Here in the Midwest, March has come in like a lamb, turned fierce as a lion and is quickly becoming a lamb again. March is psychotic like that. However, the first Friday remains the first Friday, so there’s a Freebie for all my subscribers.
Here it is –
Get into the spirit of spring with this pretty floral watering can décor. This painted wooden piece is 8 ¾” X 4 3/4” and will add a spring touch to any shelf or other display in your home. It is ¾” thick so it will stand on its own. The cute “welcome” wooden tag dangles from a twine bow embellished with a pink bead.
To enter to win the floral watering can décor, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “I’m ready for spring!” I’m sure that’s not a statement many of you will object to making. You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, March 7th, 2025.
NOTE: An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails. Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.
If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win. Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email. You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.
Smuffy and I have our own brand of romance on my “Life with Smuffy” page and you might love my “Laugh!” page. If cute felines make your heart go pitty-patter, head to my “Phoebe June” page and you’ll find a dose of catitude. .
Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”. If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”. Help me get the word out!
On the “Freebies”page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.
A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, March 7th, by leaving a comment which says, “I’m ready for spring!”
For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.
Winter is drawing to a close. In a little more than two weeks, spring will make its official entry. There’s something about the arrival of March that always makes me run out of patience with the cold. I feel a strange mix inside. I suppose you could say I’m cranky with a dusting of hope.
Spring is teasing us and still, I look at my list of winter “to-dos” and heave a sigh. I was to have organized my upstairs after I’d put away Christmas stuff, sort through and re-organize my kitchen cabinets, update my addresses and contact info, sort and dispose of excess “fluff & stuff” and reward myself by getting some scrapbooking done.
I haven’t made much headway in any of these areas. Now, tax preparation looms. I wish I could feel as though I’ve finished at least some of these categories so that I can stand back, rest my hands on my hips, heave a satisfactory sigh and say, “There now!”
(I just sighed, but it was the wrong kind.)
Now, I have to remind myself that I’ve recently turned in a huge edit for the first book in the “Morgan’s Landing” series and I spend four days a week playing/feeding/changing/snuggling/crafting with Lil’ Snookie and Fruity Pebbles. A frantic portion of this is spent as referee between Fruity Pebbles and Phoebe June. The former considers the latter the most marvelous creature ever to behold and makes every effort to share an embrace. (Not that Phoebe June doesn’t share the opinion as to her marvelousness – she just doesn’t want it embraced.) Somewhere in between the cracks, I manage to cook all our meals from scratch, prepare and coach my weekly Trim Healthy group, organize and help host all our church’s dinners, do the shopping, laundry, cleaning and get a weight-lifting workout in most days.
You know something? I started out feeling like winter had passed and I’d been a failure in even scratching the surface, but now, as I make my true confessions to you, I’m starting to feel pretty good about the whole thing! These last months weren’t perfect, and I doubt the ones ahead will be perfect – but I’ll do what I can with God’s help.
I look around my chaotic office/library/craft room and see that much has been done and much is left to do. I make myself a promise. I won’t strive for perfection, but I will tell myself the same thing I whisper as I climb on those machines at the gym – “I can do better.” Progress, though it be made in baby steps, is far less daunting than perfection.
Golly, how I wish I had a higher gear! Alas, I have only one gear and I’m already running in it.
There are times when I look around and ask myself if any of it matters and for a fleeting moment I hanker for a dumpster.
Paper is my nemesis. But…I am a writer. Ummm…
Then, I remember this. There are two dates on every gravestone and though they may be forgotten, the dash between them is what counts. People will remember you for your dash!
We do leave a legacy in many ways – in the hearts and minds of our children, in what we build in our communities and in the lives of others, and in the stories that connect us to our heritage.
This house holds a lot of heritage.
Once while sorting my office piles, I found a slip of paper upon which I’d written a quote attributed to Joseph Garlington. I hope it puts things into perspective for you as it does for me.
I took this photo several years ago as I drove through the countryside on my way to meet Phoebe June. I pulled over to take photos of a sky such as I’d never seen before.
Under a wide-open Heaven, life is given to me to live each day in this strange place called Earth and I’m determined to thrive down here. I may not be able to make it perfect, but bit by bit, I can make it better, even if it’s something as simple as encouraging a friend or cleaning out files.
