impressed at how decadent this simple pie is.  You can also make it into squares, but I tend to think of Thanksgiving as Pie Time, don’t you?  The crust, made with almond flour, is a mixture that goes from the food processor into the pan and is pressed into place with your fingers.  The filling goes into the blender, which takes the pumpkin from its usual fibrous texture into a smooth-as-silk delight.  I topped mine with homemade whipped cream by simply pouring the cream into the mixer, adding 1/8 Tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon or two of Gentle Sweet, a splash of vanilla extract and a tiny bit of freshly ground nutmeg and whipping on high speed.  I can’t say enough good things about this pie!  (see photo.) You’ll find it in “Trim Healthy Table” on pages 410-411.

Pumpkin Muffins:  If you absolutely don’t have enough time to make the pie for this special occasion, try this recipe on page 272 if “Trim Healthy Future”.  They are a super-simple dump ‘n stir type of recipe and the Cream Cheese Icing (with the Maple Burst flavoring added) on page 372 is the perfect crowning glory.  These are so easy and so yummy that I could seriously form an addiction to this healthy dessert and have to start hoarding cans of pumpkin.

If you need support in your journey to better health and/or weight loss, head to the Contact page and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system and we all need that right now, don’t we?  Leave a comment when you try these great recipes and tell me how you like them.

Offer up some extra thanks this season to the One who blesses us with all good things!

A Cozy Freebie – ROUND 2!

The nip is in the air, the colored leaves blanket my yard, the air has that certain crispness and the urge is there to grab a jacket and stroll hand-in-hand with the one I love.  So, Smuffy patted me on the shoulder the other night and said, “Maybe next year.”  Folks, I’m telling you, this kitchen remodel must end soon.  This is why things have gone awry here on the blog and again, I give my apologies.  Better days are ahead, but right now, life’s a blur of small finishing details. 

Yesterday, I found myself weaving around a ladder in the kitchen, trying to gather things together for my Trim Healthy Mama class and answer Smuffy’s questions about the appropriate distance between open shelving, trying to explain to Phoebe June that despite the presence of three of her humans in the vicinity of her dish she had already had a snack and listening to Lil’ Snookie’s request for “Puh-SHOPSH Cimmin” (applesauce with cinnamon if you’re twenty-two months old).  It will be a sad day when he actually learns how to pronounce applesauce, because I get the giggles every time he asks for it.

About that time there came a dim realization, forming in the spaghetti-like mass in the frontal lobe that I had arrived upon the eve of November’s First Friday Freebie and still am in possession of the Freebie that remains homeless!

As stated in the First Friday Freebie rules, the winner will be notified via the email used to subscribe.  It’s vital when you enter to win that you check that same email regularly in the week or two following the drawing to see if you’ve won.  October’s winner was “Julie”.  I emailed Julie, but have received no response, so I am going to put the freebie back into circulation again since I don’t know who Julie is. 

Julie, if you’re out there, I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but since I have no other means to contact you, it’s time to re-draw for the free gift.

So, here we go, let’s take a look at that First Friday Freebie again.  I’m going to throw in a surprise bonus gift along with it to make things extra special for November.

Fall Tan and Cream Scarf www.midweststoryteller.com

This beautiful scarf by Capelli New York will look great with all your fall fashion with its tan and soft white tones.  It’s 100% acrylic, very soft and is hand washable.  Including the fringe, it measures approximately 72” X 5.5”, so it’s long enough to loop and tie in all sorts of fun ways or wrap around your neck twice on those extra frigid days.

It was a great find at my local Factory Connection, where I often find fun fashion and great home décor at good prices.

To enter to win the Capelli New York scarf, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Keep me cozy again, Midwest Storyteller!” You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, November 5th, 2021.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at barb@midweststoryteller.com so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so you’ll want to subscribe over on the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so.

I hope you get excited about winning freebies and share them and my blog stories with your friends and family through all your social media. If you like an idea, recipe or story you see here, be sure to hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, November 5th, by leaving a comment which says, “Keep me cozy again, Midwest Storyteller”.   Remember, there’s an extra surprise included!

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here

Why not subscribe and confirm right now before you forget?

If you’re somewhere where the snow is already flying – better you than me.  If you’re somewhere where you’re basking in sunny warmth – enjoy every minute.  If you’re here in the Midwest like me – make the best of your daily surprises and during this season of Thanksgiving, give the Good Lord your gratitude!

A Freebie to Keep You Cozy!

