B. L. Thoma is an award winning author, capturing readers with her original, fun, historical romances as well as short stories and non-fiction. With a background in homeschooling and youth theater, she’s written plays and a children’s book as well. She lives in the heart of the Midwest, just a hop, skip and a jump from where she was born and raised, enjoying life with her family and her chatty cat. She shares her passion here for books, healthy living, creativity and laughter. It’s been said that success is attained when a person is unable to tell whether they are working or playing. That’s what happens when she writes!
If you’re wondering who “Smuffy” is, he’s not the dog – he’s her husband – has been for decades now. His mother didn’t name him Smuffy. That would be downright silly. Because he has to hold his head up around town, and because there are some tales told he might prefer to distance himself from, he goes by Smuffy here. The chatty cat, Phoebe June, sees no need for an alias as she hasn’t done anything yet that’s caused her an ounce of embarrassment.
As Christians, the author and her husband and believe that their main calling is to love others as Christ loves us. While she may write about many of her interests on this blog, those things don’t define her. He does.
What one thing do I want to do most often in life? LAUGH! I hope you’ll join me here for that.
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