The heavens are open and as we step out of winter and the sunshine and warmth break through, there will be days full of surprises and days filled with mundane things. I pray the mundane things bring you stability and peace and that all your surprises are good ones. If last year was a “dud”, don’t lose heart. Take God’s hand and move forward into new territory and happier days.
You may be grieving the events of these past months. Take your time and heal. You may spend a part or all of the year in a waiting mode. (I hear ‘ya as I await the book release and the progress reports on its screenplay.) You may go on happily as you have been or you may step into a new adventure as God opens a door and you receive the answer to a prayer that you feel like you’ve spent a lifetime lifting up before the Lord!
Leave a comment! Are things better – even just a little bit – in your earthly experience? I’d love to hear what you’ve done this winter (I’ll even listen to your fails) and what you plan spring!
It’s time to meet February’s winner of my First Friday Freebie.
March is already with us and it did come in like a lamb. That’s the day I finally got to connect with the winner and get the freebie to its destination. Then, as if it couldn’t bear the thought of wasting time, the month turned on us like a lion and today we had snow and a 30 MPH wind. Smuffy and I had places to be and things to do and we are still trying to get warm after being out in it!
Meeting February’s winner will warm your heart –
Congratulations to Liz from Boonville, Missouri.
Liz is pictured here with the “LOVE” home décor sign and as you can see if you look closely at the photo, one of her loves is the Kansas City Chiefs.
As an email subscriber, Liz gets an email when the First Friday Freebie is released. She then commented as directed in the freebie post at
I require this tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention.
I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.
If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out hereon my Freebies! page.
You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Liz won here.
If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today. Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.
NOTE: Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings. This is my only means of notifying winners. If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!
We live in a life filled with gadgets and you’ll find that this blog can have a different appearance depending on whether you are on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can easily navigate in the menu under “CONTACT”, fill in your email and hit “SUBSCRIBE”. Confirm your subscription when the email arrives. If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”.
Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month. You’ll also receive encouragement, healthy recipes, short stories, lots of laughs and updates on the books I write.
Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies enable me to reach more people. I count on you to share them with your friends and family. When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free.
On March 7th, you’ll see the new Freebie. Enter to win that day. A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight CST. Then, check your email in the days following.
Smartphone reminders help.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
What are your plans for March? Are you curled up with your seed catalogs? Are you decorating your home with splashes of spring pastels. Are you getting out on pleasant days for long walks? Somehow, I find even indoor things seem easier when the weather warms a bit. Getting out for that morning trip to the gym doesn’t seem so daunting these days.
I have shared this recipe before, but I thought you needed to take another look at it in case there’s someone you’d like to bless especially on Valentine’s Day and you’re short on funds or ideas. And, there’s a FREE PRINTABLE below!
If ever a holiday had a tendency to sneak up on you unexpectedly, it’s Valentine’s Day. Somehow, when Christmas is over and the last Happy New Year is wished, we tend to hunker down for winter and take on the attitude that there won’t be a single bright spot in our lives until spring.
So, I’m
wondering, are you ready for it?
I know, I know. So much is said about how commercialized Valentine’s Day has become and how it was given a big build-up by the retail world in order to suck us all in to their stores so they could empty our pockets, leaving us to stagger out in a daze wondering if we’d just done too much or too little when all we really wanted was to say, “I love you”, or “You’re special to me.” We resist the nudge to fall into such traps, but let’s ask ourselves one thing – What could be better than a special day to remind us (because we so often forget) to offer someone a loving gesture?
I love old-fashioned, sappy Valentines. Here are some that I’ve made and you can see more about that here.
A card will do just fine, but as for gifts, I love to give a few special people a simple token of affection without going on a spending spree. Let’s face it, a homemade gift always means more and if you go overboard you can send the person you’re trying to bless on a guilt trip if they think they need to reciprocate. Or, even worse, you’ll start that horror of horrors – the yearly contest to see who can outdo the other – an uncomfortable situation that empties everyone’s bank account and does little to fill the heart.