I’d feel just a bit silly if I didn’t know full well that things are about to change.  This is the Midwest, after all, and we’ve been known to have a fifty to seventy degree variance in temperature within a twenty-four hour period.  Still, as I sit here with the windows open and the ceiling fan in my office circulating the eighty degree air, the October First Friday Freebie seems entirely uncalled for! 

You’ll be ready for that nip in the air when it arrives, or maybe it already has in your neck of the woods. 

This beautiful scarf by Capelli New York will look great with all your fall fashion with its tan and soft white tones.  It’s 100% acrylic, very soft and is hand washable.  Including the fringe, it measures approximately 72” X 5.5”, so it’s long enough to loop and tie in all sorts of fun ways or wrap around your neck twice on those extra frigid days.

It was a great find at my local Factory Connection, where I often find fun fashion and great home décor at good prices.

To enter to win the Capelli New York scarf, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Keep me cozy, Midwest Storyteller!” You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, October 1st, 2021.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at barb@midweststoryteller.com so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so you’ll want to subscribe over on the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so.

I hope you get excited about winning freebies and share them and my blog stories with your friends and family through all your social media. If you like an idea, recipe or story you see here, be sure to hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, October 1st, by leaving a comment which says, “Keep me cozy, Midwest Storyteller”. 

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here

Why not subscribe and confirm right now before you forget?

October is like May – you just can’t get enough of either one.  Enjoy each crisp and colorful day!

Make Ahead Packets to Save Your Trim Healthy Sanity

[NOTE:  I openly disclose on this blog that as a certified lifestyle coach through Trim Healthy Mama, I may receive financial benefit from those who desire to enlist my services privately or in a group setting.]

I’ve learned to love to cook.  It wasn’t always so.  It wasn’t always easy.  A combination of things has made my kitchen efforts frustrating through the years.

One would think, growing up on a farm with a nine-member household, I would have learned to be an excellent cook right off the bat.  However with five sisters who were quite a bit older, there were enough of them to fill up the kitchen and I’m sure my mom preferred I not be underfoot.  After they all began to leave home on their journey through life, I think my mom must have been relieved not to be making soup in a wash basin anymore and to have the kitchen to herself.  I poked around in there, fixed myself after-school snacks and helped out when company came, but the skills you get from daily having to sling hash and get it all on the table hot and ready was a training that I missed.

Then, I married Smuffy.  Smuffy’s mama had spoiled him rotten in the food category.  He’d lived a life where all he had to do was sigh and whisper that he wouldn’t mind a little bit of this or a small dab of that and it appeared before him in no time at all accompanied by about a dozen other delights he hadn’t even asked for.

I thought I hated to cook and that I was bad at it.  Yet, there was always a certain sense of adventure when it came to foods and I’d often find myself thinking that I wanted to try to make something new and exciting I’d tasted at a party or seen in a magazine.  Plus, I have a huge appetite and just plain love to eat.

Another factor that tripped me up on my road to being a good cook was the fact that I tend to be distracted.  Forgetting to thaw things out, neglecting to turn the burner down, not setting the timer – these were only a few of the things that made me wish we could just eat out all the time.

In hindsight, I’m thankful that the budget prohibited that because I see so many people who are enmeshed in the restaurant culture and most of them are barely able to waddle back and forth to their cars or are afflicted with a myriad of health problems.

Necessity being the mother of invention, I learned to be a really good cook over time and that Pookie of mine – she can really put the love on a meal.  However, distraction is still a problem for me, especially now that Lil’ Snookie is here demanding my attention.  I’ve learned to do a lot of simple prep-ahead things to make throwing yummy meals together less of a strain.

Since health is a major concern, I avoid pre-made and pre-mixed items that are always loaded with sugar or other ingredients that aren’t going to lead us down the road to better health.  Grabbing each and every tiny little ingredient out of the pantry or spice cabinet slows me down and frustrates me when I’m cooking.

I know I could always parcel out things into little snack baggies to have them ready to dump into recipes, but they slip and slide and are difficult for me to keep organized.  I thought I’d share this great find that is helping me cut down on steps and stress.

Mix Packets

These great mini craft paper bags with resealable lock seal zipper and transparent windows were an Amazon find and are from Kingrol. They are 3/5 X 5.5 inches. This is the smallest of three sizes and is just right for that small amount of “mix” you want to grab and whip up something quick. They are reusable. If you prefer not to buy from Amazon, you can do a search and probably find them elsewhere online.

