Much has changed in our world over the last month. Here in the United States we grapple, as so many other countries do, with shut-downs, social distancing and concerns for loved ones.
Each month, I try to offer, as a First Friday Freebie, something I think my readers would enjoy. This month, I believe I’ve found something that qualifies in three categories – a free gift for you, a book review and an opportunity for reflection.
As we enter Holy Week, my prayer is that this will be a blessing to you, no matter your faith or lack thereof.
Although it is not my blog’s “theme”, I’m sure most people have gleaned that I am a Christian. I not only enjoy, but depend upon, spending daily time in prayer and Scripture studies. Often, I read other books by Christian authors that offer extra insight into a particular area of study. Although I’ve never read a book by these authors before, I had heard rave reviews about history books they’ve collaborated on. I don’t know quite how it happened, but I stumbled across it and found myself immersed in the book I’m offering as April’s First Friday Freebie –

It just seemed that still, small Voice tugged at me, telling me that this was the perfect time of year to get a better grasp on the whole of world events surrounding the one event in human history of which it can be said, without dispute, changed everything!
“Killing Jesus” by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard had me hooked right away. The third in O’Reilly’s “Killing…” series (after “Killing Lincoln” and “Killing Kennedy”), it takes a detailed look at the life and death of Jesus purely through the lens of world history. Various sources including Roman writings and records, the detailed, first-hand historical accounts of Josephus, archaeological evidences, and other sources which provided records of the current events of the time are woven in with the historical record provided in the four Gospels to give a thorough picture of not only what happened, but what drove what happened and what it was like to live through what happened.
Despite my first instinct to find the book lacking and to have the tendency to pick it apart, I found myself educated and enthralled to comprehend the driving forces that motivated Herod, Pilate, Caesar, the Jewish hierarchy as well as Jesus’ followers. The efforts that the authors undertook to in order to convey the sights, sounds, smells, economy, political atmosphere and customs of the time and place transported me to Bethlehem, Galilee, Nazareth, Jerusalem and the other places Jesus lived, walked and taught.
This book is not preachy. In no way does it seek to validate miracles or prove the Messianic claims of Jesus or induce you to become His disciple. It merely lays out the historical events in ways that will familiarize you with the backgrounds, motives and sometimes the personal issues of all the people involved.
To discover what the records have to say about Herod’s health issues, the total depravity of the Roman rulers, the financial interests and investments that probably motivated the Temple priests more than service to God and where the kick-back from the money-changers’ tables really went was eye-opening.
“Killing Jesus” is an enthralling and easy read for anyone. Even if you are not a follower of Jesus or perhaps you’re even a card-carrying atheist, this book will, without coercion, educate you as to what all the fuss was about concerning this one Man who lived and died in this small geographical area all those years ago.
Here we are, in modern times, tuning into the news each day to find that people all over the world are not giving up on their Messiah because of pandemic and isolation, but looking for innovative and meaningful ways to recognize on Friday, April 10th that He was, indeed, condemned to death by the highest authorities within his own religion and given over to the Roman executioners to be tortured and put to death by crucifixion. They’re looking for ways to connect, as best they can, to celebrate on Sunday, April 12th, their belief that He rose from the dead and is still alive and will return.
I hope this First Friday Freebie offers you all three:
1. A free gift you’ll enjoy.
2. An honest book review.
3. An opportunity to reflect on who Jesus was, what His life and death were really like and who the people are who follow Him.
It benefits us all to understand other people groups and their faith and traditions, so, non-believers, this will help you do that.
Parents, this book would not be appropriate for anyone who is not yet ready to be exposed to the detailed horrors of crucifixion methods or the lengths Roman emperors and their cohorts went to indulge their vile imaginations, even at the expense of innocent children.
If you’d like to win this free copy of “Killing Jesus”, you’ll need to comment on this post, saying, “Send me the book right away!” You’ll need to do that now, because the deadline for entering the drawing is midnight tonight, April 3rd.
The winner will be chosen at random from those who comment as directed and this month, we will do that as quickly as possible so that I can get this book into your hands during the coming Holy Week time of reflection.
For the complete Freebie rules, please click here. Winners are notified using the email they used to subscribe, so be checking that in the coming days to see if you’ve won.
Each month, there’s a new Freebie – SUBSCRIBE so that you don’t miss out!
Why not SHARE this post through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or send the link in an email to all your friends who might like to enter to win?
Midwest Storyteller’s previous freebies can be found on my “Freebies” page. Take a look. You’ll get an idea of the greatgifts subscribers can win!
REMEMBER: A winner will be chosen at random from those subscribers who enter before midnight tonight by leaving a comment which says, “Send me the book right away!”
Three simple steps – Subscribe, comment as directed and check your email!
Now hurry! Go! Go! Go! Subscribe if you haven’t already, confirm and comment to enter before midnight tonight, April 3rd!
Send me tha book right away!
Send me the book right away!
Send me the book right away!
Send me the book right away!
Send me the book right away!
Send me the book right away.
“Send me the book right away!”
Send me the book right away.
“Send me the book right away!”
Send me the book right away!