If you’re feeling a twinge of panic and wishing you had a few tokens of affection to offer, try making this homemade sugar scrub. You’ll have it whipped up in one minute and have nothing left to do but fashion a cute tag declaring that the gift is “Because You Are So Sweet”! I wish I could remember where I found this great idea and recipe so I could give credit where credit is due, but it’s been a while and a Pinterest search is not bringing it back to me, so I have no idea. If anyone can send me the info or a link to it, I’m happy to include it here.
If you have a stash of stuff like I do, you probably won’t even have to leave the house for supplies. You’ll need a mixing bowl, spatula, small jars, extra virgin coconut oil, white table sugar, 5-10 drops fragrance oil (rose or lavender is nice), red food coloring, ribbon and/or fabric scraps, paper tags, cardstock you can fashion into tags or, better yet, the FREE PRINTABLE TAGS you’ll find at the end of this post! This recipe made three gifts, but it all depends on the size of your containers. Clear ones are best, because the sugar scrub is really pretty!
With a spatula, blend ½ cup extra virgin coconut oil, 1 ½ to 2 cups white sugar, 5-10 drops fragrance
oil and five drops food coloring together in a mixing bowl. Fill jars and add a cute tag or label.
I hope you didn’t nod off during that lengthy description. Coconut oil softens at 76 degrees Fahrenheit, so if your work area is colder than that you may have to put the bowl in the microwave for a few seconds to bring it to the point where it mixes easily.
I got into my Printmaster program and designed a tag that suited the look I wanted to achieve. You can always make this quick gift for a birthday or any other occasion by using different colors of food coloring and changing the look of your tags or labels. Again, I used various jars, ribbon scraps and bags I had on hand.
Why give sugar scrub, other than the
fact that scrubs are popular and can be expensive? My main concern was whether or not they are
good for you or pose some sort of health risk or cause skin damage. I am not your doctor or your licensed skin
care specialist, so I am only passing on a little of what I know in order to
help you continue with your own research.
What I discovered in my limited studies is that some body and facial scrubs are not so good for you. Their exfoliating ingredients range from nut shells to polymer beads to salt and sugar. Let’s face it, exfoliating feels wonderful! However, nut shells and other ground matter have sharp edges and who wants to be scratched? Polymer beads are round and smooth and leave the skin much more intact, but they’ve been found to last forever, making their way into the rivers and oceans and harming marine life. As for salt, it’s a great option, but the edges of salt crystals are still sharper than that of sugar and it may not be what you want for use on delicate areas of the body or if you have sensitive skin.
That leaves sugar! While I would recommend removing as much of
it from your diet as possible, I’m
giving it my approval , so far, as a scrub.
The coconut oil is just about the most wonderful thing you can put on
your skin and the combination will leave you soft, moisturized and much, much
A natural source of glycolic acid, sugar already contains the ingredient that a lot of over-the-counter, spas and dermatologists offer to remove dead skin cells and encourage cellular turnover. It’s an alpha hydroxy acid, and since your homemade scrub is mild, it will be safe to use a couple of times a week in the evenings. Some stronger formulas, available in stores and from spas and professionals, will recommend wearing a sunscreen if using alpha hydroxyy acid formulas during the day. You can read more about that in this article from Huffington Posthere.
Sugar is also a natural humectant,
meaning that it draws moisture from the air into your skin – and that’s a good thing.
Some scrubs can do your skin more harm than good and you can learn more about that in this article from The Sidney Morning Herald. More info, including safe recipes for sugar scrubs that include honey, avocado oil and other natural ingredients can be found in this ETimes article.
If someone needs to hear you say, “This is for you, ‘because you are so sweet!’”, homemade sugar scrub might just be the perfect token of your affection.
Now for those FREE printable tags – just click below and you have a whole sheet of tags that you can print on cardstock. Attach a pretty ribbon and tie to your jars of sugar scrub! Could I have made it any easier, folks?
Questions? Comments?
happy to chat, because you are so sweet!
February is often called the Month of Love. There are many stories that claim to tell the story of Valentine and that makes it difficult to tell fact from fiction. Some dislike the whole notion of Valentine’s Day if they aren’t in a relationship with that one special someone or if their special someone is reluctant to participate in a show of mush for a day.