These are great for the dry ingredients that go into so many things – taco seasoning, Wonder Wraps, my Chocolate Collagen Trimmy and my oatmeal fixin’s, to name a few.

The bags are made of high-quality kraft paper with food grade PE inner membrane.  Sturdy, waterproof and leak-proof, they should keep the contents from moisture and offer good shelf life.

They were advertised to have a stand-up design.  This must be a feature on the medium and large bags only, because the smaller size I ordered do not have a gusseted bottom.  I like that they have a little rectangle matte window that allows me to get a glimpse of the contents and save time when snatching them out of the cupboard.

The heat sealable feature is something I won’t use because I plan to use them only for dry mixes and then re-fill them.  The resealable zippers seem to zip fairly easily and stay shut. 

I didn’t mind ordering in quantity because I do make a lot of homemade mixes and also because I like to give some of these away as gifts sometimes and these bags will make a much nicer presentation for that than a plastic zippy bag.   

So, yes, I did order 300 of them and it will take me a while to use those up, but it will happen. Next time, I think I’ll order the larger size because these will be a bit of a tight squeeze for certain things. The whole pack costs around $18 which makes them six cents each. Not bad.

I started off by filling them with some of my favorite items that fit the THM plan. I’ll include a few simple recipes.

  1. Wonder Wraps II (FP): These are on page 251 of “Trim Healthy Table” cookbook. They can be made in a big batch, but I usually make the small batch when we do tacos. I put the THM Baking Blend, Mineral Salt, Whole Husk Psyllium Flakes and nutritional yeast in the bag and then just stir it in with the three wet ingredients when the time comes. Tat makes so much less I have to think about when I’m busy.

2. Coach Barb’s Morning Oatmeal (E): I have this two or three mornings a week and get tired of measuring out every little thing. I soak 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats in water in my bowl overnight. In the morning, I place a hand over it and drain off most of the water. Then, I dump in the packet which contains – 1 Tablespoon grass-fed beef collagen, 1 skimpy Tablespoon chopped walnuts (for a bit of fat to help my carbs absorb), 1/2 Tablespoon Pristine Whey Powder (plain), 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom, a generous 1/8 teaspoon mineral salt, 12-15 raisins and a doonk or two of Pure Stevia. Mix this well into the oats before stirring in a generous 1/4 cup water. Microwave for one minute. Then, stir in another generous 1/4 cup water and microwave for another minute. (This process helps to avoid an oatmeal mess in the microwave.) That’s it. Tweak the spices and sweetness to suit yourself, keeping in mind that getting all silly with raisins will spike your blood sugar and that’s a no-no and adding more walnuts will be “on plan” but will turn this into a Crossover, which will not aid in weight loss.

Note: You can use another whey powder. Just be sure it is cross-flow and micro-filtered. You can use any other on-plan sweetener, but it will take a lot more.

3. Chocolate Collagen Trimmy (FP with an S option): I fill the bag with 2 Tablespoons Dutch cocoa powder, 1 Tablespoon grass-fed beef collagen, 1/2 tablespoon Pristine Whey Powder (see note above) 3/8 teaspoon Pure Stevia, 1/4 teaspoon Sunflower Lecithin and 1/8 teaspoon mineral salt. When you are ready for a trimmy, pour an inch or so of hot water into the bottom of a 12 ounce (or larger) mug. Add the contents of the packet and a splash of pure vanilla extract and stir well with a mini whisk before filling your mug the rest of the way. If you’re feeling like a real hot chocolate experience is called for, add a tablespoon of heave cream for an “S” treat. A collagen drink like this will give you protein to balance your blood sugar and keep your tummy full for a long time. It’s a great way to avoid having your hand in a snack jar all day.

NOTE: Keep in mind that I like my chocolate dark and enjoy a bit of the bitter here. You may have to do some tweaking of the ratio of chocolate to sweetener to get this to be the mug of goodness that speaks to your soul. Also, nothing compares to the Dutch process cocoa powder. I am spoiled to it and any of the cans of cocoa powder we’ve been accustomed to finding in the stores all these years are icky to me now. I highly recommend you try some! I get mine at my local bulk food store.

4. Taco Seasoning Mix: It’s so great just to be able to take a pound of browned burger, sprinkle on this packet knowing that it has no sugar and no other stupid ingredients, stir in a half cup of water and simmer for a bit. I’ve offered this recipe up before along with a free printable and you can find it here.

If you need support in your journey, head to the Contact Me page and let me know.  I’ll give you all the info on group sessions which I conduct locally in person on a weekly basis.  Private coaching can be done in person or by phone.  Share with friends and let’s see how many are ready to get Trim & Healthy!

Tempted but not sure? Check out the Trim Healthy dish I made here and see if it doesn’t make your mouth water!

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan is a great way to boost your immune system and we all need that right now, don’t we?  Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts.

This Freebie Brings Bling!

The sounds of autumn are coming through the open windows of my office as I type this and I marvel that I find it a pleasant sound when it is actually a multitude of the insect host singing whatever it is they sing to each other this time of year.  God bless the one who invented window screens.  The sound does signal the end of heat and humidity and that’s a good thing. 

It’s almost three more weeks until the season changes officially, but you’re right on time for the September First Friday Freebie!  Let’s take a look.

Once at a ladies’ function, we played a “getting to know you” game where we had to jot down on a piece of paper “two things you love and one thing you hate” and toss the paper into the bowl.  When the bowl makes a second pass around the room, someone else draws your paper and tries to guess who may have dropped this list into the bowl.  I remember that when I played this, one of the things I jotted down that I loved was jewelry.  I do love a bit of bling.  I could so keep this freebie, but it’s all yours.

This pretty necklace by Accessory Connection is a long one.  It has an adjustable chain section that extends from 32” to 35”.  The “Y” section at the bottom adds an additional 2.5”.  This makes it great to throw on over all your great fall sweaters and tops.  Double chains of both black and gold (not visible in the photo) meet up with the beaded section which has iridescent beads in black, pale amber and a color I can’t decide whether it is a smoky blue or a smoky purple.  A small stone in the “Y” section hovers above a teardrop pendant that I’d describe as a golden caramel color. 

I took several photos trying to get the colors to appear as they do in reality, but the bottom pendant seemed to look washed out in every single one.  Anyhow, it’s prettier than the photo.

Factory Connection is a great store to find cute jewelry and other accessories along with some fashion clothing.  I don’t get there often, but when I do I often find great prices on items like this freebie.  Check out their website here for locations near you.

To enter to win the beaded necklace, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying “Bring me some bling!”.  You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, September 3rd, 2021.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at barb@midweststoryteller.com so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so you’ll want to subscribe over on the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so.

I hope you get excited about winning freebies and share them and my blog stories with your friends and family through all your social media. If you like an idea, recipe or story you see here, be sure to hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, September 3rd by leaving a comment which says, “Bring me some bling!” 

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here

Why not subscribe and confirm right now before you forget?

While you’re waiting to find out if you’re the winner, you’ll love a good Smuffy story – the most popular thing on my blog. Our Smokin’ Hot Honeymoon is a great place to start.

May your windows be open, may your hair un-frizz and may you sniff the first hints of fall!

Life with Smuffy (Special Episode – Part 7 of ?):  Playing “Let’s Make a Choice!”

I know what you’re going to say once you start reading this – “Aren’t those people ever gonna finish that kitchen?”

That, my dear friends, is exactly what I ask myself, sometimes multiple times per day.

We’ve got to cut Smuffy some slack, though.  After coming home from his day job, he tackles everything else that pops up (or falls down, as the case may be) with this seventy+ year old house.  There’s all the yard work, the garden and how a huge outdoor project he’s had to undertake.  My “new” kitchen goes forward in spurts and I try to have patience.  I will admit to having tears, though.  Every once in a while, the whole thing about having a toddler here every day with no cabinet doors gets to be a bit much.  Careful placement and a good boy are all that stand between us and disaster.

Well, the doors have arrived!  I’d do the happy dance, but they’re not up yet.  You see, they’ve been handed over to me.  Yikes!

I’ve done a lot of DIY in my time, so I had a hard time figuring out why these made me so nervous.  Then, I realized where my jitters were coming from.

It’s one thing to drag something home from a yard sale or resale shop and dive in to give it a whole new life.  It is quite another to take brand new things that Smuffy has poured blood, sweat and tears into and risk screwing it up!  As I said in an earlier post, most people who say they did their whole kitchen makeover by themselves have few bragging rights compared to what we’ve undertaken on this project.  Ripping out things, bringing home new cabinets and installing them and then slapping on some trim pales in comparison to what we’ve done.  It’s been me with my sheets of graph paper and research and Smuffy painstakingly hand-crafting each and every cabinet, pull-out, replacing windows, framing in new ones, building the pantry and making all the shelves to my specifications.  It’s been a long, long road and each interruption and setback has been tough. 