I prefer to think of Valentine’s Day as a nudge from above to remind us to show anyone and everyone a bit of extra thoughtfulness and let them know that they are special to us.
My favorite story concerning Valentine tells of him being suddenly imprisoned for his faith. He feared that his loved ones would not know what had happened to him or where he might be. So, reaching out through the barred window of his cell, he plucked leaves from a trailing vine (which happened to be the shape we’ve come to know as a heart) and, with a pin, pierced holes in them to spell out “Your Valentine”. One by one, he kept dropping them to the street below so that eventually, someone would notice them and those he loved would learn of his whereabouts.
True or not – I love this story. It’s not one involving a love-struck couple, but one of sacrifice and bonded hearts. I think it helps us to look at Valentine’s Day as something more than just romance.
How about that? You’ve gotten a free story to go along with your First Friday Freebie!
Let’s take a look –
Display a little love in your home with this wooden sign encouraging you to “Choose Love”. It measures 3 ¼ inches tall and 11 1/8 inches wide. The floral letters are outlined in black to make them pop against the light wood grain look of the background. It hangs easily with the attached twine.
To enter to win the “Choose Love” wall décor, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Happy Month of Love!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, February 7th, 2025.
NOTE: An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails. Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.
If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win. Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email. You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.
Smuffy and I have our own brand of romance on my “Life with Smuffy” page and you might love my “Laugh!” page. If cute felines make your heart go pitty-patter, head to my “Phoebe June” page and you’ll find a dose of catitude. .
Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”. If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”. Help me get the word out!
On the “Freebies”page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.
A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, February 3rd, by leaving a comment which says, “Happy Month of Love!”
For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.
I have a question for you today. Do you have a book in you?
If the answer is anything other than “absolutely not”, then maybe we need to have a little chat.
I’ll be posting another update on my Morgan’s Landing book series soon, as well as news on the screenplay, but today it’s time to ask you – Do you have a book in you?
Do you have a family member who has led an amazing life or survived a major ordeal and their story needs to be told? Perhaps that person is you!
Do you have scribbles, sketches and ideas stewing in your brain all the time, yet you’ve never sat down and put it all into a form readers could enjoy?
There is a huge difference between something that is easy and something that is simple. Easy indicates that the activity will take little to no effort. Simple means that the process is going to be relatively uncomplicated. There’s a big difference! Getting your story out of yourself and into written form is simple. Getting it ready for the world can get you way into the weeds.
I came across this again the other day and thought I’d share C. S. Lewis’ sound advice and toss in a few of my own thoughts. (Yeah, right – I’m sure the world’s been waiting all these years for me come along just so I could add just the right touch to round out his advice!) I do believe I have one piece of advice that he omitted to share. Here’s what he had to say –
I don’t think the great C. S. Lewis’ advice could get much better. If all he’d ever written were The Chronicles of Narnia, he would certainly have learned a thing or two along the way. While that series, due to the motion picture industry, may be the first thing that comes to mind, he has much more to offer, so be sure to delve into all the other things he’s written.
For the twenty-first century writer, we need only to give the obvious tweaks, such as:
1. Turn off the radio. And the TV. And the podcasts. And all the other stuff. You are not looking to put things into yourself – you are wanting to draw them out.
2. When he recommends you read “good books”, I doubt he is referring to “trash you like”. He is speaking of good, solid literature. Read old stuff, folks. Really old stuff. “Avoid nearly all magazines” would now have to be termed, “ditch nearly all social media”. Not only is it a time-sucker-awayer that will cause you never to write, it will influence you to write the way others want you to write. Don’t be a victim of the influencers.
3. Absolutely! This one goes without saying. Learn to craft a sentence, even if passersby think you’ve finally gone off the deep end and taken to muttering to yourself.
4. Read that one over and over again. If you don’t have a passion for what you write, how are you going to face the thing day after day?
5. When he uses the word “pains” here – he’s not kidding around. You will edit and edit and re-edit, trying to be sure your reader grasps exactly what you’re trying to convey. Ask me how I know.
6. This is valuable advice. Keep all your musings and writings. I used a character in a play I wrote years ago as a pattern for a character in Book 3 of Morgan’s Landing. I have a folder full of “seeds” that I’ve scribbled down at writers’ group meetings that may someday become something.