Now, Smuffy has handed me his beautiful cabinet doors and it’s turned me into a big chicken.  My design all along (I tell him that at all times he must remember that he’s Chip and I’m JoJo), was to have antiqued creamy cabinets.  I went to great lengths to get just the right paints, additives, glazes and colors to achieve the end look.  I did all right through two coats of primer.  I did all right through two coats of paint.  Then, somehow, as soon as I got ready to antique them, nerves kicked in.  How could I ugly up Smuffy’s beautiful doors?

It was all I could do to go down to the basement and smear the glaze over the perfection and start wiping it around with old rags over that pristine first door.  It was as though I kept forgetting that the  installed cabinets upstairs had already been antiqued and it was too late to turn back now.  Duh!

There are reasons I chose antiquing.  So many kitchens are what I call “hospital white”.  I hope it’s a trend that ends soon.  Sometimes I think way too many folks out there are working in labs or schoolrooms or medical offices and this look is seeping into their souls.  Anyhow, I didn’t want that.  I wanted homey.  I have a working kitchen – a really working kitchen.  With homecooked healthy meals every single day and all the prep for cooking demonstrations at the classes I teach, it would be hard to keep a sleek kitchen looking sleek all the time.  Also, I have some things of my mom’s I’d like to use to decorate my open shelving and they’re just pretty shabby and farmy.  In honor of her, I’m calling this my Emmabelle Kitchen.

Cabinet Doors Before and After www.midweststoryteller.com

As you can see in the photo, I went ahead with Door #2 and then I started to calm down. In game shows, there is something behind the door to jump up and down about.  In my case, I’ll just have to wait a while longer.  Smuffy keeps assuring me we are in the home stretch.  I nod and sniffle.  The home stretch is every bit as exhausting as the rest of this turtle race.

Just in case you’re wondering, Smuffy’s masterpieces are finished off with two coats of Benjamin Moore primer, have had a light sanding and received two coats of Benamin Moore trim paint in “Fresh Narcissus” with Floetrol added.  This additive makes all the brush strokes or roller marks “melt” away.  The antiquing is done by taking eight parts Benjamin Moore Studio Finish Acrylic Glaze and adding one part Benjamin Moore satin finish paint in “Devonwood Taupe.  This is wiped on and then off immediately with cotton rags, leaving accents in the wood details.  Two coats of Benjamin Moore polyurethane are added after glazing to restore the hard finish.  Otherwise, the glaze would remain too “soft” for durable cabinetry.

I must add that in this photo, the antiqued door looks like it has much more antiquing on it that it does in actuality.  There’s no explaining why photos do that sometimes.

Smuffy does more than just build things.  My Life With Smuffy page is loaded with stories that will make you laugh, cause your hair to stand on end and probably bump us up to the top of your prayer list!

The kitchen makeover chronicles include my embarrassing “before” photos in “Death of a Kitchen”After that, you can catch up with A Glimmer of Hope and Stainless Steel”, “Birth Pains of a Kitchen”, “My Not-A-Kitchen Kitchen”, “A Trim Healthy Pantry and Some Plywood” and “Transition of a Kitchen”Check those out and you’ll be ready for the next and, hopefully, final stages of my kitchen.

Leave a comment!  What do you like/don’t like in your kitchen?  Or, have you seen something online or in someone else’s kitchen that you’d like to have if you could remodel your kitchen?  My kitchen is small.  Give me your best storage tips and tricks!

Another Freebie Winner!

My apologies for running late with this announcement.  Not only did I fall behind a bit, but our winner has been under the weather (though I doubt the weather had anything to do with it) and getting it to her and getting a photo has had its challenges.

She was kind enough to snap a picture of her First Friday Freebie in its new home and send it to me, so let’s congratulate and extend get well wishes to –

Liz from Boonville, Missouri!

Liz often enters to win and has been a previous winner, so if you want to meet her, just check out all the past winners and their gifts here on my Freebies! page.

The “Then Sings My Soul” box-style décor is a Hobby Lobby find and you can see the original freebie offer, here

If you’re not yet a subscriber to Midwest Storyteller they might entice you to become one – First Friday Freebies are for email subscribers only.

Look for the subscription area.  It’s easy to find on the “CONTACT” page and after subscribing, confirm your subscription when the confirmation email arrives in your inbox.  If you’ve done that and not received a confirmation email, please email me at barb@midweststoryteller.com – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”. 

Subscribing is the best way to avoid missing what’s new here on the blog because you’ll get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month.

Comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win. 

Freebies help me reach more people with my stories, recipes and more.  When you share with all your friends via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also.  Subscribing is free.  Freebies are free.  Are you catching on this is a free thing?

Coming soon:  September’s First Friday Freebie – that takes place on Friday, September 3rd.   You’ll see a photo of the Freebie and you can enter to win at any point all day that day.  Don’t forget to check the email that you used to subscribe for notification that you’ve won.

A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight on the day of the drawing. 

ONCE AGAIN (because you tend to forget):  Should your name be drawn as the winner, you will be notified via the email you used to subscribe.  That means you’ll need to check your email often in the week following the drawing so that you can respond and keep the prize from being offered to someone else.

Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.

These four simple steps will have you ready to enter to win on Friday, September 3rd, 2021. 

A lot of people say, “I never win anything!”  I’d love to hear from you.  Leave a comment and tell me the best thing you’ve ever won.   

A Summer Freebie for Your Soul!

Welcome to August!  (I say that like I’m hosting the month personally.)  Actually, I’m missing out on a lot of it due to the Big Kitchen Crunch, but that has nothing to do with Freebies unless you count the fact that it’s forcing me to do this post past my bedtime.

Yes, it’s the First Friday and that means that commenting as directed in this post will enter you to win my August Freebie.  Let’s take a look at it.

Then Sings My Soul Freebie www.midweststoryteller.com

This black and white wooden décor will look great on your table or tucked into a shelf.  It measures 4.875” X 7.375” including the knob on top and if you’re up on your old hymns, it reminds of that famous one, “How Great Thou Art”.  The little damask print bit of stenciled art at the left adds just the right touch and I think it will look great year round as well as with all your upcoming fall decorations.  It’s a Hobby Lobby find, because, as you may have noticed, I can’t stay out of that place.

To enter to win the “Then Sings My Soul” décor, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying just that, “Then Sings My Soul”.  You’ll need to do that before midnight TONIGHT, August 6th, 2021.

NOTE:  An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails.  Should this happen, email me at barb@midweststoryteller.com so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.

First Friday Freebies are for email SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, so you’ll want to subscribe over on the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can subscribe to Midwest Storyteller if you haven’t done so.

I hope you get excited about winning freebies and share them and my blog stories with your friends and family through all your social media. If you like an idea, recipe or story you see here, be sure to hover over the photo and “pin it”.  Help me get the word out!

On the “Freebies” page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.

A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, August 6th by leaving a comment which says, “Then Sings My Soul”. 

For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here

Why not subscribe and confirm right now before you forget?

Summer’s winding down.  Enjoy every minute of warmth and bloom.

Life With Smuffy (Episode 8):  “Smuffy Gets It Clean”

It’s time to take a peek into the Smuffy’s secret life.  By now, if you’ve kept up with every episode of “Life With Smuffy”, you probably think that he’s all daredevil and that this nature leaves little time for anything other than leaping across steep roofs, shooting the rapids and having heart-stopping encounters with motorized vehicles.

Oh, not so!  There is another side to Smuffy that makes life with him equally as interesting as all the more hair-raising things.  I can’t classify it as his dirty little secret, though. You see, Smuffy is clean.  He’s very clean.

The casual observer may assume that this characteristic wouldn’t cause much of a stir in everyday life. 

Don’t get me wrong – Smuffy is also dirty.  When he is dirty, he is very, very dirty and actually enjoys a good dose of grunge.  Once, on his birthday, we were unable to locate him to remind him that it was time to get ready to go out for the evening.  We finally found in the compost bin.  He hadn’t been able to think of a more enjoyable way of spending his birthday than cleaning it out and, having done so, to sit restfully inside in the ninety-degree heat with compost plastered to every inch of his sweaty body.  It seemed to him the ideal way to pass the time.

To go hunting and smear himself with disgusting stuff that only an amorous 30-point buck would love and then haul home carcasses and attack them with knives comes as natural to him as, well…bathing.  The bright side is that he does a great job of cleaning up the gore.  He should have started a business – “Smuff-Pro – Like it Never Even Happened”.

Then, bathe he does!  When Smuffy is finished being dirty, he is ready to be clean.  Proper soaps become an issue.  Subtle fragrance and texture variances can cause them to get banned from the home.  When they stopped making his favorite bar soap, our world came to a standstill and he still mutters its name with a tremor of nostalgia. 