7. Well…I agree with the great C. S. Lewis here. Don’t, under any circumstances, use a typewriter. However, do use a computer. If you keep writing in spiral books and binders, you’ll only have to type it all into the computer at once later and that, my dear readers, is a drag. Spiral books and binders are for capturing ideas and taking notes, but get your actual stories into the computer (and backed up) as you go. Whether you self-publish or go with traditional publishing, you will not be submitting a paper manuscript anywhere.
8. This one should go without saying, but C. S. Lewis realized that it can be a problem, so get a dictionary and learn how to use it.
Now, for the overly obvious writing tip that the famous author omitted. DON’T WAIT! START NOW! The story within you deserves to be written and honed and shared and that will never happen if you keep putting it off. Carve out the time and start right away.
Leave a comment and let me know if this has encouraged you to move forward and get that great story out of the depths of your soul and formed into something that is ready to share with the world.
It’s time to meet my most recent winner of the First Friday Freebie. The delay is my fault – I dove into heavy editing and barely came up for air. I even took an informal vow to do nothing else till I hit “send” on this manuscript, even promising myself I wouldn’t take down Christmas décor until it happened. Fruity Pebbles changed my mind for me when she began crawling and pulling up to things. Christmas had to go for the benefit of her safety and my sanity. She’s now as busy as I am.
Still, there’s a Freebie every month. Check out the First Friday Freebie rules below. You’ll find out how simple it is to enter to win. This is a special monthly gift for my email subscribers only.
Let’s meet January’s winner –
Christine from Boonville, Missouri.
Christine is shown here with “Weekly Schemes” organizational pad and pen set. She’s a natural organizer, so this will help keep her on track.
As an email subscriber, Christine enters often. She did have to comment as directed in the freebie post on the day it arrived in her inbox. I require this tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention.
I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.
If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out hereon my Freebies! page.
You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Christine won here.
If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today. Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.
NOTE: Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings. This is my only means of notifying winners. If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!
We live in a life filled with gadgets and you’ll find that this blog can have a different appearance depending on whether you are on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can easily navigate in the menu under “CONTACT”, fill in your email and hit “SUBSCRIBE”. Confirm your subscription when the email arrives. If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”.
Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month. You’ll also receive encouragement, healthy recipes, short stories, lots of laughs and updates on the books I write.
Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies enable me to reach more people. I count on you to share them with your friends and family. When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free.
On February 7th, you’ll see the new Freebie. Enter to win that day. A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight CST. Then, check your email in the days following.
Smartphone reminders help.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, February 7th, 2025.
Here we are in February, the month of love! What do you love doing in February? Do you avoid the push toward commercializing the idea of saying, “I Love You” or do you jump in with both feet and make homemade Valentines? Leave a comment and let me know. Even though we should focus on showing love to others every month of the year, I think February serves as a nice reminder to pour it on extra thick! I’ll have mine with chocolate.
I hope you’re enjoying your new year and that you are filled with a sense of hope and expectation of better days ahead.
It’s time for my First Friday Freebie and one of you will win if you are an email subscriber and you take the time to enter to win.
Let’s take a look –
For some reason, even if the flipping of the calendar doesn’t prompt us to lose weight, exercise, read more books or keep in closer contact with friends and loved ones, it seems to prompt at least some degree of resolve to get better organized. I’ll do my ever-so-small part to help you.
This “Weekly Schemes” pad and pen set lets you lay out the work week ahead of you so that you can better plan the things you need to tackle, the places you need to be or maybe even the honey-do list you’d like to make out to motivate that special someone.
I fantasized for a brief moment that I might receive one of these from Smuffy with instructions for me to fill out a sheet and hand it to him every week. Somehow, I think that’s going to remain a fantasy. His own project list is already full.
The pad itself measures 8 1/2 ” X 5″. I expected it to offer 52 sheets to carry you through the year, but no! There are 70 sheets. That could carry you well into the next year, but I confess that my first thought upon discovering this was that it would allow me to deal with those times when “life happens” and I have to rip off my best laid schemes when they gang aft agley, send them through the shredder, and make out a whole new plan.