After boot camp at living with this paradox, I realized I’d married a man who was a complete blending of Grizzly Adams and Felix Unger and each personality would have its high moments.

If Smuffy has a stint at taking over the kitchen, I can always tell.  I find counters sopping wet, towels dripping, the whole room is wet.  He has gotten all things clean – about 15 times.

I can hear you saying, “How fabulous to have a husband so helpful around the house!”  Well, not that I’m going to let you live with Smuffy because he’s mine – all mine – but you might do well to imagine what that really might be like on a moment-by-moment basis.

When we first married, it didn’t take long for me to start feeling much like Ingrid Bergman in “Gaslight”.  He’s not only clean – he’s tidy.  Should I lay a book aside to go to the kitchen for a cup of tea, when I returned I’d search madly for the book till I questioned my own sanity and Smuffy asked what was the matter.  “Oh,” he’d explain after hearing my frustration, “I thought you were finished with it so I put it back in the bookshelf.”  The same thing happened with too warm slippers I’d kicked off, a watch that chafed or a hair barrette that pinched.  Everything just vanished the minute I released it from my grasp.  I was compensated somewhat by the fact that he smelled terrific! 

I did my best to explain to Smuffy that laundry doesn’t get “done”.  Laundry is like dishes.  Dishes can be clean, counters shined and things put away and within seconds, someone arrives with a cup or spoon.  Laundry is always but one sock away from the new pile.  Yet, I felt guilty when Smuffy would start up the washing machine because he felt I’d fallen behind.

That is, until the day I discovered his secret.  I’d made a concerted effort one week to get all the laundry done so that when Smuffy was home and doing his basement projects over the weekend there wouldn’t be a single thing peeking out of a basket to torment his delicate sensibilities.  Of course, a sock or two, a towel and a couple of other things were tossed in by Saturday morning, but what was that in the course of life?

As Smuffy began his project day in the basement, I began to hear the usual sounds waft up the stairs.  He likes to enjoy several things at once, so it’s perfectly normal (normal?) to find him down there hacking up a deer, melting wax for homemade candles, mapping out his next woodworking project while listening to the oldies or watching cooking shows all at the same time. 

Suddenly, added to the symphony came the sound of the washing machine.  What on earth?  I went to the basement.

It’s important to stress that Smuffy had never been trained as a launderer.  His mama did all domestic duties for him.  He’d only entered forced servitude when Pookie came along and he needed to help out by doing things that kept me off the stairs.  Though I appreciated the help, the delicates often suffered and I preferred to wash certain things myself.

“What are you washing,” I asked.

“Oh, there was some laundry in one of those baskets over there.”

“But there couldn’t have been more than three or four things.  I got all caught up just so you wouldn’t have to bother with it.”

“Oh, I just thought since I was down here, I may just as well take care of it.”

I stood defeated for a moment, feeling as though all my efforts had backfired somehow and then came the revelation.  I turned my gaze from the empty baskets to the man at the workbench.

“You love it, don’t you?”

Smuffy looked perplexed and gave me a “Huh?”

“You love it!  You didn’t need to do any laundry and you knew it.  You missed it!  While you were working, you were craving the swish-swish of the washing machine and the soapy smell of clean clothes.  You’re doing laundry to enhance your experience!”

Then, I saw it.  The blushed cheek and the darting of the eyes told me that I had discovered the truth – Smuffy had an addiction.

Now, it may seem obvious that a person can be addicted to a lot worse things than laundry, but over time I discovered that Smuffy’s inability to keep his hands off soiled textiles led him down the road toward destruction.

Oh, the mangled bras!  Oh, the scorched elastics!  Oh, the irreversible bleach disasters!  I tried to make a deal with Smuffy.  If he must do laundry, could he please limit himself to his own work clothes so that Pookie and I could manage to have something that survived his efforts?  He’d agree to terms and then, as though they were some sort of irresistible delicacy, sneak those items in with his own and render them rags.  Each time, those puppy-dog brown eyes of his would look into mine and he’d profess to having been certain the item was his.  It was enough to make me wonder if he had more of a secret life that I thought!

Once he managed to get hold of a pair of Pookie’s jeans she’d bought as an older teen – one of those special pair that she’d saved up her own money to buy because they were “the thing”.  Convinced they were his own, he took things a step further this time.  After an especially tough morning at work one day, he came in for lunch grubby and tired.  As he entered the kitchen, I could tell he was disgruntled.

“Dirty job”, he muttered.  “I’m pooped.  And it didn’t help any that these jeans have shrunk or something.  They’re so tight I could barely move, let alone work.”

I glanced at his behind.  There he was, having washed and dried them, stuffed into Pookie’s “cool jeans”, convinced that anything in blue denim must be his.  They were ruined and, considering the structural design of gals’ jeans, I’m surprised parts of him weren’t.  No amount of TLC was going to restore those jeans to something worthy of the brand label he’d been sporting on his tushy all morning as he put them to the working man’s durability test – which they failed.

I told him he’d better buy her another pair and preached him my “Leave Our Clothing Alone” Sermon Number 843.

Pookie took the loss graciously.  He’d been trying to instill in her the need to clean up and tidy up since she was a mere tot.

Smuffy & Pookie are Clean www.midweststoryteller.com

Once when Pookie was three years old, we returned home after being gone for most of the day.  Smuffy scooped Pookie up under one arm and headed for the bathroom. Being exhausted, I headed straight for the sofa, stretched out and closed my eyes.  As I lay there, I could hear the water running and Smuffy’s monologue as he took advantage of this important teaching moment to give his little one a ten-minute sermonette on how they were washing their faces and hands and why they were washing their faces and hands.  Germs, he explained, were like bugs.  They were nasty, icky little bugs that make you sick.  You could have lots of them all over your hands and they were so tiny that you couldn’t see them, but they were still there.  However, they would take all the warm water and the soap and wash all the invisible bad bugs right down the sink.

Soon after, I heard the approach of little feet and became aware that a little person had arrived and waited next to my head to see if my eyes might pop open.  I tried to keep them closed in hopes that her dolls and toys might lure her into letting me rest a bit longer, but she lingered so patiently that I finally peeped one eye open to find her big blue eyes eager and concerned.

“Did you hear what Daddy said?” she asked, as if there’d been headline news.

Interested to hear her three-year-old version of it, I played along.  “No, what did he say?”

Stamping her little foot, she narrowed her eyes and pinched her lips together.

Oh!  I wish you did!” came the disappointed whine.  “I didn’t understand a word he said!”

All my weariness of the day washed away with my laughter over the fact that Smuffy’s germ lesson, though well-meaning and thorough, had gone right over her head and quite possibly, down the drain.

One of Smuffy’s finer moments occurred when I was out of town and I still feel a bit cheated that I missed seeing it in person.  This being the first time I’d left Smuffy and Pookie to themselves for more than just overnight, I called every evening to check in.  To my surprise, Pookie answered.  At age six, she was not allowed to take calls yet.  The fact that she answered told me immediately that something might not be quite right.  Where on earth was Smuffy?


“Hello!  And how are you today?”

“Just fine.”

I strained to hear any background noise.  Things seemed overly quiet somehow.

“Did you have a nice day today?”


“Did you miss me?”


“I missed you, too.  Is Daddy there?”


“Well, can I talk to him.”

“I’ll ask him.  He’s sweeping all the bubbles out the back door.”

“Bubbles?  You have bubbles?”

“We have lots of bubbles.  Daddy’s got the broom.”

Smuffy made it to the phone.  I asked him how he happened to be sweeping bubbles out the back door.

Always having lived by the motto that “more is better” when it comes to soap, he had decided that what our dishwasher needed was a thorough cleaning.  So while it was empty, he’d given it a good dose of liquid dish soap and turned it on.  The entire kitchen had filled with bubbles. He’d been doing his best to get them all out onto the deck where they could ooze through the rails and down the stairs.

The bright side is that this is probably the cleanest our kitchen’s ever been.

Oh, how I wish I’d been there!  I’d have felt just like Doris Day in “The Thrill of it All” (1963).  Her hubby (James Garner) got things clean, too.

Things are not so spit ‘n polished around here these days due to endless remodeling and toddler-keeping, but that, they tell me, won’t last forever.  When the first is complete it will be a huge relief, but the latter will, I’m sure, make me a little sad.

It’ll be interesting to watch little Snookie take cleaning lessons from his Paw-Paw.  This time, I’m recording.

My Life With Smuffy is always exciting.  Read about our Smokin’ Hot Honeymoon.  You’ll find, in Smuffy Takes the Cure that I did try intervention.  Try his river adventures here and here for the white-knuckle type of adventure.  Even on dry land, he tends to get himself into situations, so check that out here.

Are you living with a “cleany”?  Oh, please do share in the comments!