Don’t blame me for that last sentence. Robert Burns owns part of it. You can read, “To a Mouse” (1785) unless, of course, you’re a wee sleekit cowrin tim-rous beastie. If that’s too much for you, read “Oh! The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss and remember, “Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you.”
To enter to win the “Weekly Schemes” pad and pen set, all you need to do is “Leave a Comment” on this post, saying, “Oh! The Places I’ll Go!” You’ll need to leave your comment before midnight TONIGHT, January 3rd, 2025.
NOTE: An occasional problem occurs with subscribers not receiving confirmation emails. Should this happen, email me at so that I can report it and have the issue resolved.
If you are new to Midwest Storyteller and haven’t subscribed, you’ll need to do that before entering to win. Head to the right sidebar or use the menu to navigate to the “Contact” page where you can fill in your email address and then watch for your confirmation email. You’re not officially subscribed until you confirm by email.
Chase away the winter gloomies with my “Life with Smuffy” and “Laugh!” pages. If you get snowed in, be sure to try out some great healthy recipes from my “Food Freedom” page.
Remember to be sure to share the content you enjoy here on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram and “X”. If you save things on Pinterest like I do, hover over the photo and “pin it”. Help me get the word out!
On the “Freebies”page, you can see what readers have been winning every month.
A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight, January 3rd, by leaving a comment which says, “Oh! The Places I’ll Go!”
For the complete First Friday Freebie rules, click here.
Yes, it’s a whole new month and a whole new year, but illness and travel plans kept December’s First Friday Freebie winner from getting her photo to me in a timely manner. If you take a moment to check out the First Friday Freebie Rules at the link below, you’ll find out how simple it is to enter to win. This is a special monthly gift for my email subscribers only.
Let’s meet –
Ginger from Prairie Home, Missouri.
Ginger is a repeat winner because she enters often (and maybe because some of you aren’t entering often enough). Here she is with her holiday kitchen set that I’m sure she’ll enjoy using when the 2025 holiday season rolls around.
As an email subscriber, Ginger has entered often ever since they debut of Midwest Storyteller. She did have to comment as directed in the freebie post on the day it arrived in her inbox. I require this tiny bit of effort each month in order to prevent spam and make sure you’re on your toes and paying attention.
I send freebies anywhere in the continental U. S., so don’t think you’re too far away to enter.
If you’d like to see other past winners and their gifts check it out hereon my Freebies! page.
You can see the original First Friday Freebie offer for the one Ginger won here.
If you’re reading this and haven’t become an email subscriber yet, please do that today. Hopefully, my freebies, not to mention the stories, recipes and other great content, have enticed you to do that.
NOTE: Subscribe with an email you intend to keep and check the week after the drawings. This is my only means of notifying winners. If it isn’t up to date, you may not get your gift!
We live in a life filled with gadgets and you’ll find that this blog can have a different appearance depending on whether you are on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can easily navigate in the menu under “CONTACT”, fill in your email and hit “SUBSCRIBE”. Confirm your subscription when the email arrives. If you’ve don’t receive a confirmation email, please email me at – it seems that from time to time, a subscription will get “stuck”.
Subscribers get an email reminder each time there’s something new – like when there’s a FREEBIE on the First Friday of every month. You’ll also receive encouragement, healthy recipes, short stories, lots of laughs and updates on the books I write.
Again, comment as directed on the post that offers the Freebie and you’ll be entered to win.
Freebies enable me to reach more people. I need you to help me share all the fun with your friends and family. When you share on MeWe, Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, you’ll give them the opportunity to subscribe and win also. Subscribing is free. Freebies are free.
On January 3rd, you’ll see the new Freebie. Enter to win that day. A winner is chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight. Then, check your email in the days following.
Smartphone reminders help.
Take a moment make yourself familiar with the complete Freebie Rules by clicking HERE.
Subscribers, be ready to enter to win on Friday, January 3rd, 2025.
What inspires you in the winter months? Cleaning closets? Delving into your family tree? Snuggling up with cocoa, books and a warm kitty? Or, are you like me and you are resolved to do a couple of hundred pages of editing. Leave a comment. I’m waiting to see your interesting answers